5 results for stemmed:sedat

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 15, 1971 Ellen Florence Alpha Joel sedate

Now this is a big occasion for our friend, Ruburt, since his writing desk and all his materials are now in the other room. And as I always do to show not only guests and seeming strangers the nature of vitality but always to impress it as deeply as possible into your knowledge, then let me again remind you that this vitality is your own; that life, physical or nonphysical, is a full vitality that it is not necessarily quiet, that it is not necessarily sedate, and though my voice does not ring with the innocent chatter of children, that that same vitality that fills them fills me and fills each of you. That as you hear it here, feel it within yourselves. Let it rise. Life is not quiet, it is not sedate. All That Is is not some long-haired gentleman with a saintly face. And the soul that each of you believe in is not some quiet distant note far divorced from your own reality. It is a pulse that beats within you and the pupil of your eye and the big toe of your foot and your elbow. It is not necessarily adult. It is not necessarily dignified. It is the force that gives you all life and do not restrain it.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 13: Session 650, March 22, 1973 senility hemisphere diagram wealthy picturesque

[...] For much of that time he had been under varying degrees of sedation. [...]

TPS5 Jane’s Notes & Deleted Session April 24, 1979 relaxation looser vacation floppy overview

[...] Your body was activated so that it was naturally sedated. [...]

TES2 Session 51 May 6, 1964 cooperation molecules atoms siren condensed

[...] She resumed dictation in her rather sedate manner at 9:30.)

TES4 Session 158 May 30, 1965 Trainor voice features badger indeed

[...] This manner was far different than our usual quiet, almost sedate sessions. [...]