Results 581 to 600 of 1197 for stemmed:result

TES3 Session 146 April 14, 1965 ego action field personality stability

The peculiar and individualistic aspects of personality are the result of those camouflaging abilities of which we have spoken earlier. [...]

[...] And yet the stability which ego so urgently seeks would, indeed, result in a death, since no further action would be allowed.

TES5 Session 208 November 15, 1965 primary secondary clock gravity conditions

Two men for example, of precisely the same physical age, of precisely the same physical condition, will be in completely different states of mind, of competence, of effectiveness and of strength, as a direct result of their inner beliefs as to their relative freedom within the framework of the physical system in which they exist.

The light-haired man is the one with which I feel the accident connection, and if it occurs it will be a direct result of his reaction to a letter.

TES8 Session 362 September 11, 1967 Bernard mirage stocky Sarah John

There is a possible new beginning for him, however, and it will be a new reorganization of tendencies that results in the formation of a new ego, born out of the old. [...]

[...] I said Sarah would undoubtedly like to know how the material obtained tonight could be put to use so as to obtain a practical result re Gene. [...]

TMA Session Five August 20, 1980 George Laurel target magical rational

[...] Jane has done excellent work interpreting the dreams; some of my nighttime excursions have resulted from these sessions on the magical approach.

In other words, the magical approach and the so-called rational one are to be combined in a certain fashion for best results. [...]

NoPR Preface by Seth: Session 609, April 10, 1972 title mercy expectations thoughts outline

Each thought has a result, in your terms. [...]

The point will be made that all healings are the result of the acceptance of one basic fact: That matter is formed by those inner qualities that give it vitality, that structure follows expectation, that matter at any time can be completely changed by the activation of the creative faculties inherent in all consciousness.

SS Part Two: Chapter 9: Session 535, June 17, 1970 death alive dead gaps unaliveness

[...] A belief in a stereotyped heaven can result in a hallucination of heavenly conditions. [...]

You examine the fabric of the existence you have left, and you learn to understand how your experiences were the result of your own thoughts and emotions and how these affected others. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 8: Session 856, May 24, 1979 Watergate President idealized nuclear fanatic

[...] And how can the desire to do good bring about catastrophic results?

(9:03.) Through your mundane conscious choices, you affect all of the events of your world, so that the mass world is the result of multitudinous individual choices. [...]

TPS5 Session 846 (Deleted Portion) April 4, 1979 side supermarket prominence exotic instincts

[...] Your paintings now, and your best ones, you see, will evolve as a result of the psychic understanding you are learning. [...]

TPS5 Session 869 (Deleted Portion) July 30, 1979 mistrust devalue Trumansburg tensions reducing

[...] Your behavior has been most helpful, and that behavior is the result of a new acknowledgment on your part of a belief system—a belief system that you have intellectually accepted for some time—one that you are now beginning to emotionally understand and accept.

TES7 Results of the Gallagher Test Session 295 October 19, 1966 loaf bread Grenada motorcycle snorkeling


TPS4 Session 816 (Deleted Portion) December 26, 1977 conviction wrong delusion rightness seldom

[...] You avoided the kind of direct confrontation that would have resulted had you said, for example “I do not believe your spirit,” or “I do not believe he could do thus and so.” [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session May 25, 1982 Sobel finger breeders startups infection

[...] Part of this redirection is the result of the hospital experiences. [...]

TSM Chapter Fourteen dream waking clerks locations Turkish

I’ve used this method often, with excellent results. [...]

[...] The “contraction” took place as I withdrew the main energy of my attention from it; but I could not take back the energy that I had given it that resulted in its existence. [...]

[...] Objects, remember, are the results of your perception. [...]

[...] The resulting personal experience gave me subjective evidence of the validity of many of Seth’s concepts; besides, I like to do things on my own.

TPS5 Deleted Session April 18, 1979 soda contemplation Maalox stomach disapprove

[...] In fact, they often take actions that inadvertently bring about the feared results, whatever the circumstances in the given case.

[...] The very creativity that surrounds you should be quite legitimate proof of the practical nature that results from our concepts. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 9: Session 863, June 27, 1979 paranoid spider schizophrenic web values

Dictation: When I speak of natural law, I am not referring to the scientists’ laws of nature, such as the law of gravity, for example — which is not a law at all, but a manifestation appearing from the viewpoint of a certain level of consciousness as a result of perceptive apparatus. [...]

[...] Genius was seen as a mistake of chromosomes, or the fortunate result of a man’s hatred for his father. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 28, 1977 ethics Protestant gifted inspirations work

[...] You both want Ruburt to walk normally now, and you are seeing results in terms of body releases and improvements. [...]

I want Ruburt, again, to encourage spontaneity in all areas, and to trust that the spontaneity is the result of quite orderly sequences in Framework 2, and of larger patterns of creativity that are not yet consciously apparent. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 28, 1982 Wrigley thyroid Mr chair commending

[...] Was her later malaise simply the result of physical exhaustion? [...]

(Long pause at 7:44.) Now, he more or less thinks that he must and should return to “work” immediately, where instead a more relaxed attitude would allow his natural feelings, his love of ideas and his interest in our work to naturally show their results again, with the most natural balance of recuperation. [...]

TPS1 Session 382 (Deleted) November 27, 1967 Psycho Cybernetics table compassionate divan

[...] The recovery is secure, the hang-ons simply the result and indication of the severe storm that has been successfully vanquished. [...]

[...] The qualities for which you shall become known will be somewhat the result of your psychic development also. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session January 20, 1971 protest fears terrified mother accuser

[...] His mother often said that her condition might have been the result of bad teeth also, and the two are connected in his mind.

[...] As of the following Sunday, we have already redecorated—to some extent—the apartment, with very good results. [...]

TPS1 Session 585 (Deleted Portion) May 12, 1971 creed panel permanent symptoms sketches

(In the meantime, I told myself I would know how to proceed with painting; the result is that I returned to a small portrait I began several months ago, and left unfinished while I tackled some other problems. [...]

(Is he still concerned about me, resulting in a slowdown of movement on his part?

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