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NoPR Part Two: Chapter 12: Session 647, March 12, 1973 Satan denial Adam evil Buddhism

[...] In deeper terms, there is still another meaning that mirrors all of those apparent divisions that occur as All That Is seemingly separates portions of itself from itself, scattering its omnipotence into new patterns of being that, in your terms, remember their source and look back to it longingly, while still glorying in the unique individuality that is their own.

[...] At first, there was a difficulty in separating the remembered image from the moment in the present. [...]

[...] It would help here if the reader remembers what has been said about natural guilt earlier in this book. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 29, 1981 Sinful dmso document entire Self

[...] (Long pause.) Remember that all portions of the personality are conscious. [...]

It is important to remember the benign unpredictability of Framework 2 in that regard, so that you leave the doors open for desired results in whatever way they might occur. [...]

(Long pause.) The more stimuli, thoughts, desires and material of a diverse nature brought into the system—within reason—the greater the amount of material the inner self has to work with and put together in its own creative fashions—but do remember those sessions given that remind Ruburt that his body can indeed recover, that he can indeed trust his body’s processes, and that he should not compare his life with anyone else’s, but trust in the entire fabric of his existence, and you indeed should trust the entire fabric of your own. [...]

TES9 Session 486 June 9, 1969 passageways Pietra guests Ernie drugs

Sometimes in their sleep they sleepwalk and come upon the passageways, and meet, but in the morning they do not remember. [...]

[...] Yet she said the trance had been quite deep, and also—unusually—she could remember what she had said. [...]

[...] Again Jane’s trance was deep; this time she was really out, she said, and remembered nothing until tile last line of the data.

TPS4 Deleted Session April 11, 1978 overemphasis pendulum lifework career triggers

[...] Remember, I am speaking of an overemphasis upon the idea of work, not about a normal concern about book publications, or career concerns, those are certainly reasonable. [...]

[...] Remember, when Ruburt wrote short stories he slanted them for the market. [...]

[...] You have been highly active with Ruburt, though you do not remember it, both of you in Framework 2 clearing up old issues, forming closer communications with each other, and dropping old beliefs.

TPS2 Deleted Session January 3, 1972 covenant sketches facile cadmiums interbound

[...] Remember the incredible individuality and integrity and possibilities of each line. [...]

If you remember what I told you about the language, then you will see clearly.

(I couldn’t remember offhand. [...]

TES6 Session 243 March 21, 1966 receipt handstamp motor bottom March

[...] I remember that I was sick three times that winter, each time to a lesser degree. [...] I do not remember having any thoughts, at any time, connecting my illnesses to the polio vaccines.)

[...] She felt Seth rather strongly tonight, she said, and did not remember much of the material. [...]

[...] Remember also that she gave white in connection with the object’s color, in answer to my second question. [...]

(Strange as it may seem—or perhaps not so strangely after all—I remember my mother giving me this negative suggestion quite clearly. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 12: Session 940, February 3, 1982 center homey doorstep prepackaged stand

[...] Your life is one dream that you are remembering.

You are remembering it and creating it at once, watching it grow from the attention of your own love and knowledge, and as you seem to stand at its center, so you stand at the center of all of your dreams, which then spin themselves seemingly outward.

TPS3 Session 786 (Deleted Portion) August 16, 1976 implanted muscles soreness Frank accustom

[...] Now, however, it should be remembered that the muscles can easily accustom themselves to any new motions without anything but a minimum of discomfort.

TES2 Session 64 June 24, 1964 bug construction hose cat insect

(It will be remembered that in the last, 63rd, session, pages 158-159, Seth stated that a narcotics scandal was to break in Elmira within 3 months. [...]

[...] I remember that it resembled a beetle, was about half an inch long, was a beautiful light red-brown color, and lay helplessly on its back with its legs thrashing. [...]

[...] It is remembering that causes the trouble.

[...] But you remember just in time, construct your chair where your knee is.

DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 892, January 2, 1980 composition tree creatures units potency

[...] “They remembered how it was.” They remembered that they formed each other.

Remember that each unit of consciousness is a fragment of All That Is, a divine portion. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session February 21, 1972 discontent displaced freelancing elephants roared

[...] Remember at least that you did not fall into that trap, and that you both had enough sense to avoid it.

[...] Remember the encounter (of February 19)—it was with a part of both of your personalities, not only Ruburt’s.

[...] She didn’t remember any of the material. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, November 16, 1971 Gert Jason Phil Bette Alpha

[...] And as you know, in another layer of reality, this is the dream state, and in that level of reality I am telling you to remember your dreams, and I have already told you that this evening you will have a class dream session, and this is it. And in this level of reality, I am telling you that you will have a class dream session this evening, and in that other level of reality, you will remember. [...]

[...] And you can all  (to Sheila), all  succeed to some extent or another in this experiment, and anything you learn or remember, or take back with you, will be more than worth your while. [...]

NotP Chapter 1: Session 752, July 28, 1975 psyche birth barest history television

You do not remember your birth, as a rule. Certainly it seems that you do not remember the birth of the world. [...]

[...] You may think longingly and with an almost hopeful nostalgia of the religion of your childhood, and remember a system of belief that ensured you of immortality. [...]

TES8 Session 408 April 29 1968 cone coordinates pure Pause structures

(She said she remembered none of the material until “he” asked if we wanted to hear from Seth. Then she was subjectively aware of the Seth voice and the change in personality, without remembering what Seth said.

[...] She remembered only the last sentence of the material before break.

TES9 Session 442 October 14, 1968 circle triangle vortex spirals Freudenberger

[...] Through exercises you can consciously remember some dreams. Through exercises you can consciously remember some reincarnations.

If you are interested I will give you such exercises, but whether or not you remember these lives consciously is of little importance, for you have subconscious knowledge of them. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 3, 1983 chipmunk cranberry foot juice motions

[...] And remember again, that your body, Joseph, is being toned up and regenerated. [...]

(I’d felt sad, staring down at the striped brown, black and white body, and remembered Seth’s material about how both parties in any death share the experience. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 14, 1984 diseases homosexuals aids techniques contagions

In these, and all situations, it should be remembered that the body is always trying to heal itself, and that even the most complicated relationships are trying to untangle.

[...] It should be remembered that it is the beliefs and feelings of the patients that largely determine the effectiveness of any medical procedures, techniques, or medications.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 12: June 17, 1984 suffering heaven fatalistic Bumbalos sent

When reincarnational studies are embarked upon, on occasion people remember some instance of past-life experience, but conventional ideas of time are so strong that so-called future memory is blacked out.

(3:52.) In terms of “starting over” at such a point, the main thing to remember is not to expect too much too fast, while recognizing that instantaneous cures are indeed probabilities.

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 909, April 21, 1980 genetic deformities doodle gifted liabilities

[...] “He did go into that chapter I picked up on earlier today, but I don’t remember what he called it.”)

I’ve always felt
that I’ve always known you,
yet you surprise me daily
with new versions
of your personhood
then I remember.

TPS3 Deleted Session January 7, 1974 writer talent amaryllis womanliness duty

[...] In one session—he remembers it—I told him to write for three hours daily. [...]

[...] If he remembers his instinctive feeling for nature he will know that he belongs outside as well as inside.

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