Results 1021 to 1040 of 1488 for stemmed:ruburt
[...] Ruburt leapt back to safety and normal consciousness. The thing then dissipated [as far as Ruburt was concerned]. For when Ruburt ‘ran home’ he automatically withdrew the energy [of his attention] from it. … Ruburt tried to separate from himself all those elements he considers negative, and fight them at once, almost as if in so doing he could remove evil from the universe.
[...] Ruburt tried to isolate them, give them form, and fight them all at once. [...] It could do nothing but attack to protect whatever reality it had, for it knew Ruburt created it only to slay it, if possible.
Seth went on to say: “The evil that Ruburt imagined he was projecting outward does not exist, but because he believed it did, he formed the materialization from his fears. [...]
“But this fact is Ruburt’s safeguard in his out-of-body travels—as long as he remembers it. [...]
“Now,” Seth said when he resumed the session at 10:13, “Ruburt’s body is trying to right itself. [...] You are used to thinking of any bodily commotion as disruptive, and put it in the worst possible light because your backgrounds have given you little experience in such situations—you, Ruburt, or anyone else—largely in your culture.
“Afterward, however, Ruburt does sense certain releases. [...]
[...] I knew more about those circumstances than Ruburt. Some of these occasions occurred fairly early in our sessions, when Ruburt was worried about spontaneous trances, so after making my presence known to him, I acquiesced to his decision at the time. [...] Usually Ruburt reacted to these adversely at his end — that is, the interference was such that it would bother his situation rather than mine.
Tonight, during a pleasant supper time, our friends Ruburt and Joseph watched a television production based upon the Cinderella fairy tale. [...]
Dictation: Some years ago, before our sessions actually began (in late 1963) — though immediately previous — Ruburt (Jane) had an experience that he has described in his own books.
[...] In other words, Ruburt felt that there was a slim chance of opening doors of knowledge that had been closed, and he decided to take that chance.
I have been biding my time, seeking for the most auspicious moment in which to speak to you, and to announce my presence—for I am here in these classes, as indeed Ruburt knows that I am.
[...] And you may tell Ruburt for me, Joseph (smile), that I thank him…
Now, my dear friend Joseph, I have Ruburt in a good state. [...]
[...] However, I held up much material the past few sessions, as I dealt with fluttery Ruburt’s ego. [...] The best thing when you are standing on a diving board is just to plunge in, Ruburt. [...]
[...] And I am appalled: Getting this through Ruburt’s subconscious should be quite a trick.
[...] And may I congratulate you Ruburt, for keeping your God-almighty intellect out; and I will have more to say here to Philip about the intellect.
[...] To Ruburt you often write notes, saying things easily and beautifully that you find difficult verbally because of your belief.
Now: Ruburt has recently been in the process of recognizing some beliefs that he wants to get rid of. [...]
Tonight Ruburt was exhausted, in one way, from comparing your joint beliefs with those of your brother’s family; of checking his own body beliefs (Jane touched her knee) with theirs and seeing where his were detrimental — but also from contrasting his personal psychic and creative abilities with theirs, and that exhilarated him. [...]
I will from time to time give subsidiary material for Ruburt and also for you, implementing a chapter in the book for your personal use. [...]