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There are infinite versions of yourself, but no one negates the others, and each is connected with the others, and aids and supports them. There are other quite legitimate numerical systems that you do not follow. There are other kinds of psychological organizations also. In those terms Ruburt has learned, or rather Ruburt is learning, to alternate a series — to bring information from one [neurological series] to another, so to speak.
(Pause at 11:20.) Experiencing that kind of series could lead to entirely different kinds of perception, in which infinities (pause) existed (pause) within a scale of its own. (In parentheses: The series would have its own kind of infinities.)
A tree could be wired with lights, with each one having its own particular series [of waves]. The people who put up the tree might experience one Christmas Eve, while other consciousnesses, tuned in to the different series, could experience endless generations13 — and their perceptions would be quite as legitimate as those of the light-watchers who had erected the tree.
(Jane and I were inside “our” hill house for only the second time this afternoon. Again we were accompanied by a real estate agent; because of insurance regulations we’re not allowed to have a key to the place yet, although we’ve been told that this dilemma will be resolved very soon. In the meantime I’ve begun what seems to be an awesome task: packing many of our possessions into an endless series of cartons that had once held things like wine, mayonnaise, cereal, pipe fittings, and so forth.
A certain portion of physical growth, in terms of a series of physical moments, is therefore necessary for value fulfillment to show itself within a physical organism. Within the dream field and within many other systems, this series of moments is unknown. Development comes not from a series of actions strung out along a single line, one before the other in lengthwise fashion. [...]
But these developments, nevertheless, are the results of actions that occur in many perspectives at once, and not developments that occur as within the physical system, through actions that happen in a series seemingly strung out moment after moment.
[...] The particular point, in one manner, is being pursued by you in such a slow fashion that it appears to be a series of happenings strung out in a thread of continuity. [...]
This is in itself, you see, a form of value fulfillment, since you are perceiving one simultaneous action as if it were a series of separate actions. [...]
When you seemingly look backward into time, and construct a history, you do so by projecting your own prime series of events into the past as it is understood. [...] You accept certain data — your present recognized series of events — then use that series as a measuring stick, so to speak: It automatically rejects what does not fit. [...]
Dictation (quietly and humorously): The unknown reality appears [to be] invisible only because you do not accept it in your prime series of events. [...]
[...] The self as you think of it is literally reborn in each instant, following an infinite number of events from the one official series of events that you recognize at any given “time.”
You follow the prime series of events that you recognize as your own, yet all of you are connected. [...]
[...] Others have a series of female lives and then a series of male lives, or vice versa, but the entire reincarnational framework must involve both sexual experiences.
[...] As mentioned earlier, many personalities adopt different kinds of experiences, focusing upon development in certain specific areas, and ignoring others perhaps for a series of lives.
[...] Some personalities want to solve their strongest problems and get them over with, perhaps in a series of rather trying existences and exaggerated circumstances.
[...] For weeks after her admittance in April, I didn’t know if Jane would ever do any “psychic” work again, but three months later she surprised me by beginning a series of dialogues similar to the “world-view” material she’d produced for her books on the psychologist and philosopher William James, and the artist Paul Cézanne. [...] She concluded it in September 1983, then over the next four months delivered a series of 71 mostly short, mostly personal Seth sessions. She finished that series on January 2, 1984 — and began The Way Toward Health the next day.
The comical series of events involving Floyd, one of his sons, and another helper had started this noon: “Hell, Rob, it’s a coon!” a surprised Floyd called down to me from the roof of the house, after the beam from his flashlight had illuminated the black mask across the animal’s face and made its eyes shine as it crouched at the base of the fireplace chimney. [...]
The same alterations apply of course for fortunate events, which may be experienced through full physical expression, or through a series of manifestations that might also involve social or economic happenings, or the occurrence of splendid weather conditions, dash—the insertion of excellent, almost perfect summerlike days, or whatever. [...]
If man paid more attention to his own subjective behavior, to those feelings of identification with nature that persistently arise, then half of the dictates of both the evolutionists and the creationists would automatically fall away, for they would appear nonsensical.4 It is not a matter of outlining a whole new series of methods that will allow you to increase your psychic abilities, or to remember your dreams, or to perform out-of-body gymnastics. [...]
[...] An earlier particular fear felt during the day involving, say, a loss of a job may then be translated when you close your eyes into a series of seemingly unrelated symbols, all however connected to that one fear.
You may see in a quick series of pictures a deep hole in the ground. [...]
[...] In the most important dream work, done in the deep protected sleep periods, the symbols are powerful enough and yet condensed enough so that they can be broken down, used in a series of seemingly unrelated dreams as connectives, retain their original strength and still appear in different guises, becoming in each succeeding dream layer more and more specific.
The number impression again, the series of numbers, perhaps with two initials. [...]
(“A series of numbers, and an indication of the passage of time.” [...]
[...] I wrote the date at the top of the object with a ballpoint pen containing blue ink—the same pen used to duplicate this series of numbers on the copy of the object included with this session. [...]
Your physicists know that time does not exist, basically, as a series of moments, one following the other. Therefore my earlier remark that physical reality was not dependent upon time as a series of moments should be obvious. [...]
[...] And physical reality, believe it or not, is not dependent upon the theory of time as a series of moments.
Your institutions, both cultural and educational, may be dependent upon time as a series of moments, but physical reality itself is not.
[...] For since you are operating still within time as a series of moments, we do not have time for that discussion now.
[...] Originally I’d planned to write the standard kind of introduction for Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment. However, as I became involved in describing the complicated, emotionally charged series of events surrounding the hospitalization earlier this year of my wife, Jane Roberts, the material automatically began organizing itself into a series of dated essays. [...]
[...] One day in April, 1973, she had a fine series of encounters with massiveness, many of them embodying those extra qualities; see her own account of the whole adventure in the notes for the 653rd session in Chapter 13 of Personal Reality.
(So Jane experienced a modest series of unusual psychic events before the sessions themselves began; some details on these have been given in earlier notes. [...]
[...] In a long series of dreams, over a three-year period, I foresaw the answers to my letters and inquiries.
[...] In a series of dreams, I also knew that the unused portions of the original dream manuscript would appear in another book — and they are — in this book you are now reading.
That series of dreams was important to me, for each of them gave me additional information about a project in which I had the highest emotional interest, and they cut down the waiting period involved in normal communication.
It would be necessary to take your temperature many times during the night and to correlate the findings with the levels of the subconscious as they showed themselves within the dream series. [...]