Results 1 to 20 of 56 for stemmed:repair

TPS2 Deleted Session October 15, 1973 repair synthesis relaxation badminton weight

The vitamins do serve to help in the extra work being done by the body, of repair, although without the change in beliefs they would not be effective. The body is using what it gets now efficiently, then. Some weight gain can be expected shortly. Now nutriments are being utilized in repair work. After the short period and slight gain in weight, the weight will then normally return.

The right and left sides are out of balance. The relaxation episodes naturally provide in their own way, more easily and without discomfort, the same sort of benefit that theoretically would be received, say, in a chiropractic treatment. This is but one part of the process, however. The release of muscles takes place in such a way that the tendons around joints are gradually loosened, and then the body works on the joints themselves. Ruburt has experienced the slight soreness as rigidity in those areas begins to loosen. There is also the repair of tissue about the joints.

There is some swelling, very slight sometimes, when the joints are involved and this merely provides a cushioning process as circulation is quickened and pressure is taken away. There is repair in all areas. Because the procedure is a natural one, the heat sensations can neatly show you the areas directly involved at any time.

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 20, 1984 impatience repair typewriter cartridges darning

[...] While she was eating a good lunch I thought of telling her the typewriter repair service had called this morning, citing a bill for $90.00 for the repair and a box of a dozen cartridges, but I forgot to mention it as we talked about other things. [...] I want to try it out to make sure it’s okay before I turn my own in for repair, which it needs.

TPS3 Session 696 (Deleted Portion) May 8, 1974 repair birthday nutriments barriers snack

[...] Great energy is going into repair of the body, and the mind itself needed a rest. [...]

He will want to eat more, incidentally, for the body will be utilizing nutriments for repair. [...]

TES8 Session 381 November 24, 1967 table Carl pressure floor Claire

[...] The breaking of the table left us delighted and appalled—me especially; and it took me several hours on two succeeding days to repair the table. So much force was used to shatter the table leg that a nail two and a quarter inches long, that I had used in my previous repair bout, was bent at an exact right angle. [...]

[...] The table, the one usually used and belonging to Ruth Klebert, one of Jane’s ESP students, had been repaired less than a week ago by me; it had been damaged to the extent of losing a couple of its three legs by its violent movements in a recent ESP class.

(I repaired the broken legs with nails and glue, to insure a strong job; before, the legs had been merely dowel-fastened. [...]

TMA Session Ten September 10, 1980 education Bowman official unlearning culture

Ruburt’s body is repairing itself now at an excellent rate.

The body’s natural healing processes each day rid people of diseases, repair emotional or bodily illnesses — and such instances go largely unrecorded. [...]

Ruburt’s body is then magically and naturally repairing itself in a function just as creative, of course, as the inner work that goes on in the production of a book or a poem — a fact he is finally getting through his head. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session December 6, 1978 view tooth teeth aspirations comprehensions

People have difficulties with their teeth in modern times, particularly, for many reasons—but mainly because it is one accepted area for the difficulty to show itself, and because the dentist’s cosmetics can indeed repair the appearance. At least in some historic periods, people kept their teeth longer, knowing that nothing could be done to repair the damage. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 16, 1982 superhuman thyroid crumbled helpless Synthroid

The same process involving the thyroid gland has happened several times in his life, and in each of those cases it has repaired itself. [...]

(We were very encouraged by two points especially that Seth had mentioned this evening: that Jane’s thyroid had repaired itself before—which event now could free her from dependence upon medication—and that the Sinful Self’s superhuman image had “cracked and crumbled in the hospital experience.” [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 4: Session 623, October 25, 1972 Coué ductless pancreas adrenals Emile

(The house was noisy temporarily: A carpenter in a downstairs apartment was using an electric saw at frequent intervals as he repaired some of the damage caused by last June’s massive flood. [...]

TPS3 Session 700 (Deleted Portion) May 29, 1974 elation Seven upswing nutriments accomplished

[...] The circulatory system is being rejuvenated and repaired. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 15, 1984 faltering Gaye Webster Gym flexes

[...] In that way he also repairs the past. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 4: March 23, 1984 heart heartless transplant medical technology

[...] In many cases, even when hearts are repaired through medical technology, the same trouble reoccurs at a later date, or the patient recovers only to fall prey to a different, nearly fatal or fatal, disease. [...]

TES3 Session 98 October 19, 1964 nodule arthritic wrist irritation injury

Needed energy is held back in the fist of fear, and not used for fullest repair within the physical body. [...]

[...] The body’s defenses, with oftentimes insufficient energy at their command, attempt to hold the fort and make repairs, until the needed energy is again available.

TPS4 Session 812 (Deleted Portion) October 1, 1977 tooth George cavity hypnosis acanthus

[...] Jane and I haven’t done anything about the hypnosis suggestions, obviously; we need our recorder repaired. [...]

TES5 Session 222 January 12, 1966 car Loren Railroader garage Lois

(The car operated well the day after the garage repaired it, saying the trouble was moisture in the distributor. [...] To our surprise the second tow and repair were free, the service manager telling us there was corrosion on the coil connections, and that the mechanic should have noticed this and corrected it the first time the car was in the garage.

(Jane and I walked to a nearby station for gasoline but the car still wouldn’t start; consequently the garage had to tow the car in for repairs. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 7: Session 631, December 18, 1972 viruses drugs natural counteract minced

[...] Beneath our living room windows, a carpenter pounded on an outside door frame as he repaired damage done to the ground floor of the house by the flood of last June [see the 613th session in Chapter One]. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 23, 1983 doctor ointment lancing knee Fred

(Long pause.) In your dream, the tree represents the tree of life, or nature, growing on its own, repairing itself as it goes along. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 10: June 4, 1984 spontaneous compulsive impulses maple processes

Your body repairs itself constantly, and your mind thinks — all without your normally conscious attention. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 18, 1983 violet Rembrandt enhanced stared hurrying

[...] I told her that her body knew perfectly well how to repair and regenerate her hands, just as it did every other part of her body. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 2, 1983 stone grunting spot Honey minerals

[...] And a note to Ruburt: the leg that was broken is already repairing itself in an excellent manner. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 6: Session 629, November 29, 1972 Augustus analyst cure invasion suicidal

[...] The difficulty may be exteriorized as a broken limb, for example, instead of a broken self, and as the body is repaired the necessary assimilation of belief takes place.

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