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TES8 Session 341 May 15, 1967 Crosson thermal welm Massachusetts condensed

This automatic procedure works both ways, then, constantly. Various portions of the self retain memory of the information, still in the form in which they have interpreted it. The thoughts and images, while being condensed, are nevertheless then retained in their particular levels of the personality in their own form.

Objects carry a strong emotional and psychic charge. The personality exists inward in ways that are not at once apparent, but it also exists outward in ways that you do not see. There are, of course, mergings where selves quite literally merge with other selves, forming a corporate self. But the unit selves retain their identity, as in a nation the citizens retain theirs, even though the nation at times may act as a unit, and share particular mass characteristic drives and desires, and work toward various goals.

TES3 Session 128 February 3, 1965 electrical intensity shape dissection field

[...] All the knowledge gained by the present ego is retained in electrical form, as is all experience so retained. [...]

The idea image of the physical body is of course retained by the individual. [...]

Various intensity identities may, therefore, appear within other fields while still retaining actuality in their own.

TES7 Session 305 November 30, 1966 Infinity god systems illusions diversity

[...] You retain your individuality as part of an entity, and the entity retains its individuality as a part of an energy gestalt.

[...] Electromagnetically all living things are connected, yet each retains individuality. [...]

Individual selves will retain identity. [...]

TES8 Session 413 May 29, 1968 trace structure image coordinates retain

[...] This image trace is a lingering manifestation, an imprint within your system, a part of its reality, and is held within it as you might for example retain an idea in your mind long after the idea has been expressed physically. As a painting that is destroyed physically may still be retained in your mind, so in the reality of the physical system a trace remains, an image trace of the camouflage structure that enclosed a given personality.

It is as if the physical elements themselves retain, in your terms, the memory of all the images that they have ever been a part of; and this is a simplified explanation of what indeed does occur. [...]

I am able to change them as action while retaining the knowledge that I am that which changes, and find my stability in change. [...]

UR2 Appendix 20: (For Session 713) plane saucer science craft flying

[...] The flying saucer retains what it can of its original structure and changes what it must. [...] The few times the craft shoots off at right angles, it has managed to retain functions ordinary to it in its particular habitat.

[...] Its actual structure is caught in a dilemma of form … between transforming itself completely into earth’s particular camouflage pattern, and retaining its original pattern. [...]

TES4 Session 171 July 21, 1965 Instream taped harsh extralong July

[...] Jane also said she retained a general idea of what Seth had said. She always knows what he is saying at the moment; the trick is to retain it after coming out of trance.

UR2 Section 5: Session 725 December 11, 1974 strands identity mountain invaded rocks

[...] Yet I retain my identity, the ant retains its identity, and Ruburt retains his.12 But one could not exist without the other two — for in greater terms the reality of any one of the three presupposes the existence of the others.

[...] Jane’s delivery had slowed considerably.) In somewhat the same way your identity changes constantly, even while you retain your sense of permanence. [...]

[...] You can draw the lines where you will for convenience’s sake, but each identity retains its individuality and inviolate nature even while it constantly changes.

SS Part One: Chapter 6: Session 528, May 13, 1970 soul ness identity perception translated

[...] Portions of it are retained as “past” physical sense data, but the whole experience returns to its initial direct state.

[...] Now I am sure it may seem inconceivable to you, but the fact is that this I am-ness is retained even though it may, figuratively speaking, now merge with and travel through other such energy fields. [...]

[...] You worry for your physical identity and limit the extent of your perceptions for fear you cannot handle more and retain your selfhood.

TES8 Tuesday, January 16, 1968: My Subjective Feelings pounding café argument immediacy gaps

[...] I then stepped back, still retaining immediacy, reported—and purposefully became less involved. [...]

TES6 Session 255 May 2, 1966 Maxine suitable photo Del identity

[...] These separate identities form what we call the inner self, which retains its individuality even while the energy that composes it constantly changes. There are continual groupings and regroupings, but basic identities are always retained. The potential egos within any given identity therefore retain their own individuality and self-knowledge, regardless of their relative importance in the order of command.

[...] It may form into new gestalts but the identity is retained.

TES2 Session 62 June 15, 1964 gestalt cooperation identity energy maintained

[...] It should be apparent that psychic identity is no more dependent upon physical permanence, certainly when you consider that even a chair retains its form as a chair, even though it is actually not one thing or object, and that no atom or molecule remains the same within it.

[...] It retains what you may call memory of previous gestalts. [...]

[...] The personality did not exist as such before its creation by the entity, and once it becomes an identity, it retains that individuality.

UR2 Section 5: Session 726 December 16, 1974 island spirit volcano desert sand

[...] It was determined to retain its own identity. [...]

[...] They can combine and unite with others, yet retain their uniqueness and experience. [...]

Now in a way your mother and Ruburt were counterparts; for Ruburt lives in a trust of individual abilities toward which your mother yearned; and Ruburt gives a love to you which your mother yearned to give — yet while retaining her identity — to a man. [...]

TES4 Session 156 May 19, 1965 ego action emotion functions rejects

Energy cannot be retained. [...]

In the psychological realm it goes without saying that a repressed emotion is never really repressed, since action cannot be retained. [...]

It could still do this and retain its own nature, merely by allowing into its awareness the reality of other actions as a part of its self-image. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 7: Session 632, January 15, 1973 cells memory twenty reborn body

[...] The stuff of the internal organs changes and yet they always retain their form. [...]

[...] The memory of all of its experiences is retained. [...]

[...] It knows it dies and is reborn constantly, and yet retains itself. [...]

TES7 Session 309 December 14, 1966 structure yous psychological selves step

[...] Retaining its own consciousness of reality it can now afford to step out of itself momentarily in order to gain further experience.

[...] Now this altered ego retains its highly specialized self-consciousness, and yet it can now experience itself as an identity within and as a part of action.

TES7 Session 327 March 20, 1967 projection waking beneath self papaers

[...] You could not retain simultaneously all and exert all the thoughts of your lifetime thus far in any normally conscious way. [...]

You do retain coded memory of these. [...]

TES9 Session 499 August 27, 1969 sand plain Carl Sue empty

[...] I told you that the knowledge gained would be retained. Not only this, but it is retained not only by the individual selves as you think of them. [...]

It is aware of you both as psychic entities, and retains strong and unclouded perceptions of your past relationship. [...] The memories can be retained, but the primary focus of activity and the intensity must deal with this personality, and with this existence as you think of it. [...]

TES9 Session 431 August 26, 1968 number row unit shafts behind

(Pause; one of many.) It may be a portion of many groupings yet still retain itself. [...]

In the same manner any of the unit intensities behind each number may change position while still remaining itself, and retaining its individuality as a unit. [...]

TES4 Session 149 April 26, 1965 action dots universe field apex

[...] It is because you remember but vague glimmerings and disconnected episodes that dreams appear, sometimes, chaotic or meaningless, particularly to the ego, which censors rigidly much of the information that the subconscious does retain.

[...] The ability to retain experience gained within other fields is the trend of further development. [...]

[...] When she resumed she retained this intentness, coupling it with a good rate of delivery and a voice that was her loudest in some time. [...]

TES6 Session 254 April 27, 1966 kettle Lilliard teapot gliddiard looming

[...] The self expands as your ability grows, as you learn to retain identity in the midst of diversity.

Practically speaking you see, if you were aware of the constant barrage of telepathic communications that do impinge upon you, it would be most difficult to retain identity. [...]

[...] You have self structures so intense that they are able to handle an infinite variety of impressions, share them, use them, and still retain individual identities.

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