Results 1 to 20 of 53 for stemmed:saint

ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 16, 1971 Kyle Bobby Joel blessings saintly

Forget body language, you will not be using it all the time you know. Now I have been on television and now I am to be on radio and I am to be on the movie screen and I must remember to be decorous and quiet. I shall see that my aura shows and I shall look as saintly as possible. Now, when I speak with saints then I look saintly.

(To Bobby.) And I hesitate to bring this up but our friend, here in the middle, was a Brother in an order in the 15th century in Denmark and it was a secret order that operated underground, so to speak. The personality has a great humility and a true sweetness. An inquiring mind, but also, because of past experience, can also latch upon an idea and never give it up. All the time thinking that it’s open-minded. Now I am speaking now of any given particular issue, not for example, of an entire mental life style, but beneath the humility a stubbornness; an attention to detail; a freedom of thought on the one hand, but an attention to detail having to do also, with this life when you took care of a sacristy and attended to altar veils and the placement of candles, missals and statues in specific and given places. Also, then, you were one who took care of a church calendar where each given saint had his day and for you, at that time, each day then took on the character of its saint for you believed in this implicitly. A love of fine silver and ornamentation from those days. There is some confusion here, we must break this for over here...

ECS2 ESP Class—From an Earlier Session (Note: Attached to June 23, 1970 ESP Class Session.) spirituality berate sinner dance dignity

[...] The sun falls upon your face whether you think you are a sinner or a saint. [...]

SS Appendix: ESP Class Session: Before June 23, 1970 spirituality berate sinner dance dignity

[...] The sun falls upon your face whether you think you are a sinner or a saint. [...]

TES7 Results of the Gallagher Test Session 294 October 17, 1966 statue verandah San commemoration indentation

A saint here, and a gorge. Or perhaps this is Saint George.

TPS5 Deleted Session December 2, 1978 Bryant Anita Zandt Dickie Rick

[...] I do not expect any of you to be saints. For if you were saints you would not be here. And if I were a saint I would not be here either. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session March 11, 1970 perfection hurt symptoms Jesuit whipping

Now, I did not say that you had to be a saint to be healthy, and many saints were not healthy, and this had nothing to do with merit. [...]

[...] He does not have to pay for it, by being a saint on earth; and that if this were true no man or woman alive would be in good health.

TPS6 Deleted Session July 8, 1981 dmso innocence Sinful bonding Christianity

[...] If you move from sinner to saint or saint to sinner, from Buddhism to fundamentalism of the Christian kind, or from one sect to another, seemingly with a diverse belief system, your growth and transformations are still being provided for by a religious structure.

TES7 Session 294 October 17, 1966 statue Nassau San hill galleons

[...] A saint here, and a gorge. Or perhaps this is Saint George. [...]

TES7 Session 319 February 13, 1967 canvas linen Tom glued Shop

The knees, incidentally, I can help him here: in Saint Vincent’s punishment took the form of having the child kneel straight upward, and doing so Ruburt’s knees often became sore. [...]

[...] Jane attended Saint Vincent’s, a Catholic school)

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 913, May 5, 1980 Steffans Mrs woodcuts David heroic

[...] Whether an artist painted saints or apostles as heroic figures, as ideas embodied in flesh, or as natural men, he commented on the relationship between the natural and the divine.

In a fashion, those stylized figures that stood for the images of God, apostles, saints, and so forth, were like a kind of formalized abstract form, into which the artist painted all of his emotions and all of his beliefs, all of his hopes and dissatisfactions. [...]

TMA Session Fourteen September 29, 1980 modern effortlessness psychological deranged explosive

[...] (Pause.) The saint and the sinner (pause) each had access to great depths of possible heroism or despair. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session June 21, 1978 effort promote desires impulses letting

[...] And it would take a saint to ignore that fact. [...]

TPS5 Session 853 (Deleted) May 14, 1979 feminine male creativity connotations prostitute

[...] Intellectual and psychic obedience was much the safer road, and even the saints were slightly suspect. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 569, February 24, 1971 Speakers dreamers eeg rules foods

[...] For example, conventional images of the Christian God and the saints may be utilized by the Speakers, with all of this highly vivid. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 853, May 14, 1979 feminine male creativity women marketplace

[...] Intellectual and psychic obedience was much the safer road, and even the saints were slightly suspect. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Sessions May 29, 1978 attitudes towels jeopardize soreness protect

I do not expect either of you to be saints, so certainly do not expect it of yourselves. [...]

TES7 Session 318 February 8, 1967 Muriel Zeh poetic clairvoyant subconscious

[...] Psychics were saintly, dignified, quiet, restrained. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 822, February 22, 1978 ether ego medium Framework Plato

[...] Christianity saw it as heaven, inhabited by God the Father, His angels, the saints, and [the] deceased faithful.

TPS4 Deleted Session May 10, 1978 inspired guests impulses strangers responding

[...] You own attitude could hardly be better, as far as Ruburt is concerned, since we are not looking for saintly behavior (amused). [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session August 10, 1977 ligaments distractions bodily artillery nerves

[...] You do not have to be saints or prophets. [...]

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