Results 281 to 300 of 1488 for stemmed:ruburt

TPS4 Deleted Session November 21, 1977 faith trembling motor relaxation capillaries

Now: this will indeed be a brief session, for it is an evening of body events, as far as Ruburt is concerned. [...] The body was freed to some extent following the session because Ruburt was reassured. [...]

Ruburt’s brief experiments with the relaxation and energy exercises helped further. [...]

[...] Your confidence will continue to grow, and Ruburt’s inner improvements are accelerating.

ECS4 ESP Class Session, August 17, 1971 Edgar harshly misshapen autograph judges

Ruburt gave you some idea of some events that in all probability will occur. [...] I have more confidence than Ruburt has and before I begin my next book, I will let you all know. [...]

And do not pay any attention to Ruburt when he chews you all out. [...]

[...] Check with Ruburt and I will tell you the time. [...]

TES6 Session 245 March 28, 1966 vaccine Wyoming polio Lucy family

[...] Now this is connected with Ruburt’s letter image. Personally, I have the impression of Ruburt’s father.

[...] Now this is connected with Ruburt’s letter image. Personally, I have the impression of Ruburt’s father.” [...]

Now since this session is a rather personal one I have some comments to Ruburt before I discuss his experience. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session September 29, 1975 unsafe affiliations safe newly insecurity

Ruburt’s symptoms made sense in an unsafe universe. [...] You can make that leap into the safe universe—just as Ruburt is. [...]

[...] Ruburt was involved in a process when he initiated the symptoms, in which certain highly specific areas were directly affected, and their function impaired. [...]

At the same time, because of Ruburt’s own purposes, they were perfectly preserved—not for instance attacked in any fashion, but in many ways isolated from the rest of bodily activity.

TPS3 Session 703 (Deleted Portion) June 12, 1974 dynamics inward Herschaft overrode stages

Nor is it any coincidence that this freedom and emergence on your part coincides with Ruburt’s sure stages of recovery. [...]

Ruburt by now should be able to see a certain “sequence,” as previously hardened muscles begin to loosen. [...]

I have heard each of you say, at one time or another, that you did not know if you would do it over again—if you knew that Ruburt would have developed his physical difficulties. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session March 25, 1981 philosophical issues defenses newscasts dangerous

Ruburt’s difficulties are based upon certain philosophical dilemmas, that are his own personally—dilemmas, however, that also belong to your time, and are therefore largely responsible for the difficulties in your historical period. [...] The issues involved affect, for example, Ruburt’s personal mobility. [...]

Ruburt’s symptoms are not his challenge this time, as you asked (in question 13), but the philosophical connotations behind his difficulties certainly do involve his challenges this time.

Ruburt has tried, as I said before, to use his abilities while being very cautious. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session January 28, 1981 custody hostages negotiations intellect Iranian

Ruburt has also managed to set up a better system of communication, and whenever you begin to pay more attention to your impulses again, you are bound to get off-center at any point. [...] Ruburt will naturally seek your aid, however, and your helpful hand, as he moves out of those limited corridors of activity—and so he is. [...]

[...] They use portions of themselves as hostages—or as in Ruburt’s case they use a portion of themselves not so much as hostages, but they take a part of the self under “protective custody.” [...]

Ruburt took a portion of himself into protective custody—not wishing to do that portion any damage, but simply to restrain it, to teach it discipline. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session September 24, 1973 reactivated financial disciplinary he criticize

Ruburt’s (very relaxed) condition today was the result of Friday’s news (about the very good sales of all of Jane’s books), and the body was ridding itself of a tension. Ruburt is aware that those purposes served by his physical condition are quickly vanishing. [...]

[...] This fact alone will help Ruburt’s condition. [...] While you have been concerned with Ruburt, unconsciously in certain terms you have solved creative dilemmas, and soon opportunities will present themselves beside those you will make.

When you found what those consequences were, for Ruburt at least, you wanted no part of them. [...]

TES8 Session 397 March 6, 1968 transition alchemy evil cell commitment

It is like Ruburt keeping the bird alive, you see. [...]

[...] The exercises which Ruburt is barely beginning will be of great help in our work, and in the development of his abilities. [...]

I will tell you this (pause, eyes open):Neither of you realize as yet the full extent of Ruburt’s inner change of mind, his commitment now to our work, the commitment of his abilities to these matters for his lifetime.

TPS1 Session 475 (Deleted) April 14, 1969 abundance negative Imagine paintings flexible

Form your new reality with as much trust and love and confidence, creativity and joy, as you do a painting, or Ruburt a poem. [...] This does not mean that Ruburt should expect to go off and make great money as a musician. [...]

Your trip (Sunday, April 13; we drove to Cortland, NY) was beneficial, but it was impeded by negative thoughts of Ruburt’s, and also to some degree by the fact that you pointed out his symptoms without reminding him that the inner self could and would minimize them. [...]

[...] Ruburt gave you some good images when he said that thoughts were like the colors and the lines you use to make a painting. [...]

TES8 Session 405 April 18, 1968 touchy Montgomery quotes afraid spirit

Ruburt is not fully familiarized with the material. [...]

Put it this way if you prefer, for the simplest analogy: Ruburt operates as an excellent wireless, and brings in messages from beyond those usually received. [...]

[...] Ruburt’s students have helped him, strangely enough, because they helped reinforce his faith in me. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session October 10, 1977 Dineen James Carol Rusty Hal

So far, you have been hesitant—Ruburt particularly, but both of you—to release or express that desire for normal physical flexibility on Ruburt’s part. [...]

Ruburt’s body is expressing as much of that desire as he, and secondly you, have felt free enough to express. [...] Ruburt is making inroads, learning not to project negatively. [...]

In a manner of speaking, the gentleman’s (Hal) visit, while Ruburt is doing the James book, completes an intent on James’s part that he had in life. The event, again, in a way is even separate from Ruburt’s present connection with James, but followed as a result of James’s living curiosity regarding highly gifted mediums that might exist after his death.

TES1 Session 40 April 1, 1964 spider capsule plane desk web

Well, I certainly would not want Ruburt throwing furniture at me. [...] When Ruburt’s resentment finally flares, that is no time for me to be around.

Again this in no way implies an invasion of Ruburt by myself, but instead implies an extension on Ruburt’s part to make way for the experience. [...]

Ruburt was your son, as you well know. And he was a painter, so that the art gallery is an ironic place for Ruburt and this woman to meet.

TES7 Session 316 February 1, 1967 mother identification Saratoga sensitivity attack

It just happens, you see, that when Ruburt’s mother was coming down with arthritis, Ruburt was in the early grades—a kindergarten room with blocks and small stools and cloak room. [...]

[...] To some extent the fact that Ruburt’s book is being read in his hometown disconcerts him. [...]

[...] Ruburt recognized this as a particular danger point and managed to break away here. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session January 19, 1976 unsafe coping race safe species

(10:29.) Ruburt becomes worried when he thinks of the many people who write or call, asking for help. [...] Ruburt’s are observable. [...]

Ruburt’s condition has vacillated through the years, yet always contained within it the great thrusts toward health, and the improvements. [...] The habit patterns, the attitudes, connected with the unsafe universe persisted, even as Ruburt became aware of the concept. [...]

Ruburt has been waiting until you were ready to actually begin typing the first book, until he saw the actual pages, and knew that you were finished with the bulk of the reference work and so forth. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session August 9, 1972 nonevents unbeing nutshell unhappening accomplishment

[...] And this is what I want, where I can comment as we go along on Ruburt’s progress.

The entire program, all of the suggestions, must automatically become a part of Ruburt’s life. [...]

I want it read daily for its suggestive value, and also to acquaint Ruburt with its many aspects. [...]

TES9 Session 462 February 3, 1969 mathematical perception clairvoyant medium pessimistic

[...] (Peggy G.) Our friend Ruburt learned something from that article, in that a simple presentation works very well.

The sense of work, dedication and commitment has finally been given on Ruburt’s part, and the energy and vitality that has always been available to him can now be practically used to both of your advantages.

[...] There were several in quote “keys” that could unlock, direct and focus the full abilities in Ruburt’s personality. [...]

TES9 Session 481 May 12, 1969 April destruction construction imagine pricking

[...] Ruburt’s experience involving you was quite legitimate, although you were not consciously aware of your activities.

[...] You were thinking both consciously and below consciousness about Ruburt’s appointment at the dentist. [...]

Ruburt was working and without realizing it telepathically was aware of your emotional presence. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session November 26, 1975 heroic Latin Teresa Deus title

Ruburt travels in the heroic dimensions, and the library exists there. There are rhythms to the psyche, and to your own relationship, with Ruburt, and with me. [...]

When Ruburt took your second apartment, he did so taking it on faith and against all physical evidence to the contrary that he would have the money to afford it, and the money came. Yet whenever you begin a new situation of physical improvements with Ruburt, after the first enthusiasm the both of you instantly revert to the old “test-it-out-at-once, check-the-physical-evidence” kind of thinking. [...]

[...] There is importance, significance in your suggestion that Ruburt send energy to his body, and in your suggestion that he look for the library, as there is in his new attraction to his painting.

TPS4 Deleted Session September 24, 1977 Nebene foreshortening pendant Egyptian Framework

Several times this week, Ruburt imagined the two of you on a trip to Florida, with a trailer by the ocean; both of you working, of course, but quite happily. [...] If you had to you could even fix it so Ruburt could eat mostly in the car, or in a van. [...]

Your house has been calm, Ruburt’s body has improved each day, and his work and yours have been productive. [...]

[...] They represent concentrated experience in which Ruburt threw aside “for a time” the known beliefs of Framework 1, its laws and regulations.

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