Results 1 to 20 of 136 for stemmed:reject

TES4 Session 167 July 5, 1965 rejected ego reactions restrict impulses

Many reactions, many patterns of reactions, are rejected by the ego upon some occasions and accepted upon other occasions, but as a rule such alternate behavior is annoying to the ego itself. The ego deals with cause and effect, and often denies particular reactions because it decides that they are not effective. The ego is fairly rigid, comparatively speaking. Rationalization is one method by which the ego justifies its acceptance of a reaction which it once rejected as ineffective.

As the number of rejected impulses grows, more and more energy is of course concentrated in this area, the energy that is inherent within the impulses themselves. This sort of grouping together of rejected impulses will occur mainly when the ego’s restrictions are too severe, so hampering that very deep and basic needs of the whole personality are being denied expression. It is therefore for the benefit of the whole personality that these impulses be given expression.

It feels the concentration of energy that has collected to form the rejected action patterns, and indeed it may feel that this unified rejection pattern is then even an enemy to its own superiority. It may, with more force than ever, attempt to hold back the expression of these impulses, and its fear of them grows.

TES4 Session 165 June 28, 1965 secondary action ego unifying personality

[...] However, when the ego carries its categorizing tendency too far, it may reject whole areas of significant action which has been experienced by the whole personality. It may choose to reject whole areas for various reasons, usually out of a mistaken fear that the actions involved threaten the permanence of itself.

Such a rejection is definitely an impeding action. It is this rejection on the ego’s part that is the basis for so-called neurosis in many cases. [...]

It is when significant actions, important to the whole personality, are so rejected that the difficulties arise. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session August 22, 1977 solitude rejection hurt deposits squandering

[...] You both believe (a) that people will not understand, and (b) that they will feel rejected, and (c) that they will reject you, and you will be left quite alone in the solitude you thought you wanted.

You feel that your needed solitude implies a rejection of the world. [...] You fear that that person will feel the same rejection that it seems to you your mothers felt.

When you were a boy and went off by yourself to draw, your mother often acted rejected. [...]

TES4 Session 156 May 19, 1965 ego action emotion functions rejects

[...] When an attempt is made to reject an emotion, this does not affect the emotion half as much as it affects the individual involved. The act of rejection in itself is detrimental and doomed to failure.

[...] An ego who can, and has at one time or another accepted as part of itself a violent and unruly desire to kill, for example, will not automatically reject the emotion of hatred. [...] An ego which once accepted such an idea of violence, and knew it as a possibility of action, such an ego, if he then rejects the conception, can no longer afford, ever, to recognize this once acceptable emotion, for he is only too aware of the action that could have at one time developed.

The rejected emotion, in other words, will express itself in any case, but it will do so then as a rebel, outside of the organizational directives of the ego itself. [...]

TPS1 Session 476 (Deleted) April 16, 1969 abundance negative spool rejection prayer

[...] I wanted to point out the important point however, the rejection on your part, as well as the attraction or the reason for the offering. [...] But the habit of rejection, generally applied, (underlined) is a limiting one.

[...] Your attitude was a rejecting one in general—that is, it was a reflection of a deeper pattern of negative thinking.

[...] But an overall pattern of rejection should be watched. [...]

TES4 Session 161 June 9, 1965 ulcer ego permanence rejects sham

It begins to reject stimuli, because stimuli must be reacted to, and it rejects action because action must be reacted to. Therefore it chooses areas of rejection. The areas it chooses to reject are determined by characteristics that are unique to the particular ego.

[...] In the particular personality’s case, perception becomes also limited, and rejections occur. In this as in many such cases foods are rejected. In many such cases the ego itself chooses to perceive only within those areas where it feels safe, and it rejects more and more any involvement that it can avoid. And now the ego has the self-created ulcer to blame, and it rejects many foods, for foods are symbolistic of involvement.

TES4 Session 164 June 23, 1965 impeding action illness stimuli unifying

An illness can be rejected by the personality. The habit of illness can be rejected. [...] When action is allowed to flow freely, then neurotic rejections of action will not occur; and it is neurotic rejections of action that often cause unnecessary illnesses.

Even a quick and automatic rejection or withdrawal from such stimulus is in itself a way by which consciousness knows itself. [...]

Now, in so far as everything is basically action, the personality is affected by outside agencies, but in a most basic manner it chooses those actions which it will accept or reject.

TPS3 Session 772 (Deleted Portion) April 19, 1976 crying feminine stereotyped hungrier noncompetitive

[...] So if he gives in to an impulse to cry then he feels he forces you to behave in a stereotyped male way—in a role you have rejected, and rightly so.

He also feels that crying is dependent in a feminine way, and goes against the fact that he has rejected the stereotyped feminine role. [...]

TES9 Session 437 September 18, 1968 notime painting blaring foreground segments

In the face of possible rejection, which old attitudes now and then make him expect, he adopts a rigid rather than flexible stance. There is no reason to expect such rejection to begin with. [...] Again, the point is that he covered up the fear of rejection, and tried to minimize the place of importance that the chapter has for him.

To him in this case an attitude: “I can take it, in case of rejection.” [...]

[...] But he was afraid to grant himself that release for the old fears of rejection stop him.

TES7 Jane’s Handwritten Note, Relating to Seth’s Comments in Session 313 Mossman McGraw Schaefer February Doubleday

[...] On February 16—(2 days after Valentine’s Day) they wrote a letter of rejection.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, January 14, 1969 Rachel Daniel Florence intellects Theodore

However, I knew that if you knew I had spoken earlier you would feel rejection, and I do not want you to feel rejection—except when I want you to feel rejection! [...]

TES8 Session 342 May 17, 1967 action sparked nonfact event intensity

The thought may be rejected, but there will be something to reject. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session November 24, 1972 thrashing felt uncherished deprived he

You were the one who could really hurt him if he let go, by your rejection of his emotional dimensions, he felt. [...]

Your answer, “Get up, or go into the other room,” he interpreted as the basic rejection.

TPS1 Session 503 (Deleted Portion) September 24, 1969 disruptive desire cue he september

He may then in the beginning want you particularly when you are working, to prove the point that he will not be rejected.

TPS1 Session 477 (Deleted) April 21, 1969 annoyance abundance reacting postponed adequately

[...] Postponement of reaction can then lead to a pattern of rejection, for you are rejecting the expression of your own emotions. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 565, February 1, 1971 probable act validity infinite selves

[...] If there was a strong emotional charge behind one of the rejected probable actions, it may even have greater validity as an act than the one you chose.

[...] Here the rigid assumptions of normal waking consciousness often fade, and you can find yourself performing those physically rejected activities, never realizing that you have peered into a probable existence of your own.

TPS2 Session 630 (Deleted Portion) December 11, 1972 badminton schedules psy goals someplace

[...] When it seemed you were rejecting him this aggravated his own doubts. [...]

TPS3 Jane’s Notes Thursday July 7, 1977 supernatural tho threw Thursday embarrassing

[...] Then, discovering that he was, after all, fallible, I felt betrayed; and worse I felt for some periods that he rejected me. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 9, 1971 secrets Valerie Maggie clouds agony

[...] It is as if the sky then decided to reject the black clouds and then, through association, decided to reject the white clouds; and, through association, to reject anything at all that might appear within it. [...]

TPS1 Session 385 (Deleted) December 6, 1967 committed deceit poetic Cron Le

[...] Another portion has so far withheld complete commitment, though the rejection seems greater by contrast. In others the rejection would come close to commitment, but for him this is not enough.

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