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TES8 Session 395 February 26, 1968 muffled transposition Peggy breakthrough chin

I can be aware of you in some physical ways, as now when Ruburt’s eyes are open. I can see you through Ruburt’s eyes in physical terms. This involves a narrowing of focus on my part, and the use of Ruburt’s nervous system.

When this method is thoroughly learned and Ruburt allows me greater control, then you shall notice a greater sense of immediacy and vitality. But as I come through to you more clearly in this manner then Ruburt and his own gestures and mannerisms will recede to a like degree.

I will continue for a moment in this state, to tell you about yet another method, the one that is used in Ruburt’s projections from a session. [...] This present state is challenging to Ruburt, for he can feel the interplay between us in a way not possible in the other states.

TPS4 Deleted Session April 11, 1978 overemphasis pendulum lifework career triggers

[...] The most important thing, of course, is that you have set up communication, so that Ruburt’s fears are no longer being inhibited. [...] The overemphasis brings up the public image idea, so that Ruburt compares himself personally against some composite image that he imagines other people have of him. [...] Ruburt’s lifework so far has been produced—again, so far—because despite such erroneous beliefs he has still allowed himself a creative spontaneity. [...]

In such a situation, Ruburt thinks of work as work, and finds himself wanting—for a doctor after all heals patients, a lawyer solves cases or whatever, so it seems to Ruburt that his work must—underlined three times—make truth practical, and of course beneficially so. [...]

You asked the question about the subconscious this evening, before the session, and Ruburt immediately interpreted it in the light of the following: the weight of the responsibility it carried for all those psychologists, and all of their patients, and his responsibility to obtain, in capitals, the answer, not only for himself but for all those other people. The idea behind the question does of course spring partially from your private, practical concerns right now, and yet it also springs from Ruburt’s and your great natural curiosity.

TPS3 Deleted Session September 3, 1975 safe impulses biological dead animal

The suggestions however also help you as you give them to Ruburt—highly important as far as your joint realities are concerned. [...] There is nothing wrong with Ruburt’s body. [...] At least twice a week Ruburt must write down his feelings, so that he does not inhibit them—highly important as he is recovering.

[...] You differed only in that Ruburt chose what seems to be more drastic methods in meeting those threats. [...] When Ruburt has some improvements he is elated. [...]

Now: in a way the game is up—for Ruburt finally realizes that there is nothing organically wrong with the body. [...] These beliefs have become a part of your private and joint realities, affecting you (me) invisibly as they affect Ruburt visibly.

TPS2 Session 667 (Deleted Portion) May 30, 1973 spotlight dancing financial situation highlighted

Ruburt feels if you love him you will make the effort, but you retreat. [...] Quite simply to you it seemed not the place or the time, precisely because to Ruburt it did seem the place and the time. [...] It is more difficult in a way for Ruburt without the highlighted situation, yet easier for you. [...]

There will be a foundation of sorts, and investments, for that is a part of Ruburt’s particular nature, but this will come in time as you want it. [...]

[...] Ruburt knows how much he could make if he wanted to through classes; and even in choosing to have only one per week, a choice is involved that earlier did not exist. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 18, 1977 retreat responsiveness guests novelists popular

[...] Ruburt’s condition: meaningless chatter in a way, since if you did not have the money or the house, that would not mean that Ruburt was necessarily in excellent physical condition.

You wondered in the secret depths of your mind how well-suited Ruburt was for the solitude you believed necessary to produce good work. [...] Ruburt fixed himself, and fixed it so he could not go outside—because, according to your joint overall attitudes, you believed you must isolate yourselves against the world.

[...] I am not saying that you should wait at all until Ruburt walks perfectly normally. The situation of attracting the people that you want, will come quite naturally as Ruburt feels more and more competent.

TPS5 Session 851 (Deleted Portion) May 7, 1979 overnight abstinence ve dissolve deleted

[...] Ruburt believes in economy, and the condition seemed to take care of many different possible problems, for himself and for you also. [...] Ruburt did not know, as given in the past, what the spontaneous self might lead to. [...]

[...] They served to show why you worked at home, or did not sell your work at galleries: you had to take care of Ruburt. [...] They were Ruburt’s version of health foods, abstinence, and so forth, in the Nearing’s way, and to all of this both of you to some extent acquiesced.

[...] No, I do not want to do that,” instead of providing yourself with a blanket excuse, as Ruburt has done. [...] And beside that, Ruburt had his own concerns with spontaneity and discipline.

TPS3 Session 766 (Deleted Portion) February 17, 1976 backtracked options unresponsive demands abundance

In the past at times you did get various symptoms when Ruburt began to improve, and because of his lack of confidence and the state of his beliefs, he backtracked. On some of those occasions your symptoms were the reflection of certain unresolved fears of your own, for, as you know, along the way Ruburt’s condition spoke to some extent for both of you.

This time, however, Ruburt continues to improve. [...] Beside that, Ruburt was able to help you to some degree—while before you felt that he could not because of his concentration upon his own problems.

[...] Ruburt has felt soreness, and then felt it drain away, almost as a physical proof of inner soreness disappearing. Somewhat in the same way, you let your questions and problems physically emerge, where they would be out in the open, and Ruburt would no longer be afraid of your problems as well as his own, as he used to be.

TPS3 Session 725 (Deleted Portion) December 11, 1974 strands library Woodstock agility habitual

The “prediction” I gave concerning Ruburt’s health still stands. [...] (Harry) Edwards does help, for reasons I will give you—when we have the time—in the same way that Ruburt’s energy helps others, as at Woodstock. There is also a doctor, quite real; he is an image as yet unrecognized in Ruburt’s psyche, though he glimpsed him once. [...]

Not dictation: all of this should help you understand your own experience involving your father—and the later one with your mother, and Ruburt’s with Teresa; for your mother was sending out strands of consciousness in the directions that interest her.

To Ruburt. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session October 31, 1977 Cézanne firewalker Trafzer Waldo Framework

[...] It seems to Ruburt that the firewalker must have an instant rapport with Framework 2, that Ruburt does not possess. Ruburt is in fact in constant rapport with Framework 2 when he is writing or psychically involved, and often he has contacts with other frameworks also.

[...] He walks on coals as automatically as Ruburt writes, or speaks for me. [...] The man’s focus is there, as Ruburt focuses in his work. [...]

The firewalker’s performance involves one overall clear-cut performance, in which faith has already been achieved, as in Ruburt’s writing, say. In the case of Ruburt’s physical situation, the response from Framework 2 has been immediate. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session July 12, 1978 Emir Eleanor conservative weight truth

Ruburt’s impulse to take Emir from Prentice—his impulse to call others, his call to Eleanor—all of these events represent a change of mood, and inner decisions of which Ruburt is not as yet aware.

[...] Ruburt’s mental attitude is highly important, and the suggestions you are giving are helping. [...] Worry and anxiety have often kept Ruburt’s weight down. [...]

Beyond writing down his feelings, for a while at least let Ruburt make a list each day of the good things that happened, or the portion of the day he enjoyed. [...] It would not hurt to go over Ruburt’s notes once a week together.

TES1 Session 36 March 18, 1964 distortions choice arrived ache meddling

I am of course pleased about Ruburt’s letter. [...] I do not want to be blamed for any distortions that might arise, though at a later time Ruburt will be able to get this sort of material through without such distortion.

For personality reasons neither of you would be happy, I’m afraid, were Ruburt to go into deep trances at my instigation during sessions. And you, Joseph, would be much less enthusiastic even than Ruburt. [...]

Your Ruburt saw a car, was expecting your friend, had imagined my comment, and leaped to the lightning fast conclusion, along with a rather flattering desire to prove me supposedly right in an instance that could be checked. Dear Ruburt, sometimes you are like a dumbskull if not a numbskull, and I will give my own proof in my own good time, and without such flattering but ineffectual help as this.

TPS3 Deleted Session July 16, 1977 ligaments improvements muscles thunder ankles

[...] Despite negative beliefs, false starts, or disappointments, Ruburt’s body has always tried to improve itself. [...] And despite your joint negativism, and your joint distrust of improvements, and your joint insistence upon ignoring any improvements noted by Ruburt as ludicrously insignificant in the face of what was needed—in spite of all of that, the body has kept up its own struggle.

[...] Ruburt mentioned it to you, and noted it himself. [...] So Ruburt could lift his head an inch while walking. [...]

[...] These ligaments control arm motions, head movement, and have been in those terms largely responsible for holding Ruburt in this position, topwise.

TES3 Session 105 November 9, 1964 Helen McIlwain death foreseen mother

The boy who delivered the message in Ruburt’s dream was partially a dream construction, representing a George Pilotte Junior, with whom Ruburt felt an affinity in early life; a relative, a cousin who is also psychically connected with Ruburt’s mother, and who is subconsciously connected in Ruburt’s mind with the death of his grandfather, since the boy, who is now a man, was kind to Ruburt at that time.

Last night’s dream was a communication from the Helen who was the friend of Ruburt’s mother. The message was directed to Ruburt. [...] The envelope, the black envelope, was obviously a symbol, but it did enable Ruburt to see the name of the woman who was sending the message. [...]

Ruburt’s abilities have indeed jumped up another level, and that is why he is jumpy, if you will excuse the pun.

TPS6 Deleted Session June 2, 1981 crisis situation bathroom therapeutic toilet

[...] And that also speaks to Ruburt to express your own feelings: you cannot depend on me to do this all the time. The same statement was made when you carried Ruburt to the car. In exaggerated form, Ruburt makes the same statement of his own with his own symptoms—that is, they also express attitudes. Theoretically, your love alone could sweep the discomfort away, so that Ruburt felt as light as a feather. [...]

[...] This applies to you, Joseph, as well as Ruburt: what would happen if Ruburt got worse? [...] Any anger that you felt toward Ruburt in the present was then exaggerated by this negatively imagined future, so that you became angrier. [...]

Ruburt’s condition does not just have a physical significance, then, for either of you, but becomes intrinsically tied up with your personal philosophies, your values about creativity and self-reliance. Those values on Ruburt’s part in particular have been contaminated, so to speak, by the fears and issues we have earlier spoken of. [...]

TES1 Session 28 February 24, 1964 Miss Callahan entity psychiatrist plane

The bookcases should stay as they are, my dear Ruburt. [...] The bedroom arrangement is fine, and if my dear Joseph will not blame Ruburt’s subconscious I would make one further suggestion that is not, however, to involve any more complicated arrangements on Ruburt’s part: simply, when it is possible, the addition of either a comfortable chair or a small desk and chair, quite simple, to your bedroom arrangement, as a more or less permanent fixture for a small private place, accessible when he wants it, for our so sensitive and sometimes pigheaded Ruburt.

[...] Ruburt should be satisfied. [...] Ruburt can calm down now. [...] The suggestion of a chair for reading or relaxation, or a small desk in the bedroom, is merely so that our wandering Ruburt can have one other place in another room where he feels he can go. It is merely a safety valve, but I do not make any of my suggestions lightly, though from Ruburt’s vehement reactions I shall certainly keep my suggestions mostly to myself.

I wanted to show you that telepathy did exist, and I wanted to show Ruburt that more than his own subconscious was involved. [...] I am definitely a personality independent of Ruburt’s subconscious. Now, Ruburt assembles me, or allows me to assemble myself, in a way that will be recognizable to you; but regardless of this assembling, I exist in an independent manner, and with the past of which I have spoken.

TPS3 Session 742 (Deleted Portion) April 23, 1975 strand debris healthwise untried feeders

[...] I am not going into Ruburt’s condition to any great degree, but I do have some information. [...]

[...] They will try out the ideas, many of them, to the best of their ability, and learn and gain much, all the time hanging on safely to the banners of conventional beliefs—and Ruburt has allowed himself no such comforts. [...]

[...] But to some extent they added to Ruburt’s muscular habits of tension. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 584, May 3, 1971 mediumship forty rapport reluctance sold

[...] It is true that Ruburt need not have accepted the arrangement. [...]

[...] Had Ruburt not been available, the material would have been given to a Speaker, living in your terms, who was also involved in the creative field.

Had Ruburt not accepted, however, it is most probable that he would have chosen another life in which to fulfill the task, in which case I would have waited. [...]

TPS1 Session 382 (Deleted) November 27, 1967 Psycho Cybernetics table compassionate divan

(Jane sat up as she spoke.) Ruburt was able to direct and use a strong amount of this energy that evening, and he was also aided by your participation. A A originally needed the emotional contact with Ruburt’s student (Venice McCullough) in order to activate within your system.

Ruburt’s clairvoyant abilities need farther development, and I will help here, for instance. Much of your own energy has been used in the situation involving yourself and Ruburt and your joint problems. [...]

Your own psychic development came to some comparative (underlined) standstill, as did Ruburt’s, for a while during the darkest periods last winter. You shut your own down, partially feeling guilty at your part in Ruburt’s dilemma. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Sessions May 29, 1978 attitudes towels jeopardize soreness protect

[...] Ruburt knew he would not take a full-time job either. [...] So Ruburt added the necessity of money to his creative goals, in a strong fashion.

[...] That is why, for example, you went along as long as you have with Ruburt’s condition. [...] To that extent, Ruburt does speak for both of you (as Jane said this noon), and in your own way both of you rewarded him for creative material, and withheld approval for any tendencies that ran counter to those mentioned attitudes.

[...] These are patterns of attitudes of long standing, and at different times, as Ruburt improved, and new decisions came to mind, he backtracked, and you largely went along. With the continuation of the physical restraints other problems grew, and Ruburt would become frightened that his body could not indeed heal itself, and you feared the same. [...]

TES8 Session 351 July 10, 1967 oil ma da disruption peanut

The tree, or trees, Ruburt had painted on the kitchen wall, were not beneficial symbols. [...]

The blandness, comparatively speaking, in previous paintings of your apartment did not overall reflect Ruburt’s personality, which is given to contrasts. [...]

[...] This room collected about it the atmosphere of Ruburt’s desperation. [...]

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