Results 321 to 340 of 1488 for stemmed:ruburt

TPS4 Deleted Session December 3, 1977 newspapers news heroism organizations world

[...] You helped Ruburt form his. You have not taken my suggestion before for a very simple reason: part of you, Joseph, was not ready to reassure Ruburt in such a fashion, for you were not certain that it was safe to relax in such a world, and you did not want to lie to Ruburt because you believed the newspaper world so thoroughly—with all, now, of its implications, as Ruburt did.

All of these things to some extent stand in the way of Ruburt’s recovery. They point precisely to those areas in which both of you heartily agreed, though Ruburt’s way of getting work done was not yours. [...]

Unless Ruburt does, no one will remark about this young man. [...]

TSM Chapter Five Stevenson refrigerator Phil gumboils Rob

[...] “The exasperation comes because your good psychologist almost undermined the confidence I managed to give Ruburt in our session with your friend, Phillip. I tried to build Ruburt’s confidence, and some stranger tore it down. [...]

“As far as Ruburt is concerned, there is no danger. [...] I may make bold to remark that I am more stable than you or Ruburt or the fine psychologist.

[...] It should be apparent that my communications come through Ruburt’s subconscious. But as a fish swims through water, but the fish is not the water, I am not Ruburt’s subconscious.

TPS6 Deleted Session February 11, 1981 public arena spontaneous withdrawing white

Now this idealized self was primarily Ruburt’s—but to some extent also you contributed to it, feeling that anyone as gifted as Ruburt, if he were sure enough of himself, would indeed want to go out in that arena and press forward. You both felt a sense of schism between Ruburt’s physical condition and a hypothetical image of Ruburt as someone getting my material and ideally embodying it, so that if not perfect at least the main aspects of the life were smoothed out without contrasts. (Long pause.) In that regard indeed Ruburt felt as if he could not live up to my creative work—as if his physical being must embody all of the knowledge that came to him through our sessions—another important point. [...]

[...] It is more factual to say that it goes against the grain as far as Ruburt is concerned. [...] (Long pause.) If Ruburt wrote other kinds of books—mysteries, for example, or straight novels—he would of course have no trouble explaining them in the public arena. [...]

[...] With Sue’s book there have been other opportunities—people who wanted the story from the horse’s mouth, so to speak, and the talk from Prentice of a new campaign publicizing Ruburt’s work. Ruburt didn’t feel free to simply admit that he did not like the public arena. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session October 15, 1973 repair synthesis relaxation badminton weight

[...] A new synthesis is taking place concerning Ruburt’s ideas about his writing and life, so that particular session will simply insure that the old ideas are sufficiently broken up so that the new synthesis can form.

Ruburt received ideas about his on his own this week, and wrote them down. [...]

[...] Ruburt has experienced the slight soreness as rigidity in those areas begins to loosen. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session August 20, 1979 fundamental Vallee repudiation alternatives upsurges

The sessions, dream activity, Ruburt’s writing of books, his poetry and his painting—these states by themselves contribute to his health. [...] (Pause.) When you see yourselves as being primarily in direct opposition to the ideas of the world (pause), then Ruburt feels the need also to overprotect himself from it. [...]

[...] Ruburt’s symptoms have always been a cautionary and protective measure. [...]

[...] Ruburt has no one in that same manner. [...]

TES8 Session 421 July 8,1968 spontaneity problems pent solved endeavor

[...] Ruburt must indeed prime the pump, as they say.

[...] On the other hand Ruburt was spontaneously religious.

[...] The intimate relationship added to Ruburt’s sense of safety. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session May 7, 1981 responsibility pleasure penance gloom incoherent

(Long pause.) Ruburt has at times gone overboard in a feeling of responsibility toward those who write in need. [...] (Long pause.) Ruburt is not responsible at all in such areas to hold sessions for others, or to provide that particular kind of individual help. [...]

(9:42.) All of this finally led Ruburt to feel that he had little room to move in. [...] Frank’s gadget can now serve as an excellent natural physical therapy, particularly useful at this stage, sending the message also that Ruburt is willing to let such relaxation occur. [...]

[...] The natural flow of the sessions has never run in that direction, nor has Ruburt’s own natural inclinations. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 4, 1981 rollers cushion services absolute Frank

[...] (Long pause.) An animal in Ruburt’s physical condition would simply be resting, perceiving body alterations and odd states with patient acquiescence, doing what it could physically and forgetting about the rest, trustful in the body’s capacities to heal itself. The more Ruburt relaxes the quicker his body will show the improvements that are now developing. [...]

[...] Have Ruburt make sure he begins to follow all of the suggestions given therein. [...] Again, Ruburt’s body is changing, and for the better. [...]

(Pause.) Ruburt’s depression-part of today represented, again, his recognition and expression of feelings that before were to a large degree buried in the symptoms, or translated into them. [...]

TES8 Session 420 July 1, 1968 Bernard letter Dr temperature statement

[...] The impressions which were given by me through Ruburt, in Ruburt’s (Jane’s) own voice, were correct, however, and I believe he will attest to this.

Our results with him were good as far as the tests were concerned, though there was considerable distortion simply because Ruburt’s (Jane’s) abilities had not been sufficiently developed. [...]

[...] I had a session for him at his wife’s request when he was ill, and in Ruburt’s files his answering letter attests to the correctness of my interpretations and impressions.

TPS6 Deleted Session November 9, 1981 solutions spelled Frank uncovering faith

[...] Ruburt did not want to face such issues. [...] When Ruburt has typed those small later poems, the path will seem much clearer to him. [...]

Ruburt is still dealing with spin-off material following or resulting from his Sinful-Self data, and this material generally follows the lines of development that are fairly obvious in the poems and notes that have followed since that time. [...]

I will have further pertinent material myself to add to the overall category of Ruburt’s situation, but I am simply making this evening’s session to give him a sense of immediate direction, and in his case to break the ice, so to speak. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 3, 1981 uncertainty certainty Jim uncertain tension

(9:17.) It was therefore beneficial when Adams gave the “diagnosis” on Ruburt’s eyes. [...] The certainty of a more or less dependable environment, and Ruburt therefore valued, and values, the certainty that existed for many years with the Prentice connection. [...]

(Long pause.) Now, regardless of many objections to the contrary, Ruburt’s condition still has served your own ends as well as his—and into the present. [...] It is not necessary that you learn to gush endlessly about your love for Ruburt, but it is important that you do express it, and you have indeed been better in that area. [...]

[...] Ruburt for example feels obligated to tell correspondents with health difficulties to see the established authorities, certainly those with serious illnesses. [...]

TPS1 Session 378 (Deleted) November 8, 1967 Otto outflow success cramps grouping

[...] The telegram may or may not be received by you, but having to do with family, yours or Ruburt’s, I am not sure. Or it will be received by one of your family or Ruburt’s. (Pause.)

Ruburt is particularly now ready and able to start anew, and he has already done so. [...]

[...] Ruburt was simply kicking up a fuss last night (with Jane’s back cramps). [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, July 27, 1971 Maria Edgar scanned shove hypnotized

[...] And as Ruburt told you earlier you were involved with a group before the time of Atlantis and you have been together often. But many times you have been too exclusive in your relationship, again as Ruburt told you. [...]

(To Edgar) Now, and I say this with utmost kindness and good nature, you can tell Ruburt that you have no feelings, and you can tell the class that you have no feelings, and you can tell others that you do not care what is said or done to you, but do not tell me. [...]

[...] I am not speaking now only to you (Maria), but to everyone in the room, our friend, Ruburt, included. [...]

TES5 Session 205 November 3, 1965 Bradley Instream premonition oval tests

Ruburt’s own experience was also specific, in that his description of the place at which the Gallaghers stayed was highly accurate.

[...] Ruburt is therefore able on his own to pick them up, so to speak, when conditions are good. [...]

[...] When Ruburt tries too hard, he often blocks material by losing spontaneity; and when you try too hard, you interrupt any communication, or at least make it more difficult.

TPS1 Deleted Session January 20, 1971 protest fears terrified mother accuser

[...] Particularly your comments concerning Ruburt’s behavior with the first husband. When the two of you have had any personal difficulties then Ruburt became twice as angry and fearful about your parents. [...]

Ruburt also has feelings about food, as you know—eating with strangers or with people he does not like. [...] She was very fond of food, and Ruburt now pretends to dismiss it. [...]

In the initial stages of Ruburt’s withdrawals, the exaggerated chatter also served to fool him, you see, as well as others. [...]

TES5 Session 207 November 10, 1965 electromagnetic static range heard Instream

In the particular instances when Ruburt heard me, I simply do not know whether or not you would have heard me, and there are several reasons for this. I impressed or affected Ruburt’s ear rather directly because this was the easiest procedure. [...]

Let me first make a few comments concerning the article which Ruburt has just finished reading.

[...] On those occasions when Ruburt has heard me more or less directly in his psychological time experiments, there has always been on his part a sound quite independent of himself, from outside of himself, of static. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session October 18, 1978 safety fest tyrant unpredictability illustrated

Tonight Ruburt has evidence for the good intent of his natural self. [...] But the body does not hold a grudge, and so it has begun to respond to Ruburt’s new attitude—and the new attitude allows him to allow the body’s expression.

A few old hangovers, simply to be aired so they do not remain underground—this is old material—but Ruburt’s mother used to tell him that he destroyed everything he touched. [...]

Ruburt might go on television for example 50 times—to be met by applause, acclaim and understanding, but in his reality, imaginatively, he would be met by scorn and derision. [...]

TES9 Session 461 January 29, 1969 intellectually mistletoe superiority meaningful Tam

[...] Intuitive truths, as Ruburt should know, can also be revealed in other than highly intellectual ways. [...]

[...] Ruburt becomes intellectually scandalized when I speak simply. [...]

[...] There will be others, like Ruburt himself and like yourself, Joseph, who will be intrigued by those fuller developments and arguments given in the basic material. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 645, March 5, 1973 core bridge beliefs invisible sensual

[...] It insisted that other creative material come outside of Ruburt’s five-hour writing day. These beliefs generated their own emotions, of course, so that Ruburt would become angry when thought of as a “psychic” by others.

The day Ruburt received the “advance” information on bridge beliefs (see the last session), the obvious suddenly became clear. [...] It focused so defensively on its own material that it was hampering its flow of creativity, while the “unacceptable” aspects of Ruburt merrily went on creating other books, not even including my own.

(9:50.) This subject leads to what I will call bridge beliefs, and again Ruburt received some information on this topic ahead of time for his own benefit. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 16, 1981 Sinful science mechanistic tainted outcomes

(Long pause at 8:53.) When it seems that left alone Ruburt’s condition will only worsen, you are following those old patterns of conditioned thought, projecting negative situations into the future, imagining the unfortunate outcome or outcomes, and acting as if you operated within a closed system. [...]

[...] As Ruburt begins to understand the “artificial” characteristics of the Sinful-Self concept, then those natural characteristics of the natural person will more and more emerge. [...]

It is true that the Sinful Self carries with it a group of patterns or reactions; methods of dealing with problems, and so Ruburt’s beliefs along those lines have colored his reactions, his plans, his dealings with you through the years. [...]

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