Results 1 to 20 of 1488 for stemmed:ruburt

TPS2 Session 639 (Deleted Portion) February 12, 1973 Rooney mother cat painful tragic

The cat was aware in its terms of this. It became fat like Ruburt’s mother, but no longer threatening. It was fixed. If Ruburt’s mother had been fixed Ruburt would have had a different mother and different background, granting Ruburt had come alive.

He was also however symbolic of evil to Ruburt, and to some extent then conquered simply through the natural passage of events. With the death of Ruburt’s mother Rooney’s purpose was done as far as Ruburt was concerned; and Rooney did a final service, for through his death Ruburt faced the nature of pain and creaturehood that his mother’s life had so frightened him of.

Ruburt’s mother hated cats, particularly black ones. He, Rooney, and Ruburt passed symptoms back and forth. He was not a passive receptor however, the cat, and he even learned from his encounters with Jack Wall. Many of Ruburt’s feelings about his mother however are buried in Rooney’s grave. (Very important.) Rooney however is free of a distrust that he had carried with him, having to do with his background in that house, this time, across the way, and was grateful for those additional years you gave him.

TES2 Session 52 May 11, 1964 neck arthritis punishment wry infantile

Ruburt is not quite with me this evening because of his condition, and it was this conflict that was sensed by your cat. Ruburt’s condition is improving, however, and there is nothing to worry you here in any important manner, though Ruburt of course is most uncomfortable. [...]

Since Ruburt’s mother had often spoken most vehemently of Ruburt’s birth being a source of disease, that is her arthritis, and pain, subconsciously Ruburt feared on a basic level that his mother wished to punish him for causing her such pain.

I am extremely sorry that Ruburt feels so badly, and I will do what I can to help. [...] And Ruburt had also tuned in on the same conversation, but had already begun to tense, and therefore was blocking every psychological stimulus in the hopes of blocking out the right one. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session July 17, 1972 Nebene Josef details suspicious purified

[...] Ruburt, who had led him astray in the past, would now lead you into high purpose and dedication. The two of you, Ruburt and Joseph, had already made agreements, as you know. Nebene however carried a grudge as Ruburt does, or rather now as Jane does. Ruburt does not carry grudges.

[...] Nebene was furious that Ruburt would not speak for him. Nebene wanted to speak through Ruburt, knowing his abilities, and Ruburt refused.

[...] This put Ruburt under additional pressure, and he began to rebel more. You made some remark that the book was marred because of the great gaps in sessions, Ruburt’s attitude, and so forth. Ruburt therefore felt that you were accusing him again of a poor performance, and for other reasons also felt that in your eyes these faults took precedence over the book’s obvious merit. [...]

TPS1 Session 474 April 9, 1969 hopelessness afraid solve bitterness problems

When you do move you have a tendency to feel that Ruburt should pay for the inconvenience. Here you associate him with your mother, and Ruburt feels this unfair. [...] In other words you have preferred to place the problem, both of you again, upon Ruburt in physical terms, rather than face the inner issues with initiative and daring.

[...] You feared upsetting Ruburt, and Ruburt would immediately insert desperately positive statements out of a panic to find that you were so disturbed, and this would anger you.

However Ruburt has also picked up your feeling of hopelessness. [...] Ruburt is only too aware of the fact that he pushed to leave Sayre, and that your circumstances afterward in Florida were negative. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session September 19, 1977 impediments Framework financial accelerated merged

[...] They helped Ruburt considerably. [...] Ruburt must now take the lead. Frank’s knowledge can still be helpful, but it should not be allowed, now, to curtail improvements, or limit them, by conventional knowledge of what muscles and joints can or cannot do, or by projecting any particular procedure—as, for example, Ruburt will do this or that, before this or that.

You can also help by trying to utilize your natural feelings about flexibility on Ruburt’s behalf. This must be done however in Framework 2—in other words, in quiet moments when you recognize when you are dealing at another level, so that you feel no contradiction with Ruburt’s Framework 1 behavior. Such thoughts will be received by Ruburt in Framework 2, and will then, with his present intent, begin to alter Framework 1 through direct action.

It takes physical time to write a book, so some physical time must be allowed for the normal behavior of Ruburt’s body. [...] This is what can happen as far as Ruburt’s body is concerned: forget what you think the body can or cannot do. Forget the details that you think must happen before Ruburt can walk properly. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session January 28, 1978 disapproval garage plunger copout crisis

(10:02.) Ruburt went out to his room. [...] Ruburt was given what he wanted—the psychological stimulation of a friend, who was all ready to visit you because Ruburt’s message had gotten through. [...] Even then Ruburt was tempted to have Wade come, but his own disapproval, and yours, made it obvious that to do so would certainly be a copout. [...]

[...] As far as Ruburt’s physical condition is concerned this was the pattern, as once or twice I believe he mentioned, by the way. [...] It was obvious to both of you, I believe, that at times Ruburt would stand a good deal taller. [...]

[...] That pattern began strongly enough for you to notice changes in Ruburt’s height several weeks ago. [...] Ruburt managed to stop worrying for a while, except for a few lapses, and you yourself made strides also there, and met your own challenges. [...]

TES9 Session 444 October 30, 1968 Holzer Fodor robed Mossman Nandor

Now the same is true of Ruburt. I have always addressed Jane as Ruburt, as you know. Therefore the emergence of Ruburt confused Jane. Quite without knowing, Jane has always been aware of Ruburt’s existence. Now again, Ruburt is not part of Jane’s personality, in your terms, nor did he emerge from it.

Now Ruburt, compared to Jane’s self 3 in these terms, is closer to Jane, so close that Jane has often accepted inspiration and ideas from Ruburt without realizing it. Ruburt is the sum (smile) of the present ... Ruburt ... [...] Ruburt is the sum of the earthly personalities, intimately aware of all past lives.

I am far more than Ruburt’s “best self,” in quotes. The emergence of the Ruburt episode leads me to speak to Jane in these terms so that there will be no misunderstanding.

TES2 Session 74 July 27, 1964 director authority gallery polishing porcupine

At once our Ruburt is like a porcupine, feeling trapped and prickling all over, eyes glaring, and attitude more prickly than a porcupine’s quills. The fact that Ruburt considers the man an ass, helped, because Ruburt could then justify his own conditioned reflex toward authority; and keep in mind other material I have given you concerning Ruburt and the gallery.

[...] His insistence upon detail Ruburt takes as personal offense. [...] He is not rubbing Ruburt’s nose in every misspelled word, nor is he suggesting, as Ruburt suspects, that Ruburt is a mental numbskull because he is a poor speller.

He could be vindictive if treated in this manner for long, as rejection of the type that Ruburt is handing out frightens and confuses him. Ruburt is usually at least fair. [...] Nor would a bit of kindness be demeaning Ruburt.

TPS5 Deleted Session June 11, 1979 ideal define executor contraption Yale

The coins represent the small amount of money Ruburt did receive. The old man also stands for Ruburt’s father, as Ruburt thought of him bumming around, frittering away his time and energy, so he was stealing from the pot. [...] Ruburt was not greedy, but curious. [...] (Pause.) The old man also stood for old man time in the dream, and reinstated the fact that an executor is important, for the old man also stood for —in the dream, now—Ruburt’s father acting as his own executor—meaning that his nature led him to leave ends loose.

Ruburt’s father always planned to make a new will before his death, and kept putting it off. In the dream Ruburt finds a strange mechanism made by his father that is supposed to dispense some money. A kindly old man appears, who says that Ruburt’s father made this contraption two hours before his death, to ensure Ruburt some inheritance.

Do not think in terms of a generalized ideal situation, but in terms of better covers, better communication with Prentice in both friendly terms as per Ruburt’s calls to Tam, and in the definitive terms of clearly stating specific requests. [...] Yet you will still be dealing with the same kinds of people, and Ruburt has done well as far as publishers are concerned, in handling innovative books published by the firm. Some other companies might well have exerted even more pressure to keep Ruburt writing along certain proven lines. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session December 5, 1977 suggestion untalented walking careless enchanting

[...] Years ago you learned how potent suggestion could be when Ruburt used hypnosis with you, and you promptly dropped it. You did not use it with Ruburt, nor did Ruburt make any serious attempts to use it himself. [...] Moreover, Ruburt would simply not go to work, and lose writing time to support you so you could paint.

When you were discussing the letter from the young English gentleman, Ruburt was impressed with his progress. You said “But he was walking,” meaning that Ruburt was not. Ruburt is walking—as poorly as our hypothetical writer is writing. [...]

About Ruburt’s predictions (about yesterday’s mail; very successful): many people feel such a performance impossible. [...] That reviewer (Donald Newlove) has connections with Ruburt in Framework 2, because of Ruburt’s old intents when he published in the male magazines.

TPS4 Session 810 (Deleted Portion) September 10, 1977 exert pliable power confidence tension

(10:24.) You have abilities as a leader, as Ruburt has. [...] You can indeed now, to some extent, serve as a leader to Ruburt in certain areas, where before you feared that might inhibit his independence, and you felt he needed the freedom to grow.

[...] Ruburt does not think of books that he did not finish. [...] You can coax Ruburt more and encourage him, and exert your power more in that direction. [...]

When you see Ruburt going too far in one direction, and see him trying to alter that direction, you can indeed exert your energy, leadership and direction there, for the two of you also operate jointly as well as individually. [...]

TPS5 Session 858 (Deleted Portion) June 4, 1979 art scene dedication gallery vocational

[...] Ruburt is offered a rather lucrative and fairly prestigious position. When his prospective employer sets a time for a meeting, however, by telephone, Ruburt cannot hear him clearly and so must double-check. [...] Ruburt knew he could gain sufficient-enough prestige by using his abilities in other directions; by being, say, a director of a gallery, or by accepting any of a number of positions, such as teaching, that had been offered him in the past.

One woman, another follower, for Ruburt is the leader of this group, pushes a landscape of yours across the floor ahead of her—preserving, you see, your art as well as Ruburt’s. Finally one of the women objects strenuously and decides to stand up and show herself. [...] That woman represents Ruburt’s decision to be done with the symptoms, to stand up, to walk.

(9:20.) Ruburt, however, objects, and that Ruburt represents the portion of the personality who is still clinging to old beliefs, but losing its leadership. [...] As Ruburt wakens, he realizes that nowhere in the dream did he have any reason to hide. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session June 3, 1978 pendulum recover walk issues specific

Ruburt usually has a variety of bodily sensations, often simultaneously: some pleasant and relaxing, while others may be unpleasant. [...] I am aware that often neither of you thinks Ruburt is improving one whit—and of course that is part of the difficulty. [...] Ideally, Ruburt could completely recover with no discomfort. [...]

Now yesterday Ruburt told Frank that he would see him every other week, and he told a white lie to cover the real reason. [...] Ruburt felt he must have hurt Peg’s feelings, and this made him also feel somewhat abandoned, fearing that the friendship might simply lapse.

The letter re-aroused several states of feeling: time taken for “Unknown” 2, for one thing, but also Ruburt was struck by the gullibility of the correspondents, who were saying in effect that they could not lead their lives properly unless Ruburt could deliver the material. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session August 29, 1973 Eleanor literary Prentice Dialogues business

Later now, in the last period of time, when Eleanor heard that Ruburt had sent the outline of a new book, Aspects, to Tam, she astounded Ruburt by remarks of great regret, and implications that Ruburt had made an error. Ruburt was quite surprised, since Eleanor had not suggested before that a manuscript not be sent to Prentice.

Yet these people were coming to Ruburt because of his psychic work, and his psychically inspired writing. [...] From the time Eleanor came she spoke with the words of Ruburt’s past, glowingly presenting the possibility of purely literary success, prestige, and cash.

A cruel trick, Ruburt felt, offering promises unfulfilled. Yet at the same time Ruburt was able to catch an inner glimpse of that world, its emptiness and the obvious existence of important dilemmas, ignorance, and that finally—it was simply another field of human endeavor.

ECS1 January 14, 1969, Tuesday Conversation Between Rachel and Ruburt Rachel wheat unfriendly group leave

(Ruburt:) “Rachel, if you stay in that circle it is false security.”

(Ruburt:) “There will be light. [...]

(Ruburt:) “Ijust know it’s false security to stay in the group.”

TPS3 Deleted Session November 18, 1974 ape instincts identification pygmy grandfather

To some extent Ruburt has identified with him. He was after all Ruburt’s mother’s father, and therefore the source out of which Ruburt’s mother came—the higher power, so to speak. [...] Ruburt as an infant, then, experienced the strength of the earthly source. [...] This automatically helps resolve certain conflicts Ruburt had involving male-female identifications. In other terms the past was altered, in that Ruburt now experienced the yearned-for mother love that was warm in its animal female understanding, supportive and strong enough to easily bear a child’s small ragings and hatreds.

[...] At one point Ruburt saw the ape still male, and then a portion of himself sitting at the library table, for in your position it is the animal instincts themselves that propel you to search for answers, to write books, to explore in your particular way. [...] Ruburt’s idea was still one of controlling those instincts and his “animal” abilities. On another level, because the ape was in the library, compassionate and understanding, Ruburt was seeing symbolically the force of his own physical nature, quite at home with itself, and at home in the psychic library of the mind.

[...] In learning to trust the changes in his body occurring now, Ruburt is at the same time learning to trust his own instincts, and the creaturehood of himself. [...] Ruburt has been reading about shamans. [...] In his own way however Ruburt began a shaman’s journey for himself, letting the psyche’s images become alive, and the inner workings of the mind made more obvious.

TPS2 Deleted Session November 12, 1973 freedom enthusiasm trip concentrating opposite

[...] It means that within the gradations offered you will not have a good time, but will compare what you have with a “perfect” freedom that Ruburt now does not possess. All of this because of your beliefs about Ruburt’s body—again, primarily Ruburt’s beliefs, but yours also. [...]

A note about the curb incident Ruburt mentioned (the other day while shopping at Centertown): it was precisely because each of you are still so hypnotized by effects that such incidents are charged to each of you. Your worrying about Ruburt 85% of the time does him no good and you less. You can see this quite clearly when Ruburt displays his side of the same picture, concentrating on symptoms.

So beliefs about Ruburt’s body on both of your parts, but of course primarily on Ruburt’s part, must be understood as beliefs that then cause physical experience. [...]

TES8 Session 350 July 6, 1967 jealousy Catherine temperas oils lingering

[...] It was indeed because you were so convinced that you envied Ruburt’s part. While you asked Ruburt to let me give you help for Ruburt’s condition, for some time the symptoms’ continuation was important to you for the reasons you now understand.

Now, my dear Joseph… You have also been jealous of Ruburt’s part in our sessions, and at times highly resentful, particularly of the attention he received when others were present. In the overall however while you were delighted on the one hand to have the sessions, you were jealous of the part Ruburt played.

Ruburt’s morning symptoms were also connected with you. You did not like to face morning at the Artistic Card Company, but Ruburt had the symptoms, you see. [...]

TES4 Session 155 May 17, 1965 predictions contract clauses pendulum compact

The caution can later work to Ruburt’s advantage, in that Fell is usually cautious in business relationships. [...] Undoubtedly Ruburt could receive better clauses if he pressed for them. [...]

The book will be successful in terms of beginning to establish Ruburt in reputation, and also successfully in financial terms. Because this contract is less than Ruburt could press for, the next contract will be a much better one, since the publisher will then feel rather embarrassed concerning this contract.

[...] You will both be better off however for this evening’s session, and I think you will notice an assured, calm, yet sure increase in Ruburt’s energies. [...] And if Ruburt does not watch out, then I will charge him 10 percent as his agent.

TES9 Session 471 March 31, 1969 Ace Wollheim Doren desolations evil

She projected this feeling to Ruburt also, particularly because Ruburt knew Don Wollheim. Fell was asking an exorbitant rate, she thought, for the first book; and Ruburt, she reasoned, would expect special privileges because of her contact with Wollheim, and so she got her back up and made sure no special privileges were given. [...]

Beside this, as you felt, there was a fear of Ruburt’s abilities. [...] She does not like to speak to Ruburt on the phone, fearing the direct contact. [...]

[...] Ruburt leapt back to his body to safety and normal consciousness. The thing therefore dissipated, for when Ruburt ran home he automatically withdrew his energy from it. [...]

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