Results 41 to 60 of 287 for stemmed:sensat
(After this, I experienced a somewhat different version of my thrilling sensation, in my arms from the elbows down, including the hands, and in my legs from the knees down, including the feet. [...] It was similar to a tight or squeezing sensation, and definite enough so there was no doubt as to its existence.
[...] 7/17, 9:00 PM: Halfway through achieving the desired state, I began to get the familiar thrilling sensation in my hands. [...]
(Then the sensation in my hands changed. [...]
(Then something new: I had a brief rippling sensation down the center of my chest, as though once again I was trying to lift out of myself. [...]
[...] Uneven in sensation, never violent. Also sensation of circular motion inside closed eyelids. [...]
(November 2, Monday, 5 PM: Varied sensations upon lying down for a nap. [...] I had my sensation and heard vague voices.)
[...] As I saw the first head my sensation swept over me quite strongly, and continued for some little while.
[...] There are varying physical sensations, sometimes of growing large, sometimes of falling. Both sensations are characteristic of moments in which you almost catch yourself, almost become aware of this undifferentiated area, and then translate some of its experiences into physical terms. The sensation of largeness, for example, is a physical interpretation of the psychic expansion. [...]
(While trying psychological time on Wednesday, September 9, 8:15 PM, I had, after reaching a pleasant state, the rather strange sensation of having my legs pulled or stretched, as though some force was trying to elongate them. I felt rather strongly a sensation of gripping on the inside of each ankle, coupled with a downward pull, or stretching. It had some duration also; I had plenty of time to lightly explore the sensation.
[...] And as I watched it strike the ground, I felt a wave of sensation sweep over me, the rich tingling, the feeling of perhaps an inner wind that I described first in the 24th session. [...]
(“What was the sensation I felt when the tree fell?”)
The sensation represented the twang of the inner senses as they registered the basic tree value. [...]
[...] You remember, Joseph, the rather frightening sensation you felt during one instance of your use of one inner sense, when you translated inner data into the almost nightmare picture of open mouths that could not scream. [...]
[...] Eyes felt softer, etc., Then we went to take Billy to the vet’s; on the way my eyes did funny things; odd sensations involving balance I think—both of these in the car; I asked for help from “divine parent of my being,” and repeated the suggestions Seth gave me; trying not to be worried. [...]
(This state is one of thrilling or tingling, or of a singing sensation, that can either suffuse the whole body, or perhaps locate itself in one side of the body or in one limb. [...] We have been aware of its relation to sound, since we soon learned while in the state that any sound, be it of running water somewhere in the house, or a robin’s call, would momentarily impart an upsurge to the sensation within the body. [...]
(For some material on this sensation on Jane’s part, see the 39th and 50th sessions in Volumes 1 and 2, and the attached notes. [...]
[...] They are bound to cause certain sensations, unfamiliar feelings, unsynchronized motions. If the process were slower, of course, you might not notice the sensations.
To be an overnight financial sensation, however, would present a reality that does not fit into your joint plans and purposes. This does not mean there is anything wrong with such an overnight sensation. [...]
[...] The sensation lasted for some few minutes, much long enough to be sure of verification. It became quite diversified then, and once again I had the peculiar sensation of being in existence upon two levels at once. I have experienced this sensation a few times before, but not in just this manner. [...]
(While this sensation was developing, I heard many scattered indefinite sounds, music and voices, and had some exceedingly brief flashes of people in various postures, all too vague to identify.
[...] 8/1, 9 PM: I experienced my familiar thrilling sensation in a mild but definite way before and immediately upon lying down. [...] The feeling varied in intensity at times, and along with it I had the thrilling sensation in various limbs.
[...] On Tuesday, 7/28, I missed trying; on Wed., 7/29, 8:15 PM, I had a mild sensation in both my hands and feet, and a slight feeling of both categories being on a somewhat higher level than the rest of my body.
[...] They also feel an eager desire to learn all they can about their own physical sensations and capabilities.
[...] Even at an early age, children joyfully explore all of the possibilities of all sensations possible within their framework — pain as well as joy, frustration as well as satisfaction, and all the while their awareness is propelled by curiosity, wonder, and joy.
(At 6:30, and for the next hour or so, I noticed many small instances of my familiar tingling or thrilling sensation; it finally localized in back of my ears.