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TES4 Session 154 May 12, 1965 automobile perceived sound system sniffed

(Yesterday, deliberately, I mentioned to Jane that Seth had not given us any more material on the inner senses for many sessions. What I meant of course was that he had not catalogued the later material under the various inner senses, as he had originally designated them. [...] Checking the various categories of material against the original list of the inner senses, it was usually easy to see where the two fit together.

[...] We are heading here indeed, slowly but surely, toward a thorough discussion of the inner senses, which could not be given until you had a good background in the nature of action itself. For you should be able to see now that the inner senses allow a more faithful perception of basic reality than the outer senses could ever give.

[...] Many animals for example literally see through the sense of smell. They quite literally perceive what you would call the sight of another animal, through the use of the sense of smell.

TES1 Session 42 April 8, 1964 plane camouflage expanding universe inexperienced

It is however one of the most basic, and without it at least two inner senses would be extremely hampered. [...] When we are finally finished with our skeleton outline on the inner senses, then I will go into those that are the most important, basic and necessary. I have not given the inner senses to you in the order of their importance, but merely in the order that would be the simplest for you to understand.

[...] When the conscious ego desires information, and when the outer ego is in full control, then the information is sought from the outer senses. When the outer ego is caught unawares and information is requested, the subconscious often delivers it through the use of the inner senses. [...]

[...] I can sense a lack of confidence on Ruburt’s part when he senses any disturbance as far as you are concerned. [...]

TES2 Session 43 April 13, 1964 camouflage transportation space disentanglement expansion

[...] We shall call the eighth inner sense the sense of disentanglement; and it is one of the most basic inner senses. [...]

[...] This, she believes, is the eighth inner sense, making possible transportation and levitation; Seth has briefly referred to these two being dependent upon another inner sense.

Even as Ruburt looks out the window, seemingly through empty space at the street, the so-called space simply is not empty, though through the specialized camouflage senses it may appear to be empty. Your outer senses merely equip you to perceive your own camouflage, but to others your camouflage may in some cases appear as empty space, while what is empty to you is filled with activity for them.

NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 812, October 1, 1977 paranoid Paranoia misinterpretation shared Peter

Now give us a moment… As creatures dwelling in time and space, your senses provide you with highly specific data, and with a cohesive-enough physical reality. [...] It is up to the conscious mind to interpret sense events as clearly and concisely as possible. [...] But when you are confused or upset, it is an excellent idea to return your attention to the natural world as it appears at any given moment — to sense its effect upon you as separate from your own projections.

[...] Yet there is also a meeting ground of more or less shared physical encounters, a sense plateau that offers firm-enough footing for the agreement of a mass-shared world. With most mental aberrations, you are dealing with people whose private symbols are so heavily thrust over prime sense data that even those data sometimes become almost invisible. [...]

[...] Yet if you are in the Northeast in the wintertime, you had better be experiencing a physical winter (humorously), or you are far divorced from primary sense data.

TES1 Session 41 April 6, 1964 spacious camouflage plane Willy quantitative

Such effects as levitation and teleportation, however, are qualities belonging to our next inner sense, which involves a momentary or temporary breaking up of certain camouflage patterns. This particular sense, which I hope to discuss at our next session, is not however the only inner sense that is concerned with what you are pleased to call transportation. It merely involves one of the simpler methods, but there are others belonging to other inner senses which you are not prepared as yet to understand.

The nature of basic reality is known according to the degree to which it is directly experienced, and it can only be directly experienced through the use of the inner senses. The inner senses are of course utilized on your plane, as on any other, constantly. [...] And without the unconscious and constant use of the inner senses you could not even construct your precious camouflage patterned universe.

We have not completed by any means our outline on the inner senses. When we have then some of this material will make more sense to you. Some data on the inner senses has to be withheld until you receive connecting information.

TSM Chapter Nineteen: Psychological Time dials trivia peeping Psy flip

Actually, in practice, Psychological Time leads to development of the other Inner Senses. [...] Turn off your physical senses. [...] Then imagine that the Inner Senses have another set of dials. [...]

[...] This sense leads to refreshment, relaxation, and peace. [...] Most of my students now utilize this sense quite well, and use it as a preliminary to other experiences.

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 9 clock sensation Miss Rob twenty

This is closely related to the second inner sense, and it is upon psychological time that you must try to transpose your inner visions. [...] For instance, when I tell you that the second inner sense is like your sense of time, this does give you some understanding of what psychological time is like, but you are apt to compare the two too closely.

[...] The inner senses are not accustomed to operating so freely, and this sometimes upsets the all-present ego. Usually in our sessions, one inner sense is in strong operation. [...]

[...] He began to go into the inner senses more thoroughly and Rob really pricked up his ears, hoping that Seth would mention his three recent experiences. Were they the results of his fumbling attempts to use the inner senses?

TES1 Session 18 January 22, 1964 tree bark Burrell Miami Mr

They deal with finer distinctions than you know now, being somewhat of the nature of your body’s ability to sense another person’s aggression. As your body senses temperature changes so it also senses the psychic charge not only of other human beings but also, believe it or not, of animals, and to a lesser extent it senses the psychic charge of plants and vegetative matter. Your tree builds up a composite of sensations of this sort, sensing not the physical dimensions of a material object, whatever it is, but the vital psychic formation within and about it.

Size however is sensed by a tree, perhaps because of its inherent concern with height. The table around which Ruburt now walks senses Ruburt even as Ruburt senses the table. At a later date I intend to go quite intensively into the means by which other fragments sense each other, and man. [...]

In some fragments such as much plant life and vegetative life there is strong use of certain inner senses. [...] Other types of life, including your own, rely on the recognized outer senses. The ideal of course is a consciousness that is adept at using both the inner and outer senses fully.

TES2 Session 55 May 20, 1964 molecules psychio outer expand arbitrary

The physical structure alone is simply not divided from other structures in the manner which you perceive it to be through use of the outer senses. The outer senses are usually considered mainly as perceptive organs, enabling you to experience reality as it is. My dear friends, I have been waiting to tell you for some time that in a very true sense, the outer senses can be regarded as inhibitors.

Using the outer senses, you are more or less forced to conceive idea groups only within the scope of perceptions received by the outer senses. It is true that use of the outer senses, and full joyful use, is necessary on your plane. [...]

It is as if you were sent into some strange and fascinating meadow, and given only the sense of sight. Imagine what you would miss: the odor of the fresh earth, the sounds, the touch of earth beneath your feet, of sun upon your back; using only the sense of smell, you would also be severely limited.

TES9 Jane’s Impressions for the Crossons May 20, 1969 twin orator academy battling brother

[...] The twin who was in the military found his sense of identity as a soldier within the system, but he had great faith in the system... [...] and at that time you envied him that security and that sense of identity within the system in which he believed. [...] but also at the same time you wanted the sense of security that you felt the other brother had... [...]

[...] This would be his name, not the other twin; that is because he had this telepathic communication with his twin, he has this sense of wanting unity within himself very strongly, at the same time a sense of being divided. [...]

TES1 Session 14 January 8, 1964 solidified plane counteraction board cup

Perception of beauty through the senses is the trigger on your plane for subsequent inner perceptions. The two are so closely bound, through music for example, which can only be appreciated through the senses. Psychic actions take place which lead the individual beyond the senses. [...] There is a phrase which I will explain at a later date—inner senses—which you will find extremely interesting. By this I mean senses within the senses. I would use behind the senses but I believe this would lead to confusion.

[...] Therefore within your senses there are other senses that perceive inward. Your regular senses perceive, or as Jane would like to say create, an outer world. The senses within them, that is within the recognizable senses, perceive and create an inner world, they perceive part of an inner world. [...] However as your regular senses are limited according to the plane which you inhabit—in your case dear friends on your plane extremely limited, I’m afraid—so are the corresponding inner senses limited.

[...] Jane sensed her grandfather’s feeling of identification with the rest of nature however, and since she had not yet developed a strong ego personality as a young child she felt no sense of rejection as did, for example, the other members of the family. [...]

ECS1 Impressions (For Jack and Mabel Cross) May 20, 1969 (By Jane Roberts) twin orator academy battling brother

You had a brief life as twins—some definite clear-cut divisions within yourself, have to do with this life when you were one of two—one going one way, and one going the other—one twin had a strong leaning toward military things—a soldier—the organization of the church now serves the same purpose, I believe—security within the organization—the twin who was in the military found his sense of identity as a soldier within the system, but he had great faith in the system—in what he was doing—the other twin was more given to a statesman-like sort of thing—and was in fact an orator, although he had another profession—it included oration to people—the two of you had a very strong telepathic relationship—and this time the church has provided the same kind of organization—you sort of resented the fact that this twin brother of yours had this organization in which he found support and in which he felt so a part because he was absolutely certain of the aims and goals of the organization and he was a good soldier within it—and at that time you envied him that security and that sense of identity within the system in which he believed. This time the orator part of you is still strong in that you want to teach and like to talk and to discuss issues—but also at the same time you wanted the sense of security that you felt the other brother had—also you picked up his desire to go to battle for, only in this case you are using battle for ideas that you are struggling for. [...]

Greek name—Ostinatious—I am getting also 12 BC—this would be his name, not the other twin, that is because he had this telepathic communication with his twin, he has this sense of wanting unity within himself very strongly, at the same time a sense of being divided. [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 8 breathes Rob dishes Who admit

[...] A woman’s slumber is, after all, a private and sacred thing. Seth said this with a dry sense of humor, then added, See how prim that last sentence would sound without the lively inflection I managed to give to Ruburt’s voice? In any case, the inner senses were wide open as she went to sleep. [...]

Then, just as Rob was about to ask how we could really perceive the inner realities, Seth began to discuss the second inner sense, giving us a valuable tool for our subjective dissections. We later discovered, of course, the “inner senses” and “psychological time” had been discussed under different names in many ancient manuscripts. [...]

[...] It is, however, a connective, a portion of the inner senses which we will call, for convenience, the second inner senseIt is a natural pathway, meant to give easy access from the inner to the outer world and back again.

DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 886, December 3, 1979 divine Zeus flat Zoroaster homogeneity

The physical senses are the extensions of inner senses 3 that are, in one way or another, a part of each physical species regardless of its degree. The inner senses provide all species with an inner method of communication. The c-e-l-l-s (spelled out), then, possess inner senses.

[...] God, or All That Is, is in the deepest sense completed, and yet uncompleted. [...] In a sense, however (underlined), a creative product, say, helps complete an artist, while of course the artist can never be completed. [...] We must be very careful here, for delusions of divinity come sometimes too easily, but in a basic sense you all carry within yourselves the undeniable mark of All That Is—and an inbuilt capacity—capacity—to glimpse in your own terms undeniable evidence of your own greater existence. [...]

[...] I use the term “conscious mind” as you define it, for you allow it to accept as evidence only those physical data available for the five senses—while the five senses, of course, represent only a relatively flat2 view of reality, that deals with the most apparent surface.

TES3 Session 130 February 8, 1965 semitrance brisk efficient transition outer

This involves efficient, complete use of the outer senses in their perception of camouflage reality, and of joyful, effective behavior and manipulation within that field of camouflage in which you spend a certain level of your existence. [...] And then the switch to use of the inner senses. [...]

The inner senses therefore should also be used as fully as the outer senses. [...]

The outer senses are dulled, but the inner senses have not yet been turned on. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session April 9, 1980 spider artist web esthetic acclaim

[...] The natural man, the natural person, knows that art provides its own sense of creative power. [...] They may have seen circles or triangles countless times, but the first drawn circle is always original to the drawer, and always brings a sense of power. [...]

[...] There is always a kind of artistic dissatisfaction that any artist feels, any true artist, with work that is completed—for the true artist is always aware of the difference between the sensed ideal and its created actualization—but that is the dimension in which the artist has his being (intently). That is the atmosphere in which his mental and physical work is done, for he always feels the tug and pull, and the tension, between the sensed ideal and its manifestation. [...]

Art is not a specifically human endeavor, though man likes to believe that this is so, and no scientist is going to grant a spider or a bee any sense of esthetic appreciation, certainly, so what you have is art in its human manifestations, and art is above all a natural characteristic. [...]

TES5 Session 202 October 27, 1965 astral gallery seesaw tassel exhibition

[...] Regard the inner senses in connection with the nature of action and electromagnetic reality, for the perceptions of the inner senses are themselves action, and as such they change both the perceiver and the thing perceived. [...]

I would like to discuss the inner senses in connection with some of the other material that you have been given more recently.

[...] As you know, the inner senses belong to that part of human personality that is not physically materialized. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, February 29, 1968 Lillian dependent disintegrate joy taught

I have come for one purpose, so that you could sense my vitality and sensing this, know that I speak to you from dimensions beyond those with which you are acquainted. [...]

[...] You sense something of which you have not been told. [...]

There are realities and dimensions which you sense, and you are correct. [...]

TSM Chapter Nineteen: Expansion or Contraction of the Tissue Capsule capsule tissue lighter elephantiasis widening

“This sense operates in two ways. [...]

[...] The seventh Inner Sense allows for an expansion or contraction of this tissue capsule.”

Rob and I have had some experience using this Inner Sense. [...]

TSM Chapter Four voice counteraction Rob parapsychologist hoarseness

[...] Therefore, within your senses there are other senses that perceive inward. Your regular senses perceive an outer world. The senses within the recognizable senses perceive and create an inner world … once you exist on a particular plane you must necessarily be attuned to it while blocking out many other perceptions. [...] As your ability grows in relation to the environment then you can afford to look around, use the Inner Senses, and enlarge your scope of activity. [...]

[...] Then he launched into his first discussion of the Inner Senses, a subject which was entirely new to us. [...]

[...] After the initial discussion of the Inner Senses, Seth said, “I did not intend to make you work so hard this evening, Joseph. [...]

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