Results 1 to 20 of 208 for stemmed:secur

TES9 Jane’s Impressions for the Crossons May 20, 1969 twin orator academy battling brother

(You had a brief life as twins... Some definite clear-cut divisions within yourself have to do with this life when you were one of two... one going one way, and one the other... One twin had a strong leaning toward military things... a soldier... The organization of the church now serves the same purpose I believe.... security within the organization... The twin who was in the military found his sense of identity as a soldier within the system, but he had great faith in the system... in what he was doing... The other twin was more given to a statesmanlike sort of thing... and was in fact an orator although he had another profession...It included oration to people... The two of you had a very strong telepathic relationship... and this time the church has provided the same kind of organization... You sort of resented the fact that this twin brother of yours had this organization in which he found support and in which he felt so a part because he was absolutely certain of the aims and goals of the organization and he was a good soldier within it... and at that time you envied him that security and that sense of identity within the system in which he believed. This time the orator part of you is still strong in that you want to teach and like to talk and to discuss issues... but also at the same time you wanted the sense of security that you felt the other brother had... Also you picked up his desire to go to battle for, only in this case you are using battle for ideas that you are struggling for. The other brother was battling for what the organization wanted, and served the organization well... You are now battling the things the organization wants and you feel the division... This division is bringing up memories subconsciously, in this past life where there was this division between you and your brother.

(Greek name... Ostinatious... I am getting also 12 B.C.... This would be his name, not the other twin; that is because he had this telepathic communication with his twin, he has this sense of wanting unity within himself very strongly, at the same time a sense of being divided. A strong inclination to go ahead independently with his ideas, balanced by the desire to find security within the system, and the fear to leave it. His intellectual freedom, he feels, exists only so long as it is cushioned by the feeling of security of the organization... and if he cut loose he would be too panic-stricken to be an independent thinker leading to a dilemma...which you reached just after 30 in this life.... You, Muriel, were the twin brother.) [Typed by WL.]

ECS1 Impressions (For Jack and Mabel Cross) May 20, 1969 (By Jane Roberts) twin orator academy battling brother

You had a brief life as twins—some definite clear-cut divisions within yourself, have to do with this life when you were one of two—one going one way, and one going the other—one twin had a strong leaning toward military things—a soldier—the organization of the church now serves the same purpose, I believe—security within the organization—the twin who was in the military found his sense of identity as a soldier within the system, but he had great faith in the system—in what he was doing—the other twin was more given to a statesman-like sort of thing—and was in fact an orator, although he had another profession—it included oration to people—the two of you had a very strong telepathic relationship—and this time the church has provided the same kind of organization—you sort of resented the fact that this twin brother of yours had this organization in which he found support and in which he felt so a part because he was absolutely certain of the aims and goals of the organization and he was a good soldier within it—and at that time you envied him that security and that sense of identity within the system in which he believed. This time the orator part of you is still strong in that you want to teach and like to talk and to discuss issues—but also at the same time you wanted the sense of security that you felt the other brother had—also you picked up his desire to go to battle for, only in this case you are using battle for ideas that you are struggling for. [...]

[...] A strong inclination to go ahead independently with his ideas, balanced by the desire to find security within the system, and the fear to leave it. His intellectual freedom, he feels, exists only so long as it is cushioned by the feeling of security of the organization—and if he cut loose he would be too panic-stricken to be an independent thinker, leading to a dilemma which you reached just after 30 in this life. [...]

TES9 ESP Class June 3, 1969 Tom health wl secure VMcC

When you are certain that you feel at least reasonably secure, where you are, then we shall take you to where you are not and you will find yourself. [...] You must start with, you see, a balance and a degree of security.... [...] And if you travel too quickly and too far, you will not have confidence, for in the back of your mind you will think: if I do not feel secure in physical reality, then why should I feel secure here... [...]

[...] and the impetus is this: you must not journey into inner reality until you feel secure in physical reality.... for you cannot live in two worlds at once unless you are secure in one. [...] But you must have something secure to hang onto. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, June 3, 1969 Theodore health Brad secure vocational

When you are certain that you feel at least reasonably secure, where you are, then we shall take you to where you are not and you will find yourself. [...] You must start with, you see, a balance and a degree of security—you must start with confidence. [...] For in the back of your mind you will think: If I do not feel secure in physical reality, then why should I feel secure here—and you will not have the daring that is necessary, nor will you have the peace of mind—and the peace of mind is the key to the door. [...] solve your problems and triumph over your challenges—and the impetus is this: You must not journey into inner reality until you feel secure in physical reality—for you cannot live in two worlds at once unless you are secure in one. [...] But you must have something secure to hang on to. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session May 31, 1978 edifice steal security walking protect

The millionaire checks all of the locks, perhaps, or has the bank president show him the latest security measures that are being taken—and to some degree, now, Ruburt, and you to a lesser degree, have checked Ruburt’s security system. Was it secure enough to keep you from accepting invitations, to allow you to avoid distractions, or emotional complications that might arise from any considerable contact with others in, say, “professional terms?” Ruburt built the edifice, but you looked on, for though you disliked the building blocks, say, the symptoms—you thought until very lately that it did serve its purpose very well.

[...] Not trusting that, however, or understanding this, Ruburt constructed a security system of his own, and with the best of misguided intentions.

[...] Such abilities must have freedom, and insist upon it, and so the security system itself always felt in jeopardy. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 8, 1978 taxes complacency contemptuous Edgecomb alike

[...] One part of him loathes the idea of security. [...] This was the time of caution and danger, when a man could retire, settle for security, give in to complacency—or even become a gentleman farmer—as he was at times tempted to do (with amusement).

[...] Yet financial security is important to both of you, because it allows you the freedom to create as you choose, and to follow this path. [...]

Let us change our viewpoint, and consider someone who thinks of financial security as a threat—or rather, believes that overall it is damaging to initiative. [...]

TPS3 Session 701 (Deleted Portion) June 3, 1974 teeth tooth Teleprompter dentist filmed

[...] You use that area to give you, in your own fashion, a feeling of security: there you are relating in old ways, not only getting your checkups as you should, but seeing the dentist as more than that. [...]

[...] Then, and shortly, they will become quite secure in their sockets. [...]

[...] He was also correct about my going to the dentist for security reasons, etc. [...]

TES9 Session 485 June 2, 1969 rent landlady raised Leonard resentment

[...] She will discover that without inner security money is no security, and she will discover this without your resentment to help her.

[...] Her houses represent security to her.

[...] Money does mean security to her. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 21, 1977 faith trembling motor relaxation capillaries

[...] I want to point out the efficiency of faith when you feel it, so take advantage of those moments when you feel faith strong in yourself, for at such times you connect with Framework 2 most securely.

Your doubts and fears have their effect, but they do not connect with Framework 2 as securely as faith does, for they do not fit in with the overall, curious and open, courageous elements characteristic of Framework 2’s activities. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session July 4, 1981 bondings matrix safety bindings abandonment

(Long pause at 8:15.) With some people (long pause), such bindings are so secure that in one way or another they provide an overall, fairly permanent inner and outer framework. [...] The bonding did not secure him that important and vital sense of safety, and to some extent or another he felt at least threatened by abandonment. [...]

[...] This offers the sense of safety and security in which the youngster can then feel free and curious enough to explore its world and the nature of reality. [...]

Now Ruburt had only one parent available most of the time (long pause), and he did not feel secure in that relationship—a situation chosen ahead of time, now. [...]

ECS1 January 14, 1969, Tuesday Conversation Between Rachel and Ruburt Rachel wheat unfriendly group leave

(Ruburt:) “Rachel, if you stay in that circle it is false security.”

(Ruburt:) “Ijust know it’s false security to stay in the group.”

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 11, 1984 disease presto sprinkler prey die

[...] Then Wednesday morning I’m scheduled to see our lawyer regarding taxes, Jane’s social security, and so on. Later this month I should apply for my own social security benefits. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session August 16, 1978 conspired knowledge search promise unneeded

[...] The sessions themselves are like a vehicle that comes from beyond your time, yet you sit secure in your time—well strapped in, so to speak.

(9:43.) You simply overdid your ideas of security and protection. [...]

TES8 Session 352 July 12, 1967 jealousy loyalty pillow smothering proclamations

[...] But secure in it, you both are free to reach into other existences. Without it you would not be tied securely enough to this earth. [...]

If he feels this is withdrawn his secure confidence is shattered and his energy dwindles. [...]

TPS1 Session 370 (Deleted) October 9, 1967 conscientious Nancy mother demand overly

Running away gave him a feeling of security, but he ran in desperation. [...]

[...] He understands your need and right to security from all this. [...]

The inner security that you attain is also a reassurance to him, for you can then be relied upon to operate with some objectivity, and he knows this. [...]

TES7 Session 329 March 25, 1967 chase Pat counterfeit Claire excitement

[...] The male is passive and of a submissive mind, and given to an obsession with overconsideration for security. He will always seek security, but he enjoys being the object of a chase of this nature.

[...] Any inner security will come from this. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 13, 1984 patient rain anger treatment fondle

[...] We talked about many things, and he’s to get back to me regarding Jane’s social security, disability payments, income, and so on. He’s also ordered a birth certificate for me from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and is to check with social security about what benefits I may be able to get while still working.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, January 26, 1971 Joel sacred Sue Molly potentials

[...] Give yourselves time so that that bridge can be a firm and secure one, before you start saying, prove to me the bridge exists. It is not that secure yet, let it grow. [...]

[...] You are unaware of these buried selves, these buried abilities, these buried creative functions and combinations, and yet in other layers of reality these come to the forefront and you allow these their play and the characteristics that you think of now so securely as your own, these are buried. [...]

[...] Instead, if the abilities are used, and used widely, you will find you will come closer together and not further apart and without the security of knowing that you are there he would not use the ability. [...]

DEaVF1 Quotations from Seth heresy quotations boon r.f.b globe

“It is a gift, a boon, an exquisite pleasure, to become physically alive on your functioning planet, couched securely within your dusk and dawn, your existence supported by the seasons and by an overall operation of spontaneous order.”

WTH Part One: Chapter 3: March 21, 1984 inferior fortify everywhere environment injustice

[...] Such ideas certainly do not foster feelings of security, health, or well-being, and they distort the nature of your physical environment.

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