12 results for stemmed:seminar
It is extremely difficult to pinpoint an answer. For you the seminars are run by a self belonging to you that you do not yet know or recognize. For others the seminars are run by selves they do not yet recognize and yet the seminar is run by one and not many.
Give me a moment on your seminar. We are not precisely in the same class, you see. There is nothing there in your seminar that is not here now and that is not wherever you are. This does not mean that that which is, is readily accessible. It is there for the taking, but you must learn how to take it; for if you try to take it, you lose it, you see.
I am speaking now for your convenience simply. There are four cornerstone personalities involved in your seminar. Now three of these personalities are yours: one is not yours. One is not “yours" in your terms as of this time. When you look up and recognize, you will accept that which you do not now recognize as yourself, as yourself. If you looked up now, you would not recognize the self that you will recognize. Because the Spacious Present exists as it is, the recognition has already been made. You have not yet caught up with it, you see. You are slowpokes. My friend Ruburt in many respects is also a slowpoke. The environment is not where you think it is. I refer to these seminars. The voice that does not “speak" in your terms is yours, but the instructor is not yourself as you know yourself. It is a self you do not as yet know in your terms.
Now I speak from several layers, though the word “speak" is a poor one, I turn myself, you see, into steps down which I walk and the steps represent what you would term personality fragments, though the term is distortive. I speak on a level that you can all understand. I have been to your seminar—not your seminar—but ones much like them in what you would term the past. I attend my own and I give my own. I am broken up into highly energized personality fragments of my own accord, you see. The breaking up itself is an illusion. Those who wish to learn will be found by others like me—individualized and equipped because of their own internal structures to communicate and to receive communications from them. You must have your own circuit through.
(As stated, the title was A Seminar on Poverty. [...] The seminar concerned the literal survival of these individuals, and methods of raising their standard of living. [...]
(Peggy said that at the seminar many thousands of people were mentioned at different times. [...] 14,000 people of course did not attend the seminar.)
[...] At the seminar Peggy was surprised to hear the name of Secretary of Defense McNamara brought up rather strongly in connection with Sargent Shriver and the poverty program. [...] Peggy said the point was hammered at more than once during the seminar.)
[...] During December 6 to 9 the paper sent her to Washington, DC to attend A Seminar on Poverty, conducted by the Office of Economic Opportunity which is headed by R. Sargent Shriver.
While these people may sometimes be quite original in their particular field and interest, they are still used to dealing with others, through various means that are established—workshops, seminars, and so forth. [...]
(10:29.) The symptoms also served later to provide you both with a sense of separation from the world, a reason for not doing what you thought you should do in conventional terms: go out and spread the word, become television people, or lead groups, or give seminars—all things that largely went against the private portions of your nature, though otherwise you were both equipped to do so.