Results 21 to 40 of 479 for stemmed:relax

TPS1 Session 582 (Deleted Portion) April 19, 1971 Russell tension redirecting concentration pleasure

With this relaxation more tension will not build up. The muscles and body can relax. [...]

[...] You can help him to relax in the moment as you did last evening by simple reminders and by play.

TPS4 Deleted Session May 24, 1978 precepts worry crossword puzzles reinforced

[...] This is to be followed with a focus toward relaxation. Simply keep relaxation in mind.

[...] It is highly important now that he add a new emphasis, encouraging relaxation, which brings along with it always greater freedom to move and respond.

[...] Yet a refusal to worry as such will often show remarkable results by freeing the creative mechanisms, relaxing the body, and therefore allowing solutions and resolutions to occur naturally. [...]

TPS3 Session 698 (Deleted Portion) May 20, 1974 physicians alignment canal Cyprus jaw

The process occurring now began in a dream state, was further accelerated this morning, and further so in the relaxation just before the session. The release however then of muscles previously tight can be initially unpleasant, but this soon passes, as other groups of muscles relax gradually in response. [...]

(At break at 9:56, Jane became very relaxed. [...]

TPS4 Session 810 (Deleted Portion) September 10, 1977 exert pliable power confidence tension

[...] The feelings of relaxation and mobility can frighten him—though they do so far less than previously, and less often. [...] The massager is very beneficial now, for his body is pliable enough now to respond—but more, as he used it recently the intent to relax is there. The mechanical aid is good: he is safely seated, and he has also used the occasion to relax his mind.

The relaxed tendons. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session November 12, 1981 safe supported clued gritty nitty

Now: it is the effortlessness, the spontaneous relaxation, that worries Ruburt, in that it is not specifically decided upon at any given point, but seems to happen by itself. [...]

Ruburt’s body is allowing itself to relax, particularly on the couch when his back is supported. [...]

(Long pause at 9:04.) There is no doubt that differing portions of Ruburt’s body are quite comfortable, and far more flexible, when he relaxes in such a fashion. [...]

TES2 Session 74 July 27, 1964 director authority gallery polishing porcupine

[...] Daily use of those particular back exercises, with their mental discipline, will further aid in his development, until he will find indeed that he can not only relax at will, but even when he does not have time to will relaxation, that is, relaxation will be the built-in conditioned reflex that panic used to be.

[...] The quietude and relaxation derived from them is excellent. [...]

This is going to be in some respects a relaxed session. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session December 3, 1977 newspapers news heroism organizations world

Use relaxation techniques, as in hypnotic techniques, if you want. [...] You have not taken my suggestion before for a very simple reason: part of you, Joseph, was not ready to reassure Ruburt in such a fashion, for you were not certain that it was safe to relax in such a world, and you did not want to lie to Ruburt because you believed the newspaper world so thoroughly—with all, now, of its implications, as Ruburt did.

[...] Then, however, I would like you each, for one-half hour twice a week, to use your own separate relaxation techniques. Such exercises state and reinforce your intent, reinforce it through physical action, and the relaxation will set you free in your psychic endeavors, bringing your nightly dreams into clearer focus, because you are setting up consciously a better relationship between your mind and your body.

[...] It makes it seem foolhardy to relax, doesn’t it? [...]

TPS5 Session 871 (Deleted Portion) August 6, 1979 stopper glass rain wind blast

When Ruburt allows his body to relax, it uses the opportunity while it has it, so that the relaxation seems exaggerated. [...]

(Jane became so relaxed as session time approached that she told me several times that she’d have to put off the session until tomorrow night. [...]

[...] “I’m so relaxed, yet I feel all that material there. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 3, 1981 uncertainty certainty Jim uncertain tension

[...] Because of other beliefs it seemed that it was not safe to relax. [...] The panic he feels in some particular kind of relaxation episodes does indeed involve the psychological feelings that were buried within that releasing tension. [...]

[...] Yet while trying the library she felt “relaxed and panicky at the same time.” [...]

[...] This only applies to certain periods of relaxation, however, that are connected with the eventual freedom of the most vital motions of the body. [...]

TES4 Session 186 September 8, 1965 stamps depicted test tavern diverted

First of all, he has not relaxed since he mailed his book, really.

[...] After the psychic excitement and effort and discipline involved in the venture of the book, there simply must be a complete relaxation, a letting go. [...]

It will not do if he resents the time he thinks is lost in relaxation or other pursuits. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session January 28, 1981 custody hostages negotiations intellect Iranian

At any given time, then, he may not feel it right to relax, because he has thus-and-thus a chore to perform, or because of the hour, or for any other reasons that will all serve to hide the fact that he is afraid of relaxing. He thinks he fears relaxing because then he will do nothing—but instead he is afraid of letting go because he fears he will go too far, and put himself in an unsafe position in the world. [...]

We are now involved with reassuring Ruburt that it is safe to move, and ultimately that it is safe to relax. We are trying to reassure him that relaxation is indeed a part of a creative process, and that it also makes all other motion possible. [...]

When you spoke to him this afternoon, telling him it was safe to relax, you helped break his isolation. [...]

TPS4 Session 815 (Deleted Portion) December 17, 1977 skiing imagery imprinted images lain

When you use suggestions, together they should largely be playful, or relaxing, or authoritative. [...] If you want to relax and you are tense, it is often simpler to bypass the issue, and tell yourself instead to imagine a peaceful scene, in which case you will relax without ordering your muscles to do so. [...]

TPS4 Session 828 (Deleted Portion) March 15, 1978 undreamed anniversary clarified automatically he

[...] Those states also automatically help bring about necessary physical relaxation, for the relaxation of course first exists at that other stage.

TPS6 Deleted Session April 29, 1982 Israel anguish Golda heavily Jowett

[...] When I looked in on Jane at 10:30, thinking she’d want to get up, I found instead that she was sleeping heavily, with her knees and legs relaxed and “dumped” to her left in a more relaxed position than usual. [...]

[...] It was clear something had happened: Jane said her legs were more relaxed than they’d been in years—but at the same time they were so sore she was appalled. [...]

I feel as if this is the first sign that those psychological and physical areas are being touched or allowed to relax or release. [...]

TES7 Session 299 November 2, 1966 lassitude peek rigidity complete yawning

[...] It is a healthy condition of almost complete relaxation, signifying the release of his physical system from the mental hold of fear that has made it comparatively rigid up until now.

[...] The system was too wound up to be allowed sudden complete relaxation.

TPS6 Jane’s Notes Dream March 5, Tuesday vacuum Gridley Jack nonchalantly drunk

[...] At breakfast when Rob read me the session I grew very relaxed and had to lie down. [...]

[...] I was very relaxed. [...]

TPS3 Session 771 (Deleted Portion) April 14, 1976 Ay nee Orville Tigerman id

Each of you need two 5-minute periods a day, at least, in which you purposefully relax mental and physical tensions through whatever methods you choose. [...]

[...] The relaxation periods will help short-circuit your own problems. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session September 13, 1979 poet tradition creativity specific conflict

(Jane was so relaxed yesterday and last night—as she has been often lately—that we held no session. [...] Even though she was again very relaxed today, she was also active writing. [...]

[...] He knows now he does not have to slow down, and that relaxation leads to motion. [...]

[...] And right at the end of the session, Jane’s head flopped down loosely, as she quickly returned to the very relaxed state she’d known before, while speaking for Seth.)

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 12, 1984 cancer patients garbage disease unconscious

Doctors might suggest that a patient relax and then ask himself or herself what kind of inner fantasy would best serve the healing process. [...]

Relax yourself as much as possible. [...]

For another exercise, then, relax yourself as much as possible once more. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session July 12, 1979 science Greg Carson Colorado fiction

[...] The relaxation episodes will continue again, when he realizes he does not have to be changing the world in each moment. [...] The relaxation periods aid in all respects. He does still need you to remind him of the safety of relaxation now and then.

[...] She’d also been quite relaxed at times through the day, so I didn’t ask her for a session. [...]

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