Results 241 to 260 of 1488 for stemmed:ruburt

TPS1 Deleted Session March 11, 1970 perfection hurt symptoms Jesuit whipping

Now, in your good intentions you told Ruburt lately that he was using only a tenth of his abilities, meaning that most people only used a portion of their capabilities. [...] Neither of you should expect perfect performance in your work, and I say this to you as well as to Ruburt. To some extent there has been a weaving in and out, so that at times Ruburt’s symptoms were personal, and at times they were symbols for both of your attitudes.

[...] Now if the whipping-dogs were not connected with Ruburt, this would be a handy family mechanism. Another point I would mention: Ruburt knows quite well your own progress in your own work. [...]

I suggest, quite seriously, that Ruburt make up a list of his accomplishments; that he make a list of his good points; that he write down a short list of those things he thinks he is doing right (humorously), and the things he enjoys; and you add to these lists. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session June 30, 1973 distractions youthful curtailment backslidings noise

[...] Ruburt is afraid that if he can operate in a trailer, and he can, that you will find yourselves losing work time, running all over the country, and you are afraid of the same thing. [...] Since this is never challenged you never know whether or not Ruburt can perform.

Ruburt in his own way recognizes the charge behind what you say. [...]

Ruburt’s set of beliefs for some time were so invisible, and he identified with them so completely, that it was extremely difficult for him to examine them in the light of the present and his now situation.

TPS7 Deleted Session June 7, 1982 sinful love beset expression threatening

(Very long pause at 8:13, one of many.) I have most of the material we need now, but must also organize it so that it has the most therapeutic effect possible, and so that it clears Ruburt’s understanding in emotional, intuitive as well as intellectual ways. [...] Ruburt, being an excellent writer, certainly does not feel at the mercy of all of those unknown, uncounted hours spent in childhood writing poetry—so it is only your frame of reference that makes the former statement appear to be true. While this material is being delivered, and while you and Ruburt are dealing with it (long pause), certain emotional aspects should come to the fore to make the affair more beneficial. [...]

[...] (Long pause.) The panic Ruburt senses is of course the feeling that is behind all of his symptoms—and you must remember as we continue that such situations are not unusual in your world. Ruburt is not dumber than most people, for example. [...]

Some of this will appear quite clearly later, that is, certainly Ruburt felt (underlined) at times that his mother hated him. When Ruburt fell in love with you, his vigor, strength, and expression rose to the surface. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, October 21, 1969 Rochelle brandy screen invite teacher

[...] However, to begin with, Ruburt writes as Ruburt or, if you prefer, Ruburt writes as your friend Jane. [...]

Ruburt mentioned something earlier about a “Saturday afternoon.” [...]

There is also a large effort made when he speaks through Ruburt and an effort on his part. [...]

TES9 Session 459 January 22, 1969 role ego presence poetic ascribe

The book will not require any additional work on Ruburt’s part, taken from his own, except for the final putting together, which will be simply a matter, I suppose, of typing. [...] Ruburt may make minor corrections if he feels them necessary, but the I in the book will be my own so interpretation will not be needed.

A short note to Ruburt first however. [...]

[...] I am simply waiting while Ruburt gets himself settled in the book he is beginning. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session June 1, 1979 Ida Dick golf impulses brother

[...] Ruburt is working with the nature of impulses, and old ideas about impulses, spontaneity and discipline rose to mind, for the family situation of your brother and his wife almost typifies the kind of situation that Ruburt was determined to avoid. [...]

[...] He feels some affinity to Ruburt for the same reason, but Ruburt also upsets him, because he disapproves of women who think, and is very frightened because Ida in later years has started to criticize some of their joint beliefs.

[...] They are, as Ruburt declared so emphatically, nice people, well-intended people.

NotP Chapter 1: Session 755, September 8, 1975 psyche canvas brushstroke artist greater

[...] Physically, however, Ruburt and Joseph take many hours in its production. [...] Ruburt, as usual, is smoking as I speak. [...] Now it is quiet, with only the drone of Ruburt’s new refrigerator sounding like the deep purr of some mechanical animal.

(10:20.) So Ruburt’s subjective perspective opens up because of his desire and interest, and discloses my own. [...] That existence is mine, expressed in my experience at another level of reality, so I must write my books through Ruburt. [...]

On some relatively few occasions, for example, Ruburt has been able to contact what he calls “Seth Two.” [...] (Long pause.) There is a much closer relationship, in that I recognize my own identity as a distinct portion of Seth Two’s existence, where Ruburt feels little correspondence. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session November 26, 1972 Richard Eleanor Dick Andrews imperfections

The session contained information about vital aspects of Ruburt’s personality, but given in your terms at a particular period of time. [...]

[...] They are, whether you know it or not, also projected by you upon Ruburt, so that you do see his physical condition as an outrage, not only literally but symbolically. [...]

Ruburt has always known this. [...]

TPS3 Session 702 (Deleted Session) June 10, 1974 physician improper muscles softened mistrust

(10:55.) Now: first, Ruburt’s experience this afternoon. [...]

[...] There is a connection of course between such inner manipulation and the actual physical body—so Ruburt felt physical sensation that was, however, not a part of what he thinks of as the body. [...]

[...] It is an advance on Ruburt’s part that he perceived and then recalled the experience.

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 10 Mark Rob furniture arrangements bookcases

[...] The bookcases should stay as they are, Ruburt. [...] The bedroom arrangement is fine, and if no one will blame Ruburt’s subconscious, then I would venture one further suggestion. It is not, however, to involve any more complicated arrangements on Ruburt’s part. Simply put: The addition of a small desk and chair to the bedroom as a more or less permanent fixture for a small private place, accessible when he wants it, for our so-sensitive and sometimes pig-headed Ruburt. [...]

[...] Ruburt was dubious about a session with company present but willing to go along. [...] For that matter, I welcome a witness, and it is time you had one for your own edification, not mine, and it should do our nervous pigeon, Ruburt, some good.

[...] I do not want to hurt Ruburt’s feelings, and I have avoided making this statement thus far, but I have been emotionally more involved with you in past existences [than with Ruburt]. [...]

TES9 Session 463 February 5, 1969 atoms perception molecules electromagnetic paranormal

On occasion the change can be noticeable enough however so that the physical resemblance (pause), changes, Ruburt looking far less like Ruburt, comparatively speaking.

There is also something else that he seems to have forgotten—that your own relationships, yours and Ruburt’s and the relationships between us in the past, do much to make our communication possible. [...] So unless there is another identical (underlined) Ruburt and Joseph combination, I am stuck with you. [...]

Now Ruburt’s ego, so hard to win over, is now up in arms because it regards me as its exclusive property. [...]

TPS1 Session 368 (Deleted), October 2, 1967 conscientious super spontaneous self hurry

[...] When both portions of the personality are in agreement, then Ruburt’s personality is literally overwhelming, filled with vitality and unbeatable.

[...] (Pause.) There is a cleavage apparent in Ruburt’s distaste of the word God, for example.

The autobiographical material produced as novels by Ruburt were also helpful as safety valves. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session August 20, 1977 materialistic spray jaw glasses forecast

[...] Ruburt’s eyes lovingly try to perfect themselves. [...] Ruburt’s improvements are occurring, as I said. [...]

To begin with, a few comments about some thoughts of Ruburt’s.

[...] When Ruburt’s body began its regeneration lately, it began to correct all conditions from scratch. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 12, 1977 Framework modern sales animal manlike

Ruburt’s response to the suggestion means that his attitudes are indeed changing for the better. Your intent is specific, and should be stated as such, as Ruburt is doing, but that specific intent draws multitudinous areas into actualization, and Ruburt will feel himself more and more supported in both his physical and creative endeavors.

Your growing faith in Framework 2 about Ruburt’s condition has also helped free your intent about selling books. Before, you tied Ruburt’s physical problems in with the selling of the books. Several important joint areas are clearing in Ruburt’s body. [...]

Ruburt’s physical condition was the result of nature impeded. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, October 20, 1970 Nassair houseboys Vanessa Dennis disbelief

Tell our friend, Ruburt, that Nassair should not set up what he is thinking of setting up, his offshore fund; and tell Ruburt that that is the only message I have for Mr. Nassair at this time. [...]

[...] We will hopscotch back and forth and with our friend Ruburt, for this is also one of his main lines of interest, but your own experience can be used to benefit by the class at large for you must be led to see that you can alter physical events in such a way. [...]

Now, we will see to it that you live very adventurous nights, and those of you who do psychological time and take the physical time necessary to do the experiments, will find the mobility of consciousness—I am using that term because Ruburt likes it so well—that is necessary. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session August 27, 1977 tooth Arizona Inn teeth fallen

[...] It was not because Ruburt’s confidence failed, and so did yours. Then Ruburt did not communicate because he did not want to worry you, since he knew your confidence was no better than his.

[...] It is also important, now, that you concentrate upon your own creative works, both of you—Ruburt particularly, so that he takes his mind off of his body, and focuses elsewhere. Since you are doing this alone, more or less, it is natural to be upset at times, but when your confidence is greater than your doubts, Ruburt always improves.

Because of your natures, to a far greater extent than most, you and Ruburt have strayed in such a fashion. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, February 20, 1968 shall demonstrations somber am gentleman

[...] I am using Ruburt’s nervous system, for example, but I am not Ruburt. [...]

[...] Therefore, when you are tempted to think of it as an end of all, then remember that you know a rather lively spirit and when you hear my voice speaking through Ruburt this evening then remember how hoarse it was before I began to speak, and know indeed that were I not such a gentleman, I could add considerably to its volume. The hour is late however and Ruburt would not thank me for my troubles. [...]

[...] Though I have no gold stars to give you, you may leave Ruburt an apple. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session January 10, 1977 conventionalized goals classifications proposals Caesar

Ruburt began to allow only psychic experiences that could be translated also—not primarily, you see—but also into financial productivity. [...] Ruburt felt that creative work could pay. [...] Ruburt tricked you quite cleverly into doing the sketches for Dialogues—for your own good, he felt, and you did not enjoy the experience, allowing your beliefs to contaminate your creativity. [...]

[...] You see in Ruburt’s physical condition the clearest representation, but this is simply the clearest sign of events that exist in your own private experience also. [...] Ruburt goes ahead creatively, lately, grudgingly, but he goes.

[...] It would apply to you alone whenever Ruburt works at night instead. [...] Be at your respective places —Ruburt at his desk, you in your studio—by 9:30, and work clearly, without interruptions, for three hours.

ECS1 Session 494, ESP Class Session, July 15, 1969 Bega Theodore Ned portrait Brad

[...] You may indeed get only our friend Ruburt. But then you may get more than your friend Ruburt. [...]

Now, I will let my friend—(laugh from Ned)—you, as Ruburt would say, you are looking for it! [...] The portrait is a portrait of Ruburt as a woman in one of the past lives mentioned—and in that particular instance, as a grandmother of twelve children. [...]

[...] You (Jane and Sue) used your energy like a ball that a child plays with, both you and Ruburt. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session June 27, 1977 expression love verbally stomach unrealistic

(10:00.) For one thing, you do not respect position, and your attitudes are clear, through your notes and Ruburt’s introductions. [...] Ruburt could easily have given impressions concerning, say, Richard Burton, to Goodheart (Bill), who would have been initially impressed, and would have spread the word. Ruburt disdains such maneuvers.

Ruburt is verbal. [...] Oftentimes your stomach upsets you because your love for Ruburt makes you concerned, and in most instances the stimulus is money. [...]

[...] Ruburt was warm, curious, and solitary. [...]

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