
3 results for stemmed:rem

TES4 Session 194 September 29, 1965 rem test Beach photo sleep

As far as your system is concerned, they cannot be suddenly made flesh, to dwell among you. REM sleep or no REM sleep, your dreams exist constantly, beneath consciousness, even in the waking state. The personality is constantly affected by them. Their existence has its own dimension which is connected to the physical organism. It is impossible to deprive a human being of dreams, for even though you deprive him of sleep, this necessary mental function will be carried on subconsciously.

(We have been reading the article on sleep in the September 18th issue of the New Yorker. Called “A Third Stage of Existence”, it deals with REM sleep, or the rapid eye movements that have been shown to occur during dreaming. Since Seth has dealt with dreams to some extent Jane and I have a somewhat different slant on sleep and dreaming, and what is involved.

The eye movements noted in the beginning of REM sleep are only indications of dream activity that is closely connected to the physical layers of the self. These periods mark not the onset of dreams, but the return of the personality from deeper layers of dream awareness to more surface areas.

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 13 dream electrical rem intensities world

[...] REM sleep or no REM sleep, your dreams exist constantly beneath consciousness, even in the waking state. [...]

“Dreams and REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Sleep, Dreams and Chemical Connections”

The eye movements noted in the beginning of REM sleep are only indications of dream activity that is closely connected with the physical layers of the self. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 570, March 1, 1971 stages Speakers layers undifferentiated sleep

[...] He will then return toward physical reality in an area marked as REM sleep by your scientists, where physically oriented dream productions will be created, putting the knowledge he has gained into use.