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TPS2 Deleted Session February 24, 1972 repression conscientious February etc job

The repression in one way I used in the novels, but when the habit becomes too ingrained I find it difficult to retain, to transform into art. Some of my material comes from Ruburt’s repressions, but when the habit allows for too strong a charge, constantly rebuilt, this is a hindrance.

I often help, and have, by recharging him, as I did in all the creative developments to date. But then he must think “Is this good or is this bad? Am I being too free?” I can handle the early repressions. The habit of repression dropped its hold to a great degree when he met you. The situation of your illness brought it back, and from there it gained hold again.

You know that panic is behind such repression, and a misguided idea of self protection. Inhibiting thoughts inevitably inhibit body motion. For his own benefit and mine, two or three times a week he should sit down and write out his feelings, as he began to do last summer. All kinds of repressions will come to the surface.

TPS2 Deleted Session February 26, 1972 repressed release ambiguous conscientious Elgersma

[...] These feelings may be charged because they have been so repressed. [...] But do not let these repressed feelings blind you to the beneficial qualities of your situation right now, or its creative possibilities.

Releasing the repressed feelings will also clear the way for freer expression of joy and exuberance, so while repressed feelings are being freed, do not forget to concentrate upon the positive aspects also. [...]

[...] Several portions of the personality have already helped in the release of repressed feelings; the conscientious self particularly, which was the greatest repressor. In any cases of great repressive nature, one part of the personality may act alone in the beginning but later it must get the cooperation of other portions.

TPS2 Deleted Session March 6, 1972 repressed discouraged Crying tour emotional

[...] When she returned home she used the pendulum to learn that she had been repressing reactions to a statement of mine of the other day, to the effect that I didn’t think she’d be able to get around well enough to go on tour for Seth Speaks, if Prentice-Hall asked us to. [...]

(As we talked about Seth’s statement, and decided we should concentrate upon beneficial things, Jane then wanted to know how this idea fits in with the importance of not repressing negative thoughts. [...]

When you made the remark about tour, Ruburt repressed the fear invoked, wanting to show you that he no longer was so sensitive. [...]

TPS1 Session 477 (Deleted) April 21, 1969 annoyance abundance reacting postponed adequately

[...] You may end up doing them harm through repressed reactions that suddenly explode.

[...] Violence for example is the result of such repression.

[...] To begin a program of reasonable adequate response, to annoying stimuli, is your best insurance against overreaction and repression.

TPS7 Deleted Session December 16, 1983 Pete Fife Hagen Infirmary insurance

This repression does not only show itself in the physical world of behavior, but also acts within the interior world of the body itself, repressing those organs that lead to physical motion. Young people may even repress their own thought processes, since they fear their own inclinations, and are afraid to act upon their thoughts. [...]

The hospital, for all its healing intentions, is often a repressive institution rather than an expressive one. [...] To that extent, the environment becomes less repressive, and begins to build up a bank of beneficial suggestions, which can prove as helpful as the negative suggestions were detrimental. [...]

They will begin to follow a road of denial and repression, and grow more and more afraid of expressing their own talents or abilities. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session February 3, 1971 retracing fears chiropractor repressive symptoms

[...] Looking at him, you can see that the condition, the problem, is a repressed one —the physical symptoms make this obvious. The repression of fears was latched onto for the reasons given in a recent session—the habitual syndrome—do you recall?

[...] Practically this is of great importance for it will help break the repressive habit on the one hand, and help end blockages that have been holding back positive and healthy charges of activity. [...]

He also comes through as a young woman with some problems, with a repressive tendency that is physically materialized, with dogmatic and somewhat rigid distorted ideas that have only lately really been understood by the personality. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session October 15, 1973 repair synthesis relaxation badminton weight

[...] Repression of motion cannot lead to anything but further repression. [...] He is allowing himself freedom by degrees, letting down repressions one by one.

[...] He must want freedom as strongly as before he wanted to repress it, and this is in the direction in which he is now moving.

TPS1 Session 567 (Deleted Portion) February 17, 1971 assertion blockage exercises exaggerated repressed

The exaggeration of negative influences was brought about because of the repression. [...]

[...] You had a menagerie of repressed feelings. [...]

In his own way he is fond of your mother at the same time, you see, but also terrified of her because the repressions cause him to exaggerate the hidden fears. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session December 4, 1972 Josef paintings fake channel underlined

The repression however was to remind you of freer patterns that would and could flow. [...] The repressed emotion itself is apparent in your past paintings. [...]

You knew when you would be ready and your emotions, repressed until then, would then emerge as new to illuminate the forms and to fill them out.

[...] You wanted to express in painting then the freeing of emotions—that could not be expressed unless first there had been repression, and those energies in full blossom that have nothing to do with age.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 8: Session 634, January 22, 1973 violation guilt aggressiveness mouse killing

[...] Consciously, most people are already afraid of it — they did not repress it because they considered it good. When I use the word “repressed” I do not mean forgotten, or shoved into the unconscious, or beyond reach. [...]

[...] Here I simply want to point out the difference between healthy natural aggressiveness, and the explosive, distorted emergence of repressed aggression.

You will each have to discover for yourself those areas in which you strongly repress your thoughts, for many energy blockages will be found there. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 10, 1984 drugs suicide abandon roulette therapist

It is true that some schools of knowledge almost glorify the use of some drugs as encouraging the expansion of consciousness and the release of repression. [...]

[...] It seems as if some drugs permit an individual to let down barriers of fears and repressions, and to emotionally transcend the problems of daily life. [...]

[...] Many of them object that they did not want to be born in the first place, and they feel that way because they have so thoroughly repressed the will to life within them. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 14, 1983 exuberant dietary Misnick healthy obedient

[...] Children are taught to repress their emotions rather than to express them. [...]

[...] As adults they can form a kind of understanding parent in their own mind, until they learn how to be sympathetic to their own behavior, and until they realize that life itself is an expression—not a repression. [...]

(Long pause at 4:40.) Comments for Ruburt: today’s additional motion further shows his improvements as body and mind both throw off old shackles of repression. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session May 17, 1978 Neuman locomotion Seven legal resilient

Ruburt’s body has been repressed. [...] The body was repressed rather than expressed. [...]

[...] Now you want to begin to encourage through your questions the repressed feelings also of hope, of expression, even of natural flamboyant behavior. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 13: Session 652, March 28, 1973 unconscious sleep waking evil behavior

[...] You do not have energy dammed up through repressions, for example, and emotions and their expression are not feared.

[...] These repressed emotions, and the whole charge behind such distorted concepts about the unconscious, result in a projection outward upon others. [...]

[...] They will then project the greatest sexual license upon those groups they choose to represent their own repressed behavior. [...]

TES4 Session 156 May 19, 1965 ego action emotion functions rejects

In the psychological realm it goes without saying that a repressed emotion is never really repressed, since action cannot be retained. [...] The cause of such difficulties lies not in the repression of an emotion, for this is impossible. The emotion in one way or another, will out, but the difficulty lies in the attempt to repress the emotion. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session February 10, 1971 success appalled pendulum furious succeed

[...] Such erratic behavior however he now felt out of the question, and the built-up energy from the repressed feelings had nowhere to go. He clamped down upon himself then more and more, fearing the built-up charge of repressions.

[...] Make sure you emphasize that the release of these will also bring about the release of joy and inspiration and energy that has been blocked through repression. [...]

[...] The fear projections, repressed, telepathically attract like projections, and inhibit other ones. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session December 3, 1981 therapeutic program trigger regardless uniform

[...] Expression is far preferred of course to repression, but more than this, the matter of repression cannot be solved by adding further repression as a therapeutic measure. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 10: June 4, 1984 spontaneous compulsive impulses maple processes

[...] In the physical world, such behavior often leads to compulsive action — stereotyped mental and physical motion and other situations with a strong repressive coloration. [...]

Actually the people involved are repressing not violent impulses but natural loving ones. [...]

TSM Chapter Thirteen Conz Dean illness Joan headache

“This is the difference between repression and positive action. In repression the resentment is shoved beneath and ignored. [...] (Seth has frequently cautioned me against repressing aggressions out of fear of them. [...]

It does not do to repress negative thoughts, such as fears, angers, or resentments. [...]

Repression has been one of my own habits, particularly after I learned how destructive negative thoughts can be. [...]

TPS2 Session 644 (Deleted Portion) February 28, 1973 Bailey breakthrough aggressiveness badminton synthesis

[...] But this is leading him toward the beliefs behind the charged repressed aggressiveness, which is highly important.

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