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Now begin to return. Begin to return your consciousness back down the pyramid to the room. The feeling connected with the back of your head should become stronger as you come back toward the self that you know, and the perceptions that are so familiar. Return gladly to the kind of perception that you always knew. Return to the body that is so secure and willing. Return gladly to the physical form that is a vehicle for your expression in this time and this place. Return to the time and the place gladly, the way someone returns to home, but knowing in the back of your mind that there are many homes and many places and many times, but for now return your focuses, settling back gladly into the body. The consciousness returning once again to the beautiful ivory bone skull, the eyes opening into the ordinary room.
I was simply dropping in on you briefly upon your return. You noticed of course Ruburt’s energy suddenly materializing upon his return.
(This unexpected little session was Jane’s first upon our returning to Elmira, NY from Marathon, FL. [...]
(The page proofs for Seth Speaks were waiting for us upon our return. [...]
(On Friday, October 28, I [Jane] saw Peg for the first time since her return, and went over the Seth notes. [...] These were returned to us November 4, and this copy is taken from the Gallaghers’ joint comments. There were some small differences in a few results between the Gallaghers’ comments October 28, and in their returned written copy, and this is noted upon by me when it occurs. [...]
(Peg and Bill Gallagher left for Nassau, Monday, October 17, and returned Tuesday, October 25. [...]
[...] Now the selves that you know are now returning through the channels, and as they do you will experience a relaxation of the neck and shoulder area and as you return into the selves that you know the back of your heads will also feel more rested for the body knew that there was a difference in consciousness for some of you. [...] Therefore, collect yourselves and now return to this room. [...]
(When Jane came out of trance she knew some of the students had not returned to the room. Seth returned:)
[...] The alarmed personality would quickly return. In the case of drugs however the chemical framework might delay such a return until it was too late.
[...] It is speeded up in many respects, and the problem is almost like returning to a moving ship in space, only the motion involved is consciousness. You would not have a stationary station to return to.
[...] Given certain unusual circumstances, you could leapfrog, so to speak, and end up within an energy gestalt from which you could not return. [...]
[...] When it is ready to return the physical system is automatically prepared to receive it.
[...] I intend to ask Jane a series of questions like this, and the answers, or her realizations, will govern the success of any project involving her return home. Today’s question was simple enough—but I wanted to know what would be different at the house when she returned home this time, compared to the situation at the house before she went into the hospital. [...]
(This session came through two days before I was to join a meeting of doctors, nurses, and other personnel at 11 AM, Tuesday, to see about arrangements for Jane to return home. I don’t know just when she’ll make it, but when this session was held she already knew that a return to the house was planned. [...]
(At about 6 PM, an hour before ESP class, the symptoms returned to a lesser degree. [...] We went over what we had learned through Jane’s pendulum about an innocent remark of mine, that Jane didn’t have to ask Eleanor to return the script of Rich Bed after a two-week period. [...]
[...] You will return. It is not the returning that bothers you. Now, I will give you some information on the subject, though it is too late this evening, and if you want some specific exercises that you personally can use, I do not know that you will smell as sweet as a rose on your return, but we will see to it that you get the exercises. [...]
[...] He is still working toward recovery, though the fear and panic did slow down that recovery considerably — and by recovery I mean simply the return to conditions just before this recent hang-up.
The thyroid medication will benefit, and I believe the food situation will slowly return to the period previously.
Let him take a break, and perhaps we can return briefly.
(3:27.) The session itself should reassure him enough to allow some of the panic to subside, so that he can begin to sense at least some return of composure. [...]
[...] Now you may take a break, and I will return or not return according to your desires, and according to those rhythms of which I have often now spoken. [...]
Again, I may or may not return, according to those rhythms of which I have spoken (pause). [...]
[...] It is a certain kind of multidimensional structure, as per your television program (tonight, Buck Rogers), in which all things are returned to their most beneficial state. [...]
It means that you are finally placing yourselves under the directions of a far more extensive organization—a psychic one, in which all things return to their most natural beneficial form. [...]
[...] He frightened himself into returning to his body for he had been away from it too long. [...] He was like a truant so he caused the hallucination so that he would return to his body. [...] He knew it was time to return to the body, and he decided to stay out of it despite the nature of inclination to return, and so he made a nightmare for himself to frighten himself home like the errant boy that he was. [...]
(Rachel had been discussing a story on astral projection which told of a man seeing a black shape trying to sever the silver cord so he could not return to his body.)
[...] Now your astronauts cannot do this as yet in your time schedule and yet you can do it and when you return, no time has passed in physical terms. [...]
Now we will return you to your breaks. [...]
On their return home the code of behavior changed back to one suited to civilian life, and they clamped down upon themselves again as hard as they could. [...]
Give us a moment… Without going into any detail, I simply want to point out that in the United States strong national efforts were made after World War II to divert the servicemen’s energies into other areas on their return home. [...]
[...] This is the reason for the incidents of violence on the part of returning servicemen.1
In a strange manner, then, hatred is a means of returning to love; and left alone and expressed it is meant to communicate a separation that exists in relation to what is expected.
[...] I shoveled quite a bit of snow in the driveway last night after I finished typing yesterday’s session, and for the first time in a long while felt the old panic return. [...] I shoveled the rest of the driveway this morning, and felt much better — although traces of the same feeling in the throat returned for a time.
[...] Interruptions, though, leave me feeling that I’m way far away from what I want to do when I first return to a project.
I may or may not return, again according to those rhythms of which I speak — but know that I am present and approachable.
Now I may again return or not return, according to those rhythms of which I have been speaking —but in any case I am still present, as I recently explained. [...]
Again, I may or may not return, but I wanted to give you this last bit of material, for I think it will help you understand the new ongoing processes that are now taking place. [...]
[...] Most dreams are like animated postcards brought back from a journey that you have returned from and largely forgotten. [...]
[...] The feeling of falling is an interpretation of a sudden return of consciousness to the body.
(Pause at 9:50.) This period can last for only a few moments, for half an hour, or can be returned to. [...]
[...] He will then return toward physical reality in an area marked as REM sleep by your scientists, where physically oriented dream productions will be created, putting the knowledge he has gained into use.