Results 41 to 60 of 1488 for stemmed:ruburt

TPS3 Session 713 (Deleted Portion) October 21, 1974 power helpless challenge distractions mate

Ruburt directed his will in certain areas. [...] Ruburt used his will to solve one challenge: he was determined to find the kind of mate that would best suit him, and his own unique characteristics. [...]

[...] Ruburt with his practical mind interpreted this more literally than you, and physical restriction was a part of his natural early environment, as it was not in yours. [...] In the physical area in the meantime, Ruburt lost the connection between will and body. [...]

There are reasons why he “relapsed,” but the point of power is in the present, and this material and its understanding by Ruburt is more important than “past” causes. [...] Instead there have been a series of challenges that Ruburt has met through using the power of his will, and this is simply the next one to be conquered.

TPS3 Deleted Session December 18, 1974 authority economy anonymous secrecy buy

Now, dear friend, you have also shared some of these ideas, and to some extent seen Ruburt’s physical condition as a symbolic statement of how the so-called authorities viewed our joint work. Ruburt is striking. [...] It bothers Ruburt. [...]

None of this ever had to do with Ruburt privately, but with Ruburt and his contact with the world. [...]

[...] The implied sense of superiority is what made Ruburt so angry at authorities, so defiant. [...] So Ruburt grew up where they were important.

TPS3 Deleted Session April 29, 1975 Castaneda advertising reputable publishing healer

[...] Ruburt’s muscles know their own abilities. [...] It is Ruburt who must be convinced that his muscles can move correctly. When Frank moves Ruburt’s arms thus-and-so (with gestures), the beneficial results occur because Ruburt recognizes that his arms can move. [...]

Tam instantly saw the quality in our work, and Ruburt’s. In the beginning only his enthusiasm sold our first book. [...] It was Tam who saw in Ruburt’s original manuscript the importance of his work, and the way in which Ruburt was trying to hide it by playing down his relationship with me.

Our books, and I am including Ruburt’s, fall into no such neat category—presenting publishers with problems. In the beginning, particularly, and for that matter now, Ruburt has no accepted credentials. [...]

TES9 Session 500 September 8, 1969 Taylor Betty bt Crosson beard

Ruburt did see the Buffalin man. [...] Ruburt followed Buff to another layer of existence, (pause), with many who had died that evening. Ruburt formed the prosaic background himself however.

Ruburt will address the group in any case (pause), and many times in the future. [...] (Pause.) Ruburt should make no future hard decisions as to what he will and will not do, but give the intuitive self freedom in such cases.

Again: Ruburt will address the group many times throughout the years, and so may I. (Humorously.) Ruburt and I together would need a full program.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 18: Session 666, May 28, 1973 flood Pigs Joseph Cuba Bay

[...] Ruburt needed the experience in order to gain added faith in his own abilities. [...] Ruburt also found that he had put himself in a position in which he had underrated the importance of physical manipulation. Both Ruburt and Joseph are very mental people, however, and so they sought out this physical meeting with material phenomena and solved the problem according to their beliefs.

[...] The waters receded as Ruburt had predicted. [...] Both Ruburt and Joseph threw open their two apartments. A couple was given shelter in one apartment while Ruburt and Joseph confined themselves to the other. [...]

Only a few days before it took place, Ruburt was offered a television engagement in Baltimore, and refused it.3  Their car was submerged. Income from Ruburt’s classes was lost, yet these side effects were chosen quite in line with Ruburt’s and Joseph’s conscious beliefs, habits, and practices.

TPS4 Deleted Session April 3, 1978 toe Rockefellers mark unconscious Walt

[...] Ruburt’s abilities and energy kept seeking fulfillment. [...] When Ruburt discovered that his energy and abilities had led him to a point where he was at odds with religion and science, and had no place to roost, thematically, he became very worried.

[...] His unconscious had learned to tread a careful line, to let Ruburt use his abilities while seeing that he was protected at the same time. Its ideas were largely gained in childhood, and there was a giveand-take between Ruburt’s fears and hopes. [...]

[...] Since so much of Ruburt’s life was involved with yours, it felt that Ruburt must now toe the mark with you also—at least topside —so that he must not express any contrary opinions, or that you would abandon him also, in which case he would be utterly alone.

TPS3 Session 728 (Deleted Portion) January 8, 1975 authority unhappy economic hump bolstering

[...] Ruburt is doing far better than either of you realize, and so are you. [...]

Ruburt is correct: you will be relatively untouched by the economic situation, but because you did not contribute to the reasons behind it.

[...] In the past Ruburt fought to trust in his own authority, while still holding the belief that the world’s authorities must know what they were doing. [...]

TES1 Session 27 February 19, 1964 inferiority unjustified Joseph winter explosions

You could have shortened the uncomfortable circumstances in which Ruburt found himself involved, you could have lessened the wall of stupidity that Ruburt tried to climb.

Now, it is true that Ruburt possesses strong psychic energy, as you do. [...] In any case Ruburt’s psychic energy becomes at times undisciplined. [...]

As you know the seasons are important to Ruburt. [...] He, Ruburt, has more psychic power than he knows, and an uncluttered feeling is important. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session July 5, 1978 distractions Hoyle crashes Ed beset

Ruburt read Hoyle, and Ed Young called (this evening). Ruburt felt the call was disruptive, though he likes our friend. Ruburt’s concentration so briefly upon Hoyle’s book was picked up by Ed Young, and Ruburt’s opinion of Hoyle’s world was picked up by Ed Young, who has the same opinion of the scientific establishment. [...]

[...] The simple event of Ruburt reading Hoyle’s book: Ruburt began reading certain ideas with which he is not yet consciously familiar. [...] My last session was in a way—in a way—the result of Ruburt’s begrudging decision to “take time out to read the book.” [...] I am aware of his emotional ideas, of course, and to an important degree I am free of his prejudices, but more than that, in certain terms, my consciousness is not limited, so that I can take from Ruburt’s understanding his good comprehension of where science is, and then tell you where an enlightened science might go.

Now: Ruburt feels a strangeness in the air this evening. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session December 13, 1972 move resentment dwelling money tenants

Ruburt’s own fear, and fear for you, kept the material hidden; as did incidentally, the flood. It was simply an excuse in a way, but on the other hand Ruburt recognized the difficulties during that time. [...] Ruburt does not think of money, but he can produce it with great facility—when he wants it for something, so he has been enraged at this useless money, in those terms.

[...] It was thought of in terms of social transition, or your place in society, and transition in terms of your work, particularly here on Ruburt’s side—on his part. [...]

[...] More at Ruburt, but I cannot yell at him—

TPS1 Session 369 (Deleted) October 4, 1967 conscientious overly spontaneous self deeply

The overly conscientious self is also deeply emotional, though in Ruburt it often hides under the guise of intellectualism. [...] Ruburt thinks this is because he is afraid of being made to feel a fool. In actuality the overly conscientious self has not been educated, and is deeply terrified that Ruburt is taking false gods.

[...] When the overly conscientious self and the spontaneous self are working well together there are no difficulties, and Ruburt has the full use of his remarkable energy, and it is well focused.

[...] Ruburt as a child was highly mystical, and also overly conscientious and overdemanding of himself, and afraid of his own spontaneity and natural appetites.

TPS4 Deleted Session May 31, 1978 edifice steal security walking protect

Now, to some extent, you and Ruburt felt enough the same way to make the analogy feasible, only Ruburt was the one who constructed the edifice that would protect his own abilities, first of all, and yours as well. [...] With such an edifice, Ruburt can only use his abilities under certain conditions, and he imagines all kinds of impulses, situations, or whatever, that might steal them away, or steal away the time necessary to express them. [...]

The millionaire checks all of the locks, perhaps, or has the bank president show him the latest security measures that are being taken—and to some degree, now, Ruburt, and you to a lesser degree, have checked Ruburt’s security system. Was it secure enough to keep you from accepting invitations, to allow you to avoid distractions, or emotional complications that might arise from any considerable contact with others in, say, “professional terms?” Ruburt built the edifice, but you looked on, for though you disliked the building blocks, say, the symptoms—you thought until very lately that it did serve its purpose very well.

You have both built an excellent edifice of a different kind, in Ruburt’s books and mine, and in the sessions themselves, an edifice most admirable, and one that is composed of a kind of material that on its own possesses, among other characteristics, automatic self-protective ones. Not trusting that, however, or understanding this, Ruburt constructed a security system of his own, and with the best of misguided intentions.

TPS4 Deleted Session October 22, 1977 Framework dishes stool faith cooking

I believe that you are finally beginning, both of you, the last few days how to get a hold of your natural creativity in connection with Ruburt’s situation, and to apply it to that end. If you continue then you attract from Framework 2 everything that you possibly need, and other areas of your lives will also improve, for to whatever extent they are somewhat shadowed by your attitudes resulting from Ruburt’s condition.

[...] Ruburt had written books before—but Ruburt has walked before also.

[...] Once you allow your faith to take some root, then you yield far more than you sow in Framework 2, and in results in Framework 1. Positively, you see that kind of acceleration in Ruburt’s work, and if you give yourselves a chance you will see it also as far as Ruburt’s physical condition is concerned. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session October 17, 1977 Paul dentist adequate Carol office

It was originally Ruburt’s loyalty to you that led him to see Paul in the beginning, because Paul had been friendly to you and you liked him. That feeling dissolved Ruburt’s fear of Paul as a dentist. The state of Ruburt’s condition is as I gave it. [...]

Nothing is worth what Ruburt has put himself through, you both say (as I did Saturday night), yet Ruburt has put himself through nothing, in those terms—that is, his condition is not from the result of, again, your psychic activities. [...]

What you have then was Ruburt’s desire to have his teeth fixed, when it was obvious that he must, and his fear that he could not perform adequately at this time. That data existed in Framework 2. There, computations involving yourselves, Ruburt’s conditions, the circumstances, and your dentist, all went on with great rapidity. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session September 12, 1977 Turkish outlaws monks leaders sword

(11:30.) Ruburt became the spontaneous one to both of you, therefore the one who must use controls. [...] You have gone along with Ruburt’s improvements. [...] Your suggestion to Ruburt involving touch is highly important, and represents growing understanding on your part.

[...] In early years Ruburt found it difficult even to contradict you, even while he insisted upon his own independence of mind, and upon his use of his abilities. At times, however, you refused to lead in this life when circumstances might have warranted a more active role at particular times, because in that previous life you would not buck Ruburt, and because you also were more cautious this time about the use of personal power.

All of that occurred in the background in which you chose an artistic ability that did not fit into the accepted male role, and Ruburt possessed a drive that did not fit the feminine picture, either. [...] Ruburt went to battle with all of his men, and only as he grew older did he begin to wonder at his own motives, or the beliefs that were the structure of his life.

TPS6 Deleted Session April 23, 1981 Sinful Catholic pathological grace Venice

[...] Ruburt became aware of non-Catholic Christianity to any degree only after our sessions began. [...] Ruburt has often wondered at the poor quality of most intuitional material, particularly since it is supposed to be so important. [...]

[...] Ruburt is working at all angles of the problem at other levels of consciousness now, and the Sinful Self is beginning to feel a new sense of give-and-take. (Pause.) Other portions of Ruburt’s personality do utilize our material also, of course, and we deal with a certain kind of natural pacing. [...]

[...] Ruburt’s feelings of panic can then be understood as originating in response to a highly complicated, intense early life, and in concrete situations. [...] Ruburt’s mind was concerned with the larger framework, however, in which his mother’s life existed. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 2, 1977 Superman Kent Clark anxiety congested

You have to be fairly intellectual to read Ruburt’s books. [...] This is nothing against Ruburt’s books, for they are excellent—but people become frightened sometimes because they do not want to compare themselves to Ruburt. [...] They do not want Ruburt’s inquiring mind to intrude.

[...] They think that if they had their own supersoul they would have far better sense than Ruburt, and they would use me as if I were a magic genie. They are afraid Ruburt might go too far, and question me out of existence, for they do not understand that Ruburt’s questions, and your own, your sense of integrity, are partially responsible for a “superman” rather than a supermouse.

[...] If they read Ruburt’s books, they must accept the fact that Ruburt, as a woman, without the world’s credentials, will dare to follow the dictates of the inner self, and this makes the entire affair more frightening to them, to a degree.

TES2 Session 85 September 7, 1964 Watts Borst Frank gallery directorship

[...] Ruburt’s abilities were only beginning to show themselves, and had what we may refer to as a low-range frequency. There was an affinity to begin with, but Ruburt simply could not reach far enough, or within and through the inner senses enough, to contact me directly; and there are what you may call for simplicity’s sake, conventions of conduct which I would not break.

[...] Ruburt also had a dream which gave him clear warning of trouble, the dream in which he was at the home of the art gallery president. He, Ruburt, opened a strange door to find a threatening male figure therein.

[...] I am also pleased to see the mark of personal confidence, as far as Ruburt is concerned, and your joint decision that he leave the gallery. [...]

TES9 Session 507 November 10, 1969 test detail antagonistic torn inclinations

[...] (Which we had wondered about this afternoon.) There were other issues, having to do with Ruburt’s own mental characteristics. [...] Beyond this however Ruburt has no(smile) love for detail, and will always use detail as a clue to see where it will lead him. [...]

[...] We tried to use it, since we could not deny it, nor did I go against it, since Ruburt’s abilities are what I have to work with and through, beside of course my own. So we used this in that test to enlarge the picture, and bring in further details that did give you a rather complete picture, respectable data, in a way that was fairly natural to Ruburt. [...]

The portrait is of Joseph and Ruburt. [...] Ruburt and Joseph are the names I use for you, for these names themselves imply your greater goals. [...]

TPS3 Session 730 (Deleted Portion, First Part) January 15, 1975 monkey Carol leash Larry class

[...] Ruburt recognizes this. Ruburt was then using Larry’s, knowing that to some degree it would pierce both levels, and he hoped to compare what Larry said in each reality.

Many of the students are embarrassed by Larry’s behavior, and his piercing laugh, but Ruburt recognizes the energy involved. [...] Ruburt was out-of-body, as he knows, and in that state he was perceiving the greater dimensions of the class event, and trying to correlate this with ordinary class perception. [...]

[...] Ruburt wants this information, but we will begin slowly.

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