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TPS3 Session 762 (Deleted Portion) December 15, 1975 bathroom walk respond driveway faster

[...] The physical patterns are of course the results of inner ones, but the deliberate breaking of a physical pattern serves as a physical example that those patterns can indeed be broken, and helps break the exterior hypnotizing effects of continued repetitious action of a given kind.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 13: June 22, 1984 client therapist errors overrigidity secondary

In this category, I am not referring to individuals like Ruburt, who speak for another personality with a sense of ease and tranquillity, and whose resulting information is excellent knowledge — the obvious products of uncommon common sense that proves to be helpful to the individual and others.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 4, 1984 devotedness panic moaning sniffles ham

[...] I couldn’t help but tell myself I’d seen the same thing many times before, without lasting results.

TES2 Session 56 May 25, 1964 Callahan weather discharge female nonidentity

[...] It implied instead caution against the possibility of conflict with your friend’s mother, and this could easily have occurred, to no good result in the long run.

[...] The process involved is a constant, necessary and beneficial give and take that results in at least some kind of balance.

[...] Your painting, Joseph, is beginning to show the results of greater psychic understanding, which will transpose itself into content and technique. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 5: Session 831, January 15, 1979 copyedited Tam Sue medieval private

[...] Jane did review them for me while I was working on this note, however, and here’s a slightly edited version of what she wrote as a result of her study:

[...] One’s greatest dreams and worst fears alike become the result of glandular imbalance, or of neuroses from childhood traumas.

A person could neither be proud of personal achievement nor blamed for failure, since in large measure his characteristics, potentials, and lacks were seen as the result of chance, heredity, and of unconscious mechanisms over which he seemingly had little control. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 18, 1984 Shawn mood quicken Peggy Peterson

[...] That heat is the result of the body’s activity being quickened. [...]

TSM Chapter Twelve Doris Matt reincarnation Rev Jon

So while Seth often explains present life problems as the result of past life difficulties, he makes it clear to those that can understand that the lives really exist simultaneously, just as three personalities can exist in one body at one time. But all problems are not the result of such “past life” influences. [...]

[...] If you still do not realize that you create your own reality, then you return, and again you learn to manipulate, and again and again you see the results of your own inner reality as you meet it objectified. [...]

[...] His secrecy [he was very tight-lipped] is the result of these past experiences. [...]

[...] But it is an oversimplificaton to say that all present problems are the result of past life difficulties. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 23, 1981 Sinful Catholic pathological grace Venice

(“Does it have any conception of the physical results that have come about in Ruburt?”)

All in all, those results are considered by the Sinful Self, now, as regrettable but necessary, as perhaps the use of overly severe discipline, or the use of punishment “for the personality’s own good”—all of which makes perfect sense within the belief structure of the Sinful Self and the larger philosophical structure of Christianity itself. [...]

NoME Part Four: Chapter 10: Session 870, August 1, 1979 impulses ideal urge civilizations headache

[...] Instead, mental beliefs about the body’s performance have changed, and increased physical speed resulted. [...]

[...] This may involve a lengthy journey for some of you, with your belief systems, for many of your impulses now are the result of the pressure caused by perfectly normal unacknowledged ones in the past. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 886, December 3, 1979 divine Zeus flat Zoroaster homogeneity

This may hardly be original thinking here, but these proliferations of consciousness imply some pretty fantastic abilities on the part of we humans—for such developments show that even though we live as small creatures within the incredible richness of an overall consciousness, or All That Is, still our actions can result in that great consciousness exploring new areas of itself. [...]

[...] As a result, for example, your archeological evidence usually presents a picture quite in keeping with your ideas of history, geological eras, and so forth.

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 921, October 8, 1980 schizophrenic devil demons personifications debased

(Jane’s arms and legs have been sore today, off and on, but she feels that beneficial changes are taking place in them as a result of the sessions on the magical approach to reality. [...]

[...] Evil actions, in other words, are the result of ignorance and misunderstanding. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session January 7, 1978 Wanda disapproval appointment Frank ommm

[...] We ended up with Jane more or less on a two-week test period to see if she could get results on her own—although in the light of tonight’s session I doubt if the “deadline” matters. [...]

Furthermore, in the back of your mind, and somewhat at least as a result of the Gallaghers’ well-meaning query, you also wondered if you were doing your duty should you not insist that Ruburt receive conventional but definite help? [...]

NotP Chapter 10: Session 793, February 14, 1977 children play imagination games adults

These additional data come as a result of the brain’s high play as it experiments with the formation of events, using the inner senses that are not structured in time or space.

[...] The mind’s creative play often serves up symbolic events that result in therapeutic physical reactions, and also function as postdream suggestions that offer hints as to remedial action.

TES8 Session 408 April 29 1968 cone coordinates pure Pause structures

Translations are therefore necessary, and in many respects the distortions that will appear of necessity in any such translation (pause) are requirements; what might be termed distortion from pure knowledge, you see, is often the result of the translations without which you could not receive nor understand the material.

[...] Any contradictions are merely the result of interpretations. [...]

TPS2 Session 631 (Deleted Portion) December 18, 1972 breakthrough brushes quintessence move problems

There are invisible barriers in your understanding that you are moving through yourselves, so that what I am saying will become far clearer when you see the results that are already taking place.

TES2 Session 46 April 22, 1964 Mark Ed barn discipline son

You will be taken advantage of in many instances because you are afraid to act even in a self-protective manner, because in the past your actions resulted in violence. [...]

[...] Your painting is almost a direct result of a desire for creativity, to balance what was once your destructive personality.

Paintings, and for Ruburt’s benefit poetry—I certainly don’t want Ruburt to feel neglected—but paintings have their own vitality and exist independently of the artist, and are the result of a spontaneous, free, impulsive burst of giving that asks no return, and as such, because no return is expected, returns are given.

[...] You can merely see its results.

TSM Chapter Three wires mirror séance palm cubes

The results were so surprising that rather than paraphrase Rob’s notes, I’m going to include them exactly as he wrote them. [...]

Later work has convinced me that psychic phenomena do not simply appear because we want them to, or as the result of suggestion alone. [...]

[...] I had to write up the séance results for one of my early chapters, and I hardly knew how to go about it.

TES6 Session 266 June 9, 1966 eagle moose bending object tag

[...] The results of the experiment were quite unusual, and Seth goes into the mechanisms involved.

[...] You wanted some data that would serve to explain the results of your first experimental seance.

(We need answers concerning the rather spectacular results obtained in the 11th session because Jane is writing a chapter on this seance for the Seth book. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session March 11, 1970 perfection hurt symptoms Jesuit whipping

[...] You are managing the problems, though it may appear to you that you are not, in such a way that enduring creativity results.

[...] There must be a gap between the desire for perfection and the physical result. [...]

For one thing, she is afraid that the Jesuit will get more severe symptoms of his own, as a result of work pressure, and in a protective way she is trying to say “Bill, do not get sick. [...]

TES9 Session 460 January 27, 1969 Ace sale Wollheim endeavors impetus

Your ego, in common ordinary terms, has changed as a result of our sessions, in that it is now concerned with other realities also. [...]

[...] Did the experience lead to the phone call, and will informing Ace of the sale of the Seth material result in the sale of the dream book? [...]

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