Results 821 to 840 of 1488 for stemmed:ruburt

TPS6 Deleted Session February 23, 1981 pk target microscopic displacement micro

[...] Ruburt should therefore try to divert his mind more. [...]

(Pause at 9:45.) The changed pattern of activity is helping Ruburt. [...]

[...] Ruburt is working through many issues now well, however I do want to mention that Framework 2 often involves such “displaced” targets, when one desired event may be blocked in one area, but a beneficial event of like consequence instead happens in an area seemingly quite divorced from it. [...]

TPS1 Session 480 (Deleted) May 7, 1969 symptoms prayer health concentrate layer

[...] Ruburt during his period should imagine feelings of exuberance, energy, and inspiration, general feelings of release and freedom. [...]

[...] But both of you are overanxious, and even you concentrate too much upon what seems to be the enormity of the difficulty, or Ruburt’s present predicament.

It is exactly what you must avoid, and what you tell Ruburt he must avoid, for it does reinforce the present condition. [...]

TES9 Session 438 September 23, 1968 Eve notime accident Helena rm

(Smile again.) The word is in your vocabulary and Ruburt’s, not mine.

[...] (Long pause.) Ruburt is coming out of his dark ages. [...]

A suggestion will be made, not by you or Ruburt, during this conversation, and it will be taken up by others. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 6, 1983 foot leg motion cigarette move

A few notes for Ruburt. [...]

[...] Ruburt’s intent was so strong to move away from the lighted cigarette that he ignored all impediments, and his unconscious mind beautifully followed his conscious mind’s intent. [...]

[...] And the healing process also happens under my auspices as well as through the auspices of Ruburt’s own personality. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session March 15, 1976 chores policy distraction refreshing agitation

Now: Ruburt’s physical agitation is excellent. [...]

[...] There at least Ruburt has been somewhat more flexible, taking advantage of the lovely dawn hours when the world is still, for quiet work.

[...] After your discussion this evening, Ruburt asked me to say what I could. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session September 20, 1978 murderers fabric victim shell Eastern

[...] A note to Ruburt: to impress that universe on a conscious level, you stress your individuality, while at the same time trying to realize that your uniqueness rises each moment from that divine psychological fabric. [...]

Writing poetry for Ruburt is excellent in that regard. [...]

It was, as I believe Ruburt has mentioned, a result of deep contemplation on your part about the bookstore murder, but in a larger context, involving probabilities, murderers, victims, and the beliefs involved.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, April 8, 1969 courage Florence Lo Brad flower

Now you are all getting it this evening, but it is long due—and it is for this reason that our friend Ruburt did not welcome me with open arms at your last class, for he knew what I was up to. [...]

I will let our friend (Ruburt) rest—but I will stay in focus—and you had all better stay in focus! [...]

I am not tired out—my friend Ruburt is not tired out. [...]

TES9 Session 505 October 13, 1969 landscape ladder thumb units rock

Because of Ruburt’s limited scientific vocabulary, this is somewhat difficult to explain. [...]

[...] Ruburt has been using his energy in his book, and I do not begrudge it.

[...] Your dream is largely explained by Ruburt’s interpretation.

TES3 Session 100 October 26, 1964 Jimmy j.j Marian thermostat Jeep

I am of the opinion that your psychological time experiences will shortly become more vivid, Joseph; and also Ruburt’s. The inner spontaneity is coming back to Ruburt, after he tried too hard during the last of the summer.

[...] I did want to mention the fact that Ruburt is doing very well with the initial chapter that will introduce our material.

Ruburt, in writing his Introduction this afternoon, used a term which is an excellent one.

UR2 Section 6: Session 742 April 16, 1975 Atlantis civilizations selfhood legend ruins

[...] Ruburt and Joseph were looking for a house. They had already seen one on the inside, as mentioned earlier in “Unknown” Reality.3 This manuscript, for that matter, was begun precisely at the point in time that Ruburt’s and Joseph’s latest adventure with probabilities began. [...] Ruburt imagined his classes being held there. Imaginatively both Ruburt and Joseph saw themselves living there, and a certain amount of psychic energy was projected into that house.

(Pause at 9:52, eyes closed.) Joseph and Ruburt have moved into a “new”2 house. [...]

In a probable reality, a Ruburt and a Joseph now live there. [...]

TES6 Session 253 April 25, 1966 apparitions constructed tumor precognitive perceive

You have noticed in our own work that oftentimes information will be perceived by Ruburt in terms of visual images. I do not give Ruburt the information in this manner. [...]

[...] We have not touched upon it often, if at all, and it has to do with something Ruburt wondered about: Mass, or shared, dreams.

[...] We will continue with this material at our next session, and perhaps I will answer Ruburt’s question. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, January 14, 1969 Rachel Daniel Florence intellects Theodore

[...] Our friend Ruburt feels triumph in this life to have lived as many years as he has, and to find himself strong and hearty—for he feared that adulthood would destroy him. [...]

[...] They will not automatically think that Ruburt is out of his head tonight. [...]

[...] Ruburt does not take kindly to that remark. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 5: April 18, 1984 diseases bedridden tape vein coping

It is imperative that both of you realize that Ruburt’s body has been constantly healing itself, though not with the thoroughness that you both desire. [...]

At one level Ruburt did allow himself to participate in a very difficult health situation. [...]

[...] I do not know whether or not he will continue today, for it is a hard session for Ruburt to give, while maintaining the necessary trance level.

TPS2 Session 608 Deleted. Seth’s Preface: “The Manufacture of Personal Reality” April 5, 1972 correlating core Oversoul reincarnation brain

Now: Ruburt is quite correct. [...]

Ruburt sensed this quite clearly, and as usual feels twinges, wondering what I am going to write about, and what kind of a book it will be. [...]

[...] Ruburt is psychically working out some of his concerns over reincarnation in his novel, coming to grips with the subject creatively, and in ways that have deep meaning, not only for himself but for others.

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 20, 1984 couldn Jeff vitamin Shannon worrisome

Ruburt has been trying too hard (pause), and it is not unusual for a period of new decision to be accompanied by a period of worrisome doubts.

[...] In the meantime, I do touch those coordinates that quicken Ruburt’s healing processes. [...]

TES3 Session 97 October 14, 1964 fixture Macmillan October Fleeting cycles

Ruburt’s indisposition is the result of a rather uncalled-for sense of panic.

Concerning our friend Ruburt, another note. [...]

Rather frequent informal relationships are more practical than occasional formal ones, and Ruburt is already involving himself, again, in the satisfying for him diversified household chores, which are also a break from strict mental work. [...]

TMA Session Six August 25, 1980 Mitzi intellect collar flea identify

(Pause.) With Ruburt: The new orientation is bringing results, and the results do appear effortlessly.2 The affair with Mitzi (one of our cats) did involve action at other levels — a magical orientation. Ruburt is doing well. [...]

As a matter of fact, the kind of literal answers that you may think you want can indeed lead you somewhat astray in terms of the larger picture, so Ruburt must say: “That is not my province,” send energy, a note now and then; but the particular problem, the specific problem is the woman’s, not Ruburt’s.

The reason for the problem is a philosophical concern of Ruburt’s, and of yours, but it is one whose answer — or answers — will gradually unfold. [...]

TES4 Session 197 October 11, 1965 electromagnetic test Peggy identity dog

I would like to remind Ruburt, again, that I told him that Peggy Gallagher would be of help in our sessions, long before she was a friend.

When Ruburt learns a few lessons, he will be able to tell when his impressions are correct. [...]

I do have a few suggestions, though Ruburt may not particularly approve of them.

UR2 Section 6: Session 732 January 22, 1975 counterparts Peter family Henry Ben

Most of the people who come to Ruburt’s classes are Sumari,7 for example. [...] Some of Ruburt’s students are counterparts of each other. [...]

Peter Smith is a counterpart of Joseph’s.8 Sue (Watkins) and Zelda are counterparts of Ruburt’s — or Ruburt is a counterpart of Sue and Zelda.

Alan Koch and Ruburt are counterparts. [...] The young man from Pennsylvania who comes every other week is a counterpart of Ruburt’s. But [all of] this applies to any group.

TES5 Session 231 February 7, 1966 bureau leaflet plates Mono sheriff

You may give Ruburt a pat on the back, for all in all he deserves it.

Now, Ruburt’s subconscious simply got in our way at last evening’s session. [...]

[...] But when I tried to give information regarding Ruburt, the subconscious activity interrupted. [...]

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