Results 141 to 160 of 1488 for stemmed:ruburt

TPS2 Deleted Session June 24, 1973 dance mountaintop tours restraint loyalty

[...] As partners, to some extent consciously you agreed to varying attitudes at different times to the conditions, though the main elements of course are Ruburt’s. You feel the necessity for some restraint in social encounters, and with the world at large. Ruburt is providing them, and also for his own reasons. [...]

Now: We will start easily enough, with your question as to whether or not Ruburt considered your feelings in all of this.

(#12: Is Ruburt at all concerned with the effects of his present behavior on me—my feelings, etc.?)

TPS3 Deleted Session October 13, 1975 Howard Venice Bumbalos prerogatives cancer

(Long pause.) There is no part of Ruburt’s body that is not changing, as each portion becomes more responsive. The pendulum is still important, because as you, Joseph, were involved in Ruburt’s experience as he developed the symptoms, you are involved now in the healing process, and this means that both of you are changing your allegiance. Your reasons for sharing Ruburt’s experience also vanish, you see.

Now: a few words, though Ruburt’s main appointment this evening is with his own body.

Ruburt’s symptoms were largely protective in nature, providing a defense he felt he needed to protect himself against an unsafe universe from without, and against a suspicious self within.

TPS3 Session 781 (Deleted Portion) June 28, 1976 ligaments improvements Gladston muscles circulation

(11:40.) To Ruburt—an example of the stated and the unstated, the implied and the apparent.

These actually continue, whether Ruburt wakes or sleeps. [...]

[...] Ruburt would want to walk correctly now, of course, and then to have his arms straightened, or his posture gradually improved. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session January 30, 1974 sportsman contribution financial specialized painting

[...] Ruburt did not either, until lately, because it was a matter of self-evidence: your contribution financially would come through painting alone. So for a while you were hassled that you were not financially contributing after you left Artistic, and so was Ruburt. [...]

[...] Ruburt feared that the psychic work conflicted with the writer, and detracted from you in your focus as an artist. [...] Did Ruburt feel like making love during your working hours in earlier years, you actively discouraged him, and told him through actions and words that displays of innocent affection turned you on sexually, and disturbed you when you wanted to paint.

You, for example, could have excelled at certain sports, where Ruburt had no such inclinations. [...]

TES2 Session 69 July 8, 1964 apparition constructions water temperature cool

[...] If five people were in this room, then they would each construct, in their own personal perspective, their own image of Ruburt, which would be composed of definite, material, atoms and molecules. You would have five actual physical constructions, plus Ruburt’s own. Do all five constructions, plus Ruburt’s own, contain Ruburt’s consciousness?

[...] Ruburt constructs his own physical image, which is, I hope, obviously conscious. You construct your physical image of Ruburt. Now the question is: What about your construction of Ruburt, which is valid as a material construction. [...]

I mentioned that the change in Ruburt’s features was authentic, and also that what you prefer to call an apparition did indeed exist.

TPS1 Deleted Session December 6, 1971 disappointment emotional interaction inhibition relationship

[...] Because of his particular nature, these agreements on your part to avoid such issues, and the resulting lack of positive encounters, was more damaging to Ruburt.

Ruburt was correct then in those statements he made last evening, having to do with the balance of routine and spontaneity, for his nature does need both. [...]

[...] You, now, did for some time get into the habit of nonsmiling, which led Ruburt to further reinforce his own negative ideas of what you are thinking. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session August 15, 1977 towels dedicated improvements ligaments synchronized

[...] There is no one reason why Ruburt has not used the hot towels with any regularity, or why you have not reminded him—rather, a combination of reasons. Certainly if your joint desire to see Ruburt better was as active and dedicated as theoretically it should be, the towels would have been used.

[...] Overall, there has been considerable quicker motion to almost all portions of Ruburt’s body, though as he noted, these are not yet noticeably synchronized.

[...] In one more or less habitual position a few months ago, Ruburt could walk and move his head in a restricted way. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session May 22, 1978 inspiration deaden Frank distractions Instream

[...] You can afford to do so more than Ruburt, since your natural working method falls more easily into that kind of context, where the effort shows in time. Ruburt cannot afford such distinctions.

Ruburt “works” intuitively. [...]

When Ruburt becomes consciously aware of those results, then he is inspired. [...]

TES9 Session 425 July 31, 1968 Boston stabbed Van warmth neurobiological

The historical context was simply meant to represent the past in this particular life however, and Ruburt was your ally. The emotional freedom that you have recently shown with Ruburt also results from mastery in larger terms of that conflict. That freedom called for Ruburt’s spontaneity even as Ruburt’s now-releasing spontaneity helped you in the conflict.

Ruburt’s interpretation of the other dream was correct, and represented intuitional knowledge. [...] The emotional warmth sparking now between you is of great therapeutic value physically on Ruburt’s part, psychically and spiritually on both of your parts, and even for you supportive in a physical manner. [...]

[...] One note: Ruburt now believes that I can influence and help your Boston friend. This gives us added energy with which to work, for I can also use Ruburt’s emotional connections with the young woman, and this is to our advantage.

TPS4 Deleted Session January 16, 1978 recaptured rearouse strides tend jestful

Framework 2 begins to open doors in all areas, and only you and Ruburt can possibly stand in the way of excellent developments that have begun now in all avenues, including Ruburt’s condition. [...]

If Ruburt is showing improvements, then let these rise to your attention. [...] Ruburt certainly has made some strides of late, and so have you.

Ruburt read it, and is reading it, looking for those feelings that allowed vast improvements to occur at the time—and for once he did not look into the past with his usual self-disapproval. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session July 19, 1978 trust building leisure impulses invigorating

The impulses will automatically lead to Ruburt’s greater understanding of himself, and each one in its way will be a signal to act or not to act from Framework 2—all in line with a greater pattern that seeks Ruburt’s full physical recovery and the fulfillment of his abilities.

Now: a few remarks before I get to Ruburt.

(9:35.)1. Now: the main issue with Ruburt is the building up of self-trust. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session June 5, 1978 Framework stimulated pendulum walking impediments

[...] Beginning the day with the positive suggestions will, as time progresses, reinforce Ruburt’s sense of personal energy and power, and trust of the self. This does indeed insert necessary new countering information, and also allows for the expression of fears—for Ruburt will feel safe enough to express them.

[...] That is what Ruburt was trying to do, say, several days ago. Understand that per se, basically, Ruburt has nothing against walking. [...]

[...] For example “Am I afraid of the implications in this letter?” and then, according to the reply and circumstances, Ruburt answers the correspondent in a particular fashion, states his feelings, or does not answer at all.

TES3 Session 132 February 15, 1965 Trainor Lepanto Elegy Father summon

I quite understand Ruburt’s curiosity when Father Trainor’s voice did indeed come through, although far from perfectly. And it did represent another phase of Ruburt’s developing abilities. [...] I do believe that Ruburt has learned an important lesson. [...]

I do not approve of a whole day being given over to the sort of experimentation carried on by Ruburt last week in the Father Trainor sessions. In one respect I do agree with Ruburt, in that any future experiments with friends would be of better advantage carried out using chairs at a table, and actually making as few suggestions as possible.

First of all, Ruburt may continue with his daily psychological time experiments. [...]

TES6 Session 241 March 14, 1966 grave holly Ezra Gottesman leaf

I am interested mainly in education, and with Ruburt’s training by me through our present methods, the processes themselves are more clearly seen and understood. Some information comes to Ruburt fairly automatically, in that he speaks for me without having to consciously translate for me.

[...] The words that you hear are my words and not Ruburt’s. However, they are representations of my thought, as they are sifted through various layers, first of all of our composite psychological framework, and then through layers of Ruburt’s own personality.

The trick is to allow Ruburt’s associations free reign to a certain point, and then expertly insert the correct data. [...] Ruburt’s associations may go for example from C, D, E, and F, but precisely where he would say G, we must insert X or Y, and do it so smoothly that he is quite unaware.

TPS4 Deleted Session September 17, 1977 Framework paperback detailed operate suggestions

This is a way of encouraging Ruburt’s physical spontaneity, for his emotions and body each together want to move at such times. [...] Carried to the extreme in the past, Ruburt would not even want to take time for a decent shower, unless his other goals for the week were met.

Ruburt has made some effort to avoid negative projections, and has therefore met with some success. [...]

[...] Ruburt can, however, each day tell himself that for that day he will try to avoid such negative projection. [...]

TPS1 Session 377 (Deleted) November 6, 1967 success jealous virility caps castration

[...] Ruburt was literal-minded in many respects. [...] The background of Ruburt’s personality was unfortunate, and fortunate.

The mother wanted success for the child, and yet Ruburt felt (pause) that success would also be resented by the mother, that the mother would be jealous of it. [...] While Ruburt had no money there was no fear of this.

You must realize however that in your interactions you and Ruburt work together in some areas very effectively. [...]

TPS3 Session 708 (Deleted Portion) September 30, 1974 jointly invisible belief cure despite

A few clear moments of belief, again, on both of your parts will let unimpeded nature free Ruburt, and also release other abilities of yours which you symbolically see as Ruburt’s physical symptoms.

Ruburt, in those terms, started from scratch as a member of your society who had finally thrown aside, as you had, the current framework of belief. [...]

The development of Ruburt’s abilities would, therefore, lead him away from comforting structures, while in the meantime he searched for others to sustain him. [...]

TPS3 Session 784 (Deleted Portion) July 19, 1976 quicker protest discomfort trigger crying

No one physical effect caused Ruburt’s slow motion. [...]

[...] It was unnatural in those terms for Ruburt not to feel soreness in the past when his body stance was so unnaturally restrained. [...]

A flexible body suddenly in the position of Ruburt’s would protest, and it is a sign of his progress that he now feels that protest. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session March 6, 1972 repressed discouraged Crying tour emotional

In helping Ruburt do so you will also find your own emotional nature released and enriched. Ruburt feels emotions deeply, hence the repression of them causes such difficulties. [...] I suggest that in a joint pendulum session you address Ruburt’s conscientious self with this in mind.

[...] The gods are not as serious as Ruburt tries to be about himself. [...] Playfully now, for the relaxation and joy of doing it, let yourselves imagine the things you want to do, as a creative game, because of the intrinsic pleasure involved but without Ruburt expecting, or rather demanding, instantaneous results.

When you made the remark about tour, Ruburt repressed the fear invoked, wanting to show you that he no longer was so sensitive. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session May 6, 1970 chat resentment pendulum penis straight

You have been holding on to your own symptoms while Ruburt still has his. [...] Tell yourself that you can help yourself and Ruburt far better without the disease caused by the symptoms. [...] Once they were meant to promote your psychological understanding, but now they can only impede your progress; and you are also slightly resentful at Ruburt, feeling that he is somewhat responsible, by still maintaining his symptoms, for your own.

I want first of all Ruburt, quite simply, to imagine your penis straight. [...]

[...] Ruburt can picture, mentally, your straight penis, more easily than he can his own arms. [...]

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