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NoPR Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 659, April 25, 1973 hypnotist doctors witch hypnosis quacks

[...] In your society regression is often involved; the patient will remember and relive a traumatic experience from the past. [...]

TES6 Session 260 May 18, 1966 Goldsmith Nate Saratoga spade visit

[...] Once more, remember in your dream experiments that you will be able to perceive not only your own constructions, but upon some occasions the constructions of others.

TES7 Seth’s Lecture to Pat’s Boston High School Class March 25, 1967 classroom hell kill chromosomes Pat

[...] You may look back to a time and remember no identity, and you wonder: Who was I then, and how did I come here?

TES9 Session 450 November 20, 1968 Pius Carl encyclopedia creaked guy

[...] Again, remember to regroup your forces.

TES9 Session 454 December 7, 1968 Tam Eve control Irish figure

[...] when you are ready you will remember... [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session October 24, 1977 faith Framework crash intimacy sustained

[...] If he never learned of the plane crash, and did not have faith in the beneficial nature of events, then he might simply remember the entire affair as highly unpleasant, stupid, and even think that it was another example that he could do nothing right.

TPS7 Deleted Session October 26, 1982 David vitamins Cohen letter guitar

[...] “I can’t remember all of that,” Jane said, “but it seems really significant. [...]

TPS1 Session 473 (Deleted) April 7, 1969 aggressive maze hurt college monks

He also remembered that they had turned him down when he looked for work. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 18: Session 571, March 3, 1971 symbols stages joy reverie signposts

You may be “conscious” and reacting to a remembered event so strongly that you are relatively unaware of present events. [...]

TES1 Session 22 February 4, 1964 woodcarvings kiddo Joseph chickadees taunted

You must remember that the outer senses react to camouflage pattern. [...]

TES4 Session 193 September 27, 1965 label Lorraine Lake test Seneca

(It will be remembered that our 2nd envelope test, held during the 180th session, was held on August 23, and that it featured a photograph of Jane at York Beach. [...]

TES1 Session 14 January 8, 1964 solidified plane counteraction board cup

[...] That is, you can perhaps sense or remember an earlier moment intuitively or capture an earlier moment visually as in a photograph, or audibly as in a recording. [...]

(Just remember that Jerry is 66

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 640, February 14, 1973 therapeutic therapy illumination grace chemicals

[...] If you remember having certain dream experiences and waking refreshed, then before sleep consciously think about those dreams and tell yourself they will return.

TES3 Session 116 December 21, 1964 censorship props procedure replenish proceed

[...] She remembered the pauses, but had thought they were “nothing.”

TES3 Session 138 March 8, 1965 dilemma action identity vitality stability

[...] You will remember our previous definition of action, for this will make this evening’s discussion easier to understand.

TPS6 Deleted Session April 15, 1981 Sinful superself dilemma breakthrough fulfillment

[...] She remembered Seth mentioning her book idea—on rationalism—although she didn’t have “any great feelings yet” about it—how to do it or start it. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 15, 1981 super Prentice expected professional unrealistic

[...] She remembered Seth’s material about her statement of ability and intent. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 922, October 13, 1980 Helper knower protection dams artistry

[...] At its best it did not lead to rote renditions of remembered material, but to dramatic renderings of it through music, poetry, dancing. [...]

TES4 Session 153 May 10, 1965 tension landscape action creation ego

(Jane remarked that whenever she receives a concept she always will remember at least the gist of the material she has been delivering, even when she has been deeply dissociated.

TES9 Session 471 March 31, 1969 Ace Wollheim Doren desolations evil

[...] But this fact is Ruburt’s safeguard in his astral travels—as long as he remembers it.

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