Results 1 to 20 of 22 for (stemmed:rob AND stemmed:pendulum)
(“Before nap I asked for help from spontaneous self, and when I awakened I did feel better. Awoke several times during hour nap, realizing I felt rather good. Toward the end of my nap: I presume, a dream…. I was having a Seth session, seated at my place at living room table. Rob possibly could have been sitting in my desk chair. Anyhow, he was facing me. He started to yell, throw up his arms, and he was remembering some reincarnational material that was unpleasant. Possibly Seth had just given it to him. I came out of trance though, telling Rob everything was okay to remember, let it out, and let go. Another figure sat nearby, taking notes, and I think this was Rob too; this figure was more distant and said nothing….very clear.”
(“The pendulum insists there’s nothing wrong physically in the side-groin area, but I’m beginning to wonder. Pendulum tells me the side bothers because I’m not working on Mass Reality, which will get us money, whereas Through My Eyes is a less-certain project, would take longer, and the time I spend on it is time lost on Mass Reality. In other words, I’m very concerned about my financial contribution, and paying all those taxes exacerbates it all.
(“Tonight the pendulum says just what it did yesterday—that I feel poorly because I estimated a high income when we don’t have it in sight; that I think I should be working on Mass Reality instead of Through My Eyes because the former will bring in sure money; that I think I don’t contribute enough financially; that I feel lousy because I want something definite to work on —that at this time I’m not contributing enough. The pendulum also says I think I deserve the symptoms for the above reasons.
(1. “Exercise: to send energy to Rob. Mentally see him in his studio, at drawing table. Imagine and visualize the energy all around the corner of the house and sky, rushing toward him; then am surprised when mentally the top of his head comes neatly off, like a lid from a jar. I see hands, mine I think, reaching in, straightening things out [as you’d untangle a telephone cord]. This upset me some. I was leery as if I didn’t know if I could harm him, rummaging around in there like that; then realized that these images represented tangles of thought that were being smoothed out. A few minutes later Rob is in the living room and I think he was watering the plants really. I thought he was in his studio and that’s where I saw all this. [About 9:30 AM.]
[...] “I talk to Rob. [...] Suddenly I see two Robs: Rob’s double is in another room, that I can also see from my viewpoint. I keep talking to Rob and tell him to stay where he is. [...] Sure enough I can see both Robs clearly. They both talk, so I tell Rob to come into the hall so he can see what I see. He does, and both Robs see each other. Others, hearing us, see both Robs also.”
(Seth’s material on page 204 agreed with what I had learned myself by using the pendulum, both today and earlier in the week. I hadn’t told Jane what results or answers I obtained through the pendulum.
(The false awakening: I tell Rob about the plants, and perhaps make a note to record the dream. [...]
(Last night April 23, Monday, Rob suddenly got super-relaxed and really floppy before our scheduled Seth session. In the meantime though as I went into the john, I started to pick up some of the things Seth was going to discuss, and after Rob began his odd relaxation, I got more. As best as I could I told Rob what I was getting. We decided not to have the session—I don’t think Rob could have taken notes anyhow; besides I wanted him to take advantage of what was happening.
(This is more or less what I was getting, and told Rob, though I’ve probably forgotten some things. That Rob was having a “body vacation” or that his body was taking a vacation, a rest; and that the contrast between his floppy state and his usual one would let him know how tight he’d been.... Something about us not taking vacations….and even not wanting to rest between mental creative projects; that Rob had his stomach troubles when he needed a rest....a vacation of some sort could have prevented that....but since we prefer to do things differently, we should frequently arrange changes in our lives....that we control....changes in the house, routine, hours....or even a week off to do the house or yard or whatever.... [...]
(In the last three days I’ve learned a number of interesting things about my continuing physical upsets—and will list some of my pendulum material should any portion of this session refer to them. [...] My own insights through the pendulum tell me, for example, why Seth in that last private session said I have a “nervous stomach,” but nothing about the other hassles like, say, the side or groin. [...]
[...] I mowed some grass, worked with the pendulum, helped Jane walk—she’s still taking steps—and wrote these notes. The pendulum insights may be most valuable, however.
(Now in the very beginning, I felt a sudden need for Rob. [...] I asked mentally if Rob was in any trouble, got no answer. [As I wrote this down, in the second sentence with the * I found myself substituting Rob’s name, no, Walt’s name for Rob’s. Maybe something happened to Walt? [...]
(If it is a death, and in Rob’s family, say of Linda, which I doubt, then why the return name of my mother’s friend? [With whom I was not close?] Maybe one of my nieces, instead of Rob’s? [...]
([Rob:]“Good evening, Seth.”)
[...] Consciously you do not want to accept them and this is one reason why you have had difficulty with the pendulum. [...]
Now, you see, you have been robbing yourself of an experience of truly knowing these individual men, for you have not permitted yourself to see them as they are and as they have been. [...]
Let our friend Ruburt and that one (Rob) take a brief break. [...]
[...] This morning, we’d asked a series of pendulum questions about material in Monday’s session, concerning work, inspiration, protection, and so forth, and obtained some illuminating answers.
[...] Such people do not want publicity, for someone might find their address and rob their valuables—those that remain at home.
[...] She is uncertain as to how much credence to give the pendulum experience.
[...] The poor Rob cry was his regret at having to depend upon your support, taking, he feared, energy from your work; and a regret, based on fear, that he always feels whenever he is forced to rely upon someone’s strength.
(A reminder might be added here that Jane obtained the December date for her mother’s death through the pendulum only. [...]
[...] Now he worked with his pendulum and discovered one reason for the phlegm and the cough when he was speaking to you, having to do with the fact that his own writing hours were not done. [...]
([Sue:] “Are you giving Jane and Rob information about the personality characteristics of the probable selves of my dream?”)
[...] On June 22 the pendulum told me that my stomach bothers me not because I don’t spend enough time painting, but because I feel guilty at spending the time I do, in view of all the other work with Jane that I feel I should be doing: working on sessions, “Unknown” Reality, etc.
(5. On the decision we made—Rob to finish “Unknown” Reality, then Psyche, perhaps with my help. [...]
[...] However, at various times the pendulum has given me all kinds of other reasons for my physical ills: taxes, money, Jane’s symptoms, success and failure—the works, one might say. [...]
When you hassle your abilities, when you compare what you think of as your drive unfavorably with what you think of as the superior drive of others, you are denying the integrity of your own natural individuality, and robbing your abilities of your own blessings. [...]
[...] Now during break, she used the pendulum to ask her subconscious a few questions about the cause of the swelling; the answers she obtained indicated the cause was psychosomatic, and that a salivary gland had been involved. [...]
Ruburt is quite free to use the pendulum. [...]
[...] When Rob and I went to the store, the stockings in a rack were there just as I had seen them.