Results 301 to 320 of 1488 for stemmed:ruburt

TES3 Session 143 April 5, 1965 illness visitors Sonja pills Louis

Ruburt sensed one in particular, and did indeed react in a manner that you found annoying. Ruburt’s feelings and lack of action as far as the publishing house was concerned left much to be desired, and in time his lack of action would have caused an unpleasant reaction on his own part. [...]

Your attitude was, in some manner, more realistic than Ruburt’s, and yet his attitude was the healthier. Both of you went too far in opposite directions, as is characteristic of your own natures: you are sometimes inclined, and underline sometimes, to be overly pessimistic; and Ruburt is sometimes inclined to be not overly optimistic but overly docile, as far as his connections with the outside world are concerned.

I am going to suggest also that Ruburt continue with the procedure as far as psychological time is concerned, that is, that he lets it go until I tell him otherwise. The experience, the subjective experience, of the last session, on Ruburt’s part, was meant as a practical demonstration of the limitless self. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session November 5, 1973 status unremittingly badminton money poverty

[...] One point I want to mention: Ruburt’s mother tried to escape poverty through the calculated unrelenting use of her beauty, and it did not work. Ruburt in his own way tried to escape poverty through the use of his brains, and he was afraid that that was not going to work either. Ruburt’s brains however gave him much more leeway than his mother’s beauty gave her, and his intellect came with a counterpart—an intuitional and psychic counterpart that enriched it and kept it from becoming bitter or even ingrown.

Ruburt should try, again, not to concentrate on the walking area. [...] The few minutes for badminton are important, and gently familiarize Ruburt with the sense of quicker motion. [...]

Now: you had built-in status in Ruburt’s eyes, simply because you were an artist. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 14: Session 561, November 25, 1970 Carl multidimensional regular disquietude class

So, using the psychological bridge at such times, Ruburt can have a session. [...] It is not a matter of a session taking something out of Ruburt. [...]

[...] Your suggestion about weekends is a good one, and Ruburt is prepared to follow it. [...]

Ruburt is subconsciously aware of them in most cases, but seldom brings this to consciousness, so it is simply a feeling of disquietude on his part. [...]

TES8 Session 396 March 4, 1968 recreate hallucinatory misguided death training

[...] With the change in Ruburt’s whole attitude, I hope that I can make many of my points more clearly, and give you quite practical training. [...] This will involve time, but the inner concentration is growing on Ruburt’s part.

The material, the Seth material, will now serve as a cohesive binder in Ruburt’s classes. [...] It will be published, but Ruburt will also work with it in the psychological workshop of the classes.

Now, I could not have done so earlier, for Ruburt would not have liked it; and before, you would not have particularly liked it. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 11, 1977 fanatic threats stimulated wholesale realistic

[...] Ruburt’s condition is definitely reversible. [...] Your individual and joint feelings about threat have to one extent or another made Ruburt believe that he needed that protection.

[...] Here is something objective that signifies what Ruburt once thought of as the threatening world. [...]

[...] These are not authority figures putting Ruburt down, or our work. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session January 5, 1979 moral conscientious typeface judgment pedantic

Now you have even made—both of you, now—the same kind of moral, or I should say immoral, judgments about Ruburt’s condition, which with your joint perfectionism is doubly appalling. You see it as morally wrong, not simply a physically poor condition, but a morally reprehensible one, reflecting upon Ruburt’s integrity, his knowledge, his understanding.

The idea of a van to Florida led Ruburt into daydreaming, though he was very frightened of the idea, but you immediately thought of the difficulties, that it would not work, and overall neither of you have applied creative, imaginative, positive thought, steadily. [...] Ruburt has made progress, but both of you still believe that worrying will somehow lead to positive action, that fear will be an impetus.

Ruburt does it when he reads poor material. [...]

TPS1 Session 267 (Deleted Portion) June 13, 1966 expansion outdoors balance disturbances riotous

Now within certain boundaries, and taking certain circumstances for granted, Ruburt is more flexible than you may think he is. [...] It does not matter whether or not Ruburt gets a job because you are both simply unable to wait. [...]

I did you see make my earlier suggestion to Ruburt, also in the hopes that it would initiate the sort of discussion in which you have just been involved.

[...] The psychic partnership that exists between you and Ruburt is absolutely necessary to our sessions.

TES1 Session 42 April 8, 1964 plane camouflage expanding universe inexperienced

Ruburt’s experience last night was along these lines. [...] But in this instance the vision was much better, you must admit, than it is with ordinary eyesight, since the clock that Ruburt saw well enough to tell the time was not even in the same room.

[...] There is a feeling with which Ruburt is all too familiar which is important here. Before one of our regular sessions as you know Ruburt often becomes nervous. [...]

Ruburt during these sessions is also to some degree dependent upon your energy, Joseph, and more than normally sensitive to your moods. [...] I can sense a lack of confidence on Ruburt’s part when he senses any disturbance as far as you are concerned. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session February 16, 1972 job leadership aspersions trip beacons

[...] One of the things Ruburt resents most about your mother is her lack of understanding of the nature of your artistic abilities. Ruburt considered your mother an enemy in that regard.

[...] This you and Ruburt should underline and remember. You could not use them as a youth, fully, anymore than Ruburt could have used his psychic abilities without gross distortion. [...]

First of all, Ruburt idealized you, as you know, in the early days of your marriage and courtship. [...]

TPS1 Session 208 (Deleted Portion) November 15, 1965 envy penis faltered itch envious

Our sessions in general, the matter of spontaneity and discipline, your own fears, rather natural enough, concerning any subconscious effect I might have on Ruburt.

[...] There are, then, the separate questions concerning your health, Joseph, and Ruburt’s.

I will now, ordinarily, pick up any dangerous warning signals concerning your health or Ruburt’s, but it is still a good idea to query me now and then directly.

TES8 Session 418 June 24, 1968 sounds tumult undirected chaotic Grossman

—the problems involved in educating what your friends refer to as the Buttses, and the various interchanges between you, Ruburt and myself. It would include the ways in which perceptive mechanisms operate, the manners by which I must activate Ruburt’s associative patterns in the case of clairvoyant information, and what your life looks like to me who observes it from such a unique perspective.

[...] Jane’s pace had slowed considerably by now.) Ruburt could if he chose, add his own notes and comments, for his experience in our sessions is vastly different from mine. (Pause.) Such a book would have nothing whatsoever to do with Ruburt’s writing, which should progress at its own rate.

—what it is like to speak through Ruburt. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session August 29, 1979 Enquirer Mitzi abilities sperm nosing

You were well aware, intuitively, of Ruburt’s strong abilities, though you had no labels for them. Ruburt was appalled at your situation, and moreover your moodiness at the time led him to fear that you might turn away from him. [...]

[...] Ruburt’s main problem was that he tried too hard to protect himself because he believed it was necessary. [...] Some get through easier or quicker than others, and a belief in the need for protection has been the most stubborn lingering belief from Ruburt’s past in this life. [...]

[...] Your own psychic abilities, and Ruburt’s, saved you (as I remarked after supper) at the time of your physical difficulties. [...]

TES3 Session 104 November 4, 1964 Jimmy sale warning dump rush

Communications, not physical, have been established through elements of energy both within the stories and between certain individuals and Ruburt, although Ruburt is not physically acquainted with these persons.

A manuscript now from Ruburt lays on a desk. [...] Pushing Ruburt will cause distortions, this time, that would result from tiredness rather than unwillingness.

Our Ruburt has already put in quite a day.

TES2 Session 84 September 2, 1964 boat rowboat sympathy constructions wharf

In a deep trance we could tell you much, Ruburt and I, but I still agree on the principles of cooperation, and always follow the dictates of caution. Ruburt’s abilities along these lines are great, but it is necessary always that certain controls are maintained; and he certainly sees to that!

Again, also I have said nothing about Ruburt’s change in status at the gallery, for my own reasons. [...]

Ruburt is blocking a picture of Philip. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, April [1?], 1969 Christ jolly murder tulips Easter

[...] I am here whether or not I speak, you see, and often I inspire Ruburt, so that when he speaks himself, he speaks for me. [...] Now, I do indeed give you my heartiest regards and wishes, and were it not for Ruburt’s wishes and the lateness of the hour and his concerns about the neighbors, I would continue. [...] Nevertheless, there is a point here that my friend Ruburt would do well to take to mind. [...]

[...] Ruburt may not want me to get into the act. [...]

[...] Ruburt will be on to me. [...]

TES8 Session 354 July 19, 1967 slippages plateau weight recovery complete

Ruburt’s Mr. Miller should definitely be contacted.

[...] Blue, incidentally, is a healing color, which is why Ruburt craves it. [...]

It was amusing to watch our friend Ruburt. [...]

TPS2 Session 653 (Deleted Portion) April 4, 1973 navigate belabor deluged straits Amen

[...] You both believe that Ruburt is sick physically in one particular fashion. [...]

Ruburt will not navigate properly as long as each of you believe he cannot. [...]

[...] Pollyanna as it may sound, you must each imagine Ruburt able to navigate, and take it for granted that the rest physically will follow, without trying to force the issue.

TPS1 Session 527 (Deleted Portion) May 11, 1970 cleavage cage forthcoming rackets badminton

(Pause.) For a while you did not feel that the way was clear, psychologically, between yourself and Ruburt. [...] Then however you felt a cleavage on Ruburt’s part, and continued the symptom. [...]

If all of my suggestions are followed in line with your general circumstances and Ruburt’s health, there will be vast (underlined) improvement.

I hesitate to repeat myself, and yet remind Ruburt of this playful attitude I have spoken of. [...]

TES3 Session 99 October 21, 1964 cellar vessel Tubbs furnace collaborate

Part of Ruburt’s dream, you see, did have to do with a ship; and here with a second vessel and the water, you find that information was given on a subconscious level to Ruburt concerning his friend’s journey. [...] However, there was a deep sense of bewilderment upon Ruburt’s part with his friend, who is a mother, since neither of them as adolescents considered motherhood as a part of their personal futures.

The Tubbs woman was to be given still another child, when no more were desired, by Ruburt in childish retaliation. Both literal interpretations were true, you see, but Ruburt took the opportunity (unconsciously of course) to use valid information, that of the trip, as a method of getting back for the imagined and unreasonable treachery of her friend.

I find that the climate is more favorable this evening; and much to my amusement I discovered that Ruburt saw fit to collaborate my diagnosis of the condition existing on the left wrist, by speaking to a doctor, who did indeed collaborate my statement.

UR1 Section 1: Session 679 February 4, 1974 mystical Linden photograph n.y church

[...] Much later, Ruburt would date the “disreputable” men in his environment, yet neither mother or daughter saw that parallel. Ruburt’s mother by then wanted a respectable, hopefully rich husband for Ruburt, and could not understand why he chose men who did not conform.

Ruburt’s mother knew that the child could be taken away were it proven that she was an unfit mother in any way, or unable to give the child proper care. Well over a year before this picture was taken, in fact, Ruburt was sent to a Catholic home.5 There, unconventional thought was not tolerated. The inflexibility of dogma conscientiously applied to daily action was experienced, and within it Ruburt tried to apply himself and to focus his deeply mystical nature.*

[...] Ruburt, at that age — when he changed at the third grade — had quite a will then, in that he forced his mother to acquiesce to the change of schools. He put up such a fuss, Ruburt, and held such temper tantrums, that permission was given. [...]

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