Results 21 to 40 of 1488 for stemmed:ruburt

TPS3 Deleted Session March 13, 1974 method winter housework astrology overcome

[...] On the other hand it gave Ruburt exactly what he wanted in experience. [...] Ruburt however did choose a condition which could be experienced and then conquered. [...] Ruburt rejected most of those; and so, in your relationship with Ruburt, did you.

[...] To some extent Ruburt believes it, and believes that the body must suffer if it sits for long periods, and so forth. [...] Ruburt believes now that it is wrong not to go out each day. [...]

For Ruburt, spring and fall are periods when all of his energy rouses at a highly creative level, and insights are particularly valuable at such times. [...] The seeking toward birth is a spiritual stimuli that is then re-enacted, but in new creative ways: so that Ruburt in winter, particularly in late winter, is on the one hand working toward new births of energy and creativity; and on the other is aware of the very need for such new birth, that would be implied in a before-birth situation.

TPS3 Deleted Session May 26, 1975 distractions chores laughable painting novelist

[...] Ruburt had his fantasies this morning. [...] When I say to Ruburt “Do not concentrate upon the symptoms because you reinforce them,” then you agree, Joseph, and it makes perfect sense. When you see Ruburt going around for days concentrating upon the physical limitations, then it is oh so clear to you where his difficulty lies. [...]

Frank can say to Ruburt (Frank called Jane a “tough little bird”—which she liked), “Truly, your legs can straighten. [...] Ruburt is faced with the sensation of tightness, however—there is something there in his experience to deal with, so that his senses can conform to his belief about his body. [...] Ruburt is trying to say “There is nothing basically wrong with my body, though in my reality there seems to be.” [...]

[...] One purpose was met, then, when you married Ruburt. [...] You did not meet Ruburt either until you were in your thirties, so the challenges set were not those that would be solved by a conventionally young man.

TPS3 Session 753 (Deleted Portion) August 4, 1975 femininity Education hostile slants tool

Yet to Ruburt’s mother, if you were a woman you either banked as she had on that femininity, and used it as a tool, or you became educated. [...] She was deadly frightened that Ruburt might have a child and not finish school. She also felt that Ruburt was a poor woman to begin with, in a way, because the intellect and femininity did not seem to mix—that is, Ruburt’s mother considered them odd components.

His mother banked upon her femininity, or so it seemed, stressing what Ruburt thought of as feminine wiles. That approach had not worked with Ruburt’s mother, who recognized Ruburt’s writing ability at least, and tried to encourage it. [...]

[...] In capsule form, then, Ruburt found himself born poor, female, and highly gifted. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session April 19, 1978 critical powerlessness bodybuilding determined solve

Ruburt’s new inclination for house cleaning is an excellent sign of intent and impulse, and your own support marks your own determination. [...] Ruburt’s body is making a valiant effort to readjust and to strengthen itself. [...] As Ruburt’s muscles exert themselves they often also hurt, but there is no one for him to compare his situation to—and because he has not trusted the body he becomes alarmed.

Now: your friend Tam quite happily gives readings with Ruburt’s experience behind him, and he says “I simply say, I take no responsibility for what James says.” Ruburt, however, takes the responsibility for what I say.

There are other reasons, however, that have added up to a feeling of powerlessness on Ruburt’s part in regard to his physical condition. Both of you have a tendency to concentrate upon the ills of the world—and so that applies also to the mail, for you remember the letters of those who are in difficulty far more than other letters—and Ruburt thinks that he is simply one more person with a problem that seemingly cannot be solved. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session June 7, 1978 creative mystical reorganized encounter reinterpretation

Ruburt always did realize he was quite different from other people. [...] To be creative in Ruburt’s particular way, you need a variety of characteristics that will allow you to probe alone into the nature of your own experience, and yet abilities that will also help you relate to the world—and Ruburt has those necessary abilities. [...]

Ruburt’s creativity is highly individualistic—and not, however, narrow in scope. As given in some old sessions, certain difficulties began when Ruburt tried to make his creativity fit the conventional work patterns. [...]

The paper Ruburt wrote was excellent. [...] Hopefully, Ruburt himself will have insights in the meantime that will make my material pertinent.

TPS2 Deleted Session February 21, 1972 discontent displaced freelancing elephants roared

Part of the difficulty is that it has become a symbol of Ruburt’s disabilities at this point. [...] After working one day, Ruburt expects instant results. [...] Remember the encounter (of February 19)—it was with a part of both of your personalities, not only Ruburt’s.

Ruburt’s energies will be released in the same way. [...] (On February 19.) What was said should show you that Ruburt’s condition also became the focus of your combined discontents, the physical picture of it. [...]

Here you were influenced, where Ruburt was not, toward a job because of ideas of security that came from your mother, and, despite your conscious evaluations, from the activities of your brothers. Your having a job made sense to you therefore for these reasons, more so than it did to Ruburt, who had no such countering influences. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session January 10, 1973 Tam dilemma tooth face Seven

The dream was not simply Tam’s dramatization of a message sent by Ruburt, yet dramatization was involved. Ruburt acted out his ideas of a conventional medium for Tam, who in a dream state perceived Ruburt’s dramatization.

[...] He made several distortions, substituting you (RFB) and the book I suggested (Through My Eyes) rather than Ruburt and Adventures. [...] Some time ago, after Seven, he mentioned my book, my new book, to Ruburt, and Ruburt said he did not want to contract trance material ahead of time, so Tam let it rest.

Both of them knew on other levels that Ruburt needed a backlog of chapters, and the book well in progress, so Tam simply went along, as Ruburt did, until the time came when Ruburt realized he had full confidence, the book was good, and that Adventures had other purposes.

TPS2 Deleted Session November 27, 1973 childless buying lest transitory railing

[...] Ruburt has chosen his, and you have chosen that his reality be involved with yours. Ruburt is not simply stuck with a bunch of symptoms, and you are not stuck just with a wife who has problems.

[...] Ruburt’s classes will not suffer despite appearances (the energy crisis). [...] Ruburt, so sensitive to your moods, and being self-conditioned to some extent himself negatively, reacted. [...]

[...] Ruburt as you know had his own reasons. Ruburt’s relative immobility kept him childless. [...]

TES9 Session 457 January 13, 1969 revelationary fiction mission hypocrisy committed

[...] On the other hand, I have always counted upon Ruburt’s ego as an ally in this fashion. It kept Ruburt in strong protection under its wing, and if it was overly stubborn, it was so because it always recognized Ruburt’s intuitive abilities, and the full strength of Ruburt’s sense of commitment, once given.

(I neglected to add that after this unscheduled session, which was held at night, Jane also spoke as Ruburt. [...] On the occasion I witnessed, I do not recall what Jane said as Ruburt.

For you and Ruburt both are now beginning your work. Ruburt’s physical symptoms will entirely vanish, and within now a relatively short period of time, as given in a recent session. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 30, 1981 Marie mother Sinful grandmother background

Ruburt’s mother often told him she wished the birth had not taken place, and that Ruburt had not been born. She let Ruburt know that she wanted a boy —a son—rather than a daughter to begin with. So Ruburt felt that he was certainly a disappointment to say the least. [...]

Marie did not hate Ruburt, though at times she could be quite hateful in her expressions. She was primarily bitter, and that bitterness lashed out at anyone, with Ruburt the nearest target. [...] Ruburt need not blame himself for not attending Marie’s death. [...]

(Slowly:) Ruburt’s mother chose her own life. [...] (Long pause, eyes closed.) She and Ruburt chose a relationship that would terminate, so the two would go their separate ways. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session January 28, 1974 writer personhood success artist inhibit

Ruburt’s condition does put you off, so neither of you have to contend with exuberant physical desire, that might interrupt you. Now, this is mainly, but only mainly, on Ruburt’s part; but it is in deep response to your early attitudes, and some of those still continue: to you it seems obvious where Ruburt “errs,” yet some of your own strategy very neatly escapes you, so that the rationalization so clear to you on Ruburt’s part, is invisible in your own case.

Ruburt saw himself as a writer, and judged himself through that focus, and other accomplishments that did not rigidly adhere to that focus were not considered successes, or even were jealously regarded as detriments. It is far more obvious now in Ruburt’s case than in your own. [...]

Ruburt will progress so far, then progress stops. [...] After Ruburt has not been out publicly for a while—to a bar or restaurant—or met people, he becomes frightened. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session August 2, 1978 intellect apologetic intellectual Babbitt interview

Now: Ruburt’s irritability is partially physical of late. [...] Physically Ruburt is nervous. [...]

There are periods of rest necessary, so for a while Ruburt did not write down his feelings. [...] Now they are coming to the forefront again, and Ruburt is tying them into your early springtime pendulum sessions, so that some new benefits now can come from that old work.

The decision to have the interview of itself meant that Ruburt was less afraid. The event of the interview showed you both, in concentrated form, how much you hid from others, and led to the further decision as described in our last session–not to hide Ruburt’s condition, and not to be apologetic about it either.

TPS4 Deleted Session May 17, 1978 Neuman locomotion Seven legal resilient

[...] Ruburt should not be overly concerned at his locomotion, walking, in any given day. [...] The important thing is not to worry, and also Ruburt’s condition now is such that the body seeks more and more activity.

[...] Does Ruburt feel safe enough? [...] Ruburt feels safe enough in your lovemaking activities, and that exuberance and response is excellent, so again, make sure that such events become a part of the normal expression of your lives.

[...] I want to stress that Ruburt’s body is responding remarkably well, and that it is not a matter of operating better in a restricted posture, but a much more significant response, in which the body is, quite simply, straightening itself out. [...] At this rate, it will not be long before the muscular activity makes Ruburt’s walking operationally better, for the muscles are incredibly strong and resilient, despite restraints they had been held in.

TES7 Session 318 February 8, 1967 Muriel Zeh poetic clairvoyant subconscious

Muriel left college without completing it and in disfavor, and so did Ruburt. The similarities alone made it easy for Ruburt to be sensitized on Muriel’s behalf and to clairvoyantly observe the illness. [...] Ruburt must understand that his abilities do include such clairvoyantly received data. [...]

[...] They were, it said, everything that Ruburt was not. Therefore, Ruburt must be changed. [...]

To some extent this was indeed a spiteful reaction, but do not forget it had been a good protector in the past, developed during Ruburt’s years with his mother into a strong armor. [...] The writer protected Ruburt against frightening experiences. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session December 3, 1973 money beliefs concentrate financial complexion

Ruburt is satisfied with the financial pace, knowing it is accelerating on its own. [...] Ruburt does not think in terms of details. [...]

Sketching for Ruburt’s book, in line with your present beliefs, is “safe.” This comes under a different category for you: helping Ruburt, and can be used also to release your sketching abilities. [...]

[...] Ruburt did not concentrate upon the problem of, say, possible poverty. Ruburt’s flexibility and health is as real in the inner world as that money is. [...]

TPS2 Session 617 (Deleted Portion) September 25, 1972 negative harbored underlined concentrate thumbnail

Now these episodes begin and follow a rhythmic pattern, and Ruburt recognizes it. [...] You go from that to the neighbors, the environment, Ruburt’s condition, and Prentice.

[...] If you had been more intimately connected with Ruburt’s classes, the same hassle would have resulted. Now Ruburt until recently has had the same sort of belief concerning his body and its abilities. [...]

[...] I have taken Ruburt to task many times. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session October 2, 1972 Seagull Aerofranz Dick Bach Eleanor

[...] Aerofranz knew, quite well, that Ruburt simply had to do some fiction. He also knew that the center of Ruburt’s being was involved with our message. Ruburt knew this also.

[...] Ruburt is deeply loyal to him, and he is to Ruburt. [...]

Ruburt’s own ideas in the past were not clear enough to offset this. No matter what Ruburt said, he thought of himself as working in a highly specialized, misunderstood small field.

TES6 Session 272 June 29, 1966 violence docile child retaliate aggressiveness

This has to do with the attack made on Ruburt by your domestic cat. Several issues are involved: Ruburt’s own mood at the time, for one thing. [...] For a short period of time, Ruburt turned his creative energy, as he knows, I believe, inward rather than outward, knotted it up, misdirected it, did not focus it properly, and turned it into destructive energy.

[...] Now, this is undistorted, and if this does not materialize, than I am wrong, not Ruburt, for once. [...] Obviously Ruburt must send the books out, for example.

Now, the other smaller episodes involving Ruburt and the cat alone have always occurred during the same process, only when lesser emotional crises were involved. You were quite right in saying that Ruburt fears violence. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session August 27, 1973 kiss redecorating hug spontaneity love

[...] You have each been structuring your experience largely through Ruburt’s symptoms—both of you, so that when Ruburt might momentarily feel free you would remind him of his limitations, and when you might forget them Ruburt would remind you.

Ruburt is not a child, but you often do think that your concern automatically expresses your love, and take it for granted that to Ruburt that is clear. [...]

Both of you concentrate upon the symptoms and Ruburt’s dire circumstances, which reinforces them. If you do this without feeling the symptoms, then at least understand how Ruburt so easily does the same thing.

TPS2 Deleted Session October 22, 1973 relaxation parents laxness father mother

Ruburt’s father, to Ruburt, meant laxness, relaxation to the extreme, without drive or fire, responsibility or control. Ruburt’s mother meant will, drive, power, for she had power over the household and over Ruburt. But that power went nowhere, for Ruburt’s father was physically free while his mother was not. Ruburt thought he had to make a choice (louder). [...]

Ruburt’s father represented the other extreme, with no firm purpose, seemingly driven willy-nilly, and accomplishing nothing. Both parents could be highly destructive, however—Ruburt’s father when he was drunk, and Ruburt’s mother generally.

[...] Ruburt’s background with his mother and his beliefs in will then merged with your feelings for isolation from your father. Ruburt blocked out emotional spontaneity, feeling that his father was lax. [...] At the same time you admired Ruburt’s spontaneity. [...]

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