Results 361 to 380 of 1488 for stemmed:ruburt

TPS5 Deleted Session November 29, 1978 worrying lumps massacres optimism knots

You might each secretly believe that such worrying will frighten Ruburt enough “to make him do something,” and that is hardly the case—for worrying always increases stress. [...] Now Ruburt has started doing that. [...] Physically, Ruburt is improving, as you can see—but he used a stimulus of fear —the fear that otherwise he might be bedridden.

[...] Neither of you do yourselves service by worrying about Ruburt’s condition, worrying that it might worsen in the future, or in your old ages, or by stressing its negative aspects. [...]

[...] They are knotted into masses, loose and disintegrating, but presently aggravated by strain as Ruburt’s weight on the walking table “bruises” those ligaments and muscles.

TPS6 Deleted Session June 15, 1981 super Prentice expected professional unrealistic

Basically, Ruburt does not have those characteristics. Everyone has healing abilities (long pause), but Ruburt, basically speaking, is interested in the theoretical and philosophical concerns that underlie the condition of health. [...]

[...] Ruburt expected to be the super healer, super clairvoyant, and so forth. Ruburt is (pause) a natural receiver of psychic information, of knowledge from another level of activity, a natural receiver of deep insights that are a part of your spiritual and biological heritage, and a natural translator of such material (all with emphasis). [...]

Ruburt is operating in an area in which there are few such specifications, simply because no one knows what can or cannot be done, practically speaking, at psychic levels. [...]

TPS4 Session 824 (Deleted Portion) March 1, 1978 Cinderella pretending terminology affectionate session

(11:26.) A note for Ruburt, and to some extent for you.

[...] With Ruburt’s condition you forget your own abilities almost completely, relatively speaking.

Let Ruburt remember the playfulness of games. [...]

TES5 Session 199 October 18, 1965 appointment Colucci Jersey radio sneezing

[...] Ruburt thinks of his aunt and uncle in New York. This is an associative connection on Ruburt’s part. (Pause.)

[...] Our Ruburt’s dreams, or your recent reaction to them, Joseph .

[...] Ruburt requested a therapeutic dream from his inner self, and he received one.

TES7 Session 326 March 15, 1967 projection levitations remember easiest occultists

[...] There will be a time when Ruburt will project out of his body during sessions and remember what transpires while I speak through his body. [...] I will go into this perhaps soon, for there are the similarities here and significances, involving states of consciousness used by both Ruburt and myself, and the type of projection achieved. [...]

Now, first, Ruburt is having some success in turning the focus of his attention away from the symptoms, and if he continues and remembers, then his progress will be speedy. [...]

[...] The term “spirit guides” is not the best, and Ruburt disapproves of it. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 5: April 19, 1984 Joe Bumbalo tape steps pleasure

(Long pause.) While you and Ruburt embark upon a resolved path of getting to the bottom of Ruburt’s difficulties, it is highly important that Ruburt in particular increase his experience of pleasure, and his concentration upon it, so that pleasure can counter any other emotionally distressful feelings that may emerge along the way.

The following material is for dictation, but I am giving it here also so that Ruburt will take it specifically to heart. [...]

We will not abandon book dictation, but the concentration for now will be largely devoted to bettering Ruburt’s condition by releasing his own energies, health, and flexibility.

TPS3 Session 806 (Deleted Portion) July 30, 1977 ligaments credulous Harvard journalist Fuller

[...] All of my suggestions should be followed—those apply to Ruburt and you. When Ruburt feels good by his standards, that is, in a good mood, relatively at peace, and in some kind of bodily ease, taking his situation into consideration, he should note that. [...]

[...] At least twice a week, I would like Ruburt to alter the memory of that playground in Rochester, so that he successfully climbs down the jungle gym.

[...] In Ruburt’s case it actually reassures the past self of any doubts or fears—doubts and fears that are also reflected, but that it has already chosen a framework or a given frame of existence that emphasizes certain kinds of experience over others. [...]

TES3 Session 103 November 2, 1964 chest peaks wine unscheduled indulgence

[...] That is, while Ruburt drinks socially to some quite limited extent really, the fine balance of dissociation that allows our sessions to begin would not be possible, if for example our Ruburt drank more some evening than good sense would ordinarily permit.

I mention here as example the evening when Ruburt’s father and his woman visited. You and Ruburt had been drinking, but to no great extent more than usual. [...]

Ruburt was more than ordinarily affected by the woman’s inner plea for help with problems that she finds she is less and less able to cope. Ruburt received that message, and in a conducive state was also in communication with me.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, May 5, 1970 Gert Florence Arnold Doug Brad

[...] Remember also, that any abilities that you see displayed by the personality of Ruburt are abilities of human personality, latent in each of you, are to be used as you will and as you wish for you are possessed, possessed by ideas that are limited and that restrain you. [...] I have said this many times and doubtlessly I will continue to say—when Ruburt’s familiar body is some 40 years older and my voice in comparison to Ruburt’s sounds like quite a young man (shouts)—That my energy should remind you of the energy that is inherent within yourself and that any energy that sweeps through this small frame comes from the same energy that gives you your vitality and strength and that should bring you joy and fulfillment. [...]

[...] Some of you may wish to have the sort of relationship that Ruburt and I have. [...] I am a teacher, Ruburt is a teacher and so we get along very well. [...]

[...] I am not Ruburt. [...] In your terms, however, and strictly in your terms, I could seem to be a future Ruburt, and if you were in connection with other more eternal portions of your own personality that you could not materialize in physical terms. [...]

TPS2 Session 654 (Deleted Portion) April 9, 1973 courageous cents ignore brilliance beautifully

The material Ruburt thought was from me, was. [...]

Your brilliance (?) in your work, and Ruburt’s in his, partially results from the fact that you ignored the mental reality, the psychic and spiritual reality you saw all about you. [...]

[...] If you can, playfully, playfully together, imagine you and Ruburt chasing each other up and down the stairs, or dancing beautifully, or whatever comes into your mind, as long as it is not serious, and you do not expect instant results.

TES3 Session 147 April 19, 1965 habit action smoking insulation exhausted

[...] And so in Ruburt’s manuscript there existed a vitality that of itself would bring about other actions, as indeed I foresaw.

I am going to deal with some personal material here this evening, pertaining to Ruburt. [...]

Ruburt is more stable a personality than he knows, and thus he can now handle himself without dependence upon artificial supports such as his smoking. [...]

TES8 Session 352 July 12, 1967 jealousy loyalty pillow smothering proclamations

[...] On Ruburt’s part it is the main tie with the physical universe. [...] Without you, literally, Ruburt in this physical life would not be able to express nor free it. [...]

[...] The suggested vacation would have broken up the last of Ruburt’s symptoms more quickly than your present course.

When Ruburt’s work is done in the bathroom and bedroom there will be another marked improvement, and a new plateau of recovery, from which he will climb still further. [...]

TES7 Session 297 October 26, 1966 Topper journey anticipatory Bernard fear

[...] Finally Ruburt discovered for himself, this morning precisely, his basic problem—the problem that eventually everyone must face.

You and I were quite right in advising Ruburt to face this through without the treatment of a doctor or chiropractor. [...]

[...] Ruburt has my congratulations, for he has now successfully passed a period of trial. [...]

TPS2 Session 632 (Deleted Portion) January 15, 1973 sell financial marketplace Nebene eat

[...] Ruburt never learned how to handle normal aggressive thoughts.

Ruburt’s feelings were largely directed against the parent. [...]

[...] Coupled with a habit of consciously (underlined) repressing normal angry feelings, we have Ruburt’s loyalty to you. [...]

TES2 Session 76 August 3, 1964 expectations constructions aggressive money g.i

You are bending over backward not to make money, both of you, though this is somewhat more understandable on Ruburt’s part, at least since his training is not as specific. [...] Ruburt has yet to manage his abilities competently but you have except for this distortive expectation which colors your constructions.

Ruburt’s almost instant reaction following the G.I. notice was, here, excellent. [...]

Except for disappointment in his writing, Ruburt almost instinctively operates within a beneficial pattern in this respect, and you are certainly progressing. [...]

TPS3 Session 720 (Deleted Portion) November 13, 1974 soreness muscles untwisting regains uncovering

Whole groups of muscles, particularly on Ruburt’s right side, are letting down, straightening and also untwisting from head to toe. [...]

It is paramount then that Ruburt trust his body now, and not be worried. [...]

Ruburt’s idea did come from me, about your reincarnational episodes, and your personal experience illustrates what I am saying in the book—the individual’s history is written in the psyche, and can indeed be uncovered. [...]

TPS3 Session 691 (Deleted Portion) March 25, 1974 financial grocery overbuying store prices

Take Ruburt’s literal mind into consideration in line with what I say.

The tax episode threw Ruburt into a quandary—not only because of the situation, but because you, he felt, felt so threatened that there was no joy in his royalty check. [...]

[...] This is important, because of Ruburt’s ideas about writing and work.

TPS2 Deleted Session August 7, 1972 Rochester Venice Loren shuddering woman

To a lesser extent the same applies to Ruburt and the sister-in-laws. [...] For Ruburt to make money, to become known, puts this same kind of burden upon them, you see, of understanding.

I want Ruburt to read his last session daily (of August 2, 1972). [...]

[...] It seemed to Ruburt, with his understanding, that if his information was coming from a paranormal source, and that source was good, then it must also prove itself to be infallible, or he was a false prophet. [...]

TPS5 Session 869 (Deleted Portion) July 30, 1979 mistrust devalue Trumansburg tensions reducing

Now: Ruburt’s body is reducing tensions. [...]

In Ruburt’s particular case, tense states of mind have been primarily responsible for his physical difficulty. [...]

[...] In that framework of belief, Ruburt felt justified in using physical symptoms as protection on both levels. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session May 25, 1982 Sobel finger breeders startups infection

By all means, as much as possible forget the name, conditions and expectations given to Ruburt’s group of symptoms. [...]

[...] Ruburt made a wise decision not to take the latest medicine at this time (Persantine, for circulation). [...]

(Long pause at 8:43.) Ruburt is using the thyroid aid well—the medication. [...]

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