Results 1 to 20 of 334 for stemmed:reflect

TES3 Session 112 December 2, 1964 tree field reflections stationary mental

Yet these projections or reflections do not alter the fact, or change the basic nature of the so-called original mental act, and it remains as untouched by its own reflections as does the stationary tree remain independent from its reflections in the water.

A tree reflected in the water is still the same tree, and unchanged as the mental act is unchanged. As the reflection of the tree, however, gives a waving and distorted appearance, so as the idea is projected into another field it also is seen in a distorted fashion.

The action is only apparent or visible in a particular field when it adopts the camouflage coloration of the field in question. Basically the action has not changed. The camouflage distortion is like the effect that water reflections have upon the image that falls across the water.

TPS2 Session 640 (Deleted Portion) February 14, 1973 Tim reflected february Dialogues his

[...] Ruburt is working well with his beliefs, and seeing them reflected in all portions of his life as mentioned, Dialogues, some other thoughts he had only beginning to be expressed in Tim’s (Foote) letters and his work, are working together in a therapeutic framework.

Now you know that part of his deep love for you is reflected in these sessions. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 9: Session 636, January 29, 1973 grace guilt conscience punishment violation

[...] We return once more to that moment of reflection, for it is here that both causes and effects first appear. Dimly, in your terms, it can be traced by observing the animals that even now roam the earth, for each in its own degree — far less than yours — shows that reflection. [...]

[...] As your moment of reflection gave birth to consciousness as you think of it — for both really came together — so then can another phenomenon and kind of reflection give birth to at least some dim conscious awareness of the vast dimensions of your own reality.

The simplicity of natural guilt does not lead to what you think of as conscience, yet conscience is also dependent upon that moment of reflection that in a large measure sets you apart from the animals. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 4: April 6, 1984 blue SuperDuper periods Framework reflected

This will also be reflected in your concerns with books and [your publisher] Prentice-Hall — with any of your business concerns. [...]

[...] It worked out okay, yet it reflected my state of mind often these days — my fears, probably on a lot of subjects.

[...] Without thinking about such bouts particularly, I suppose I at least had taken it for granted that the blue periods reflected weaknesses on my part, say — times when I should have known better or wasn’t doing well. [...]

TPS5 Session 870 (Deleted Portion) August 1, 1979 upcropping bathroom jolted deep rearouse

[...] Your dream merely reflected fears about Ruburt. [...] The dream reflected your deep concern, and your fear that he might not make it, but get worse after all. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 8: Session 635, January 24, 1973 guilt violation shalt instinct Thou

[...] It needed the existence of a sophisticated memory system in which new situations and experiences could be judged against recalled ones, and evaluations made in an in-between moment of reflection.

[...] Any violation against nature would bring about a feeling of guilt so that when a like situation was encountered in the future, man would, in that moment of reflection, not repeat the same action.

I have used the phrase “moment of reflection” several times because it is another attribute peculiar to the conscious mind and, again in your terms, is largely denied to the rest of creaturehood. [...]

UR1 Appendix 8: (For Session 690) ocean climate plunge camouflage likened

Yet even these camouflage patterns must follow the basic rules of the inner universe, and reflect them, even if in a distortive manner. [...] So are all the other basic laws of the inner universe followed on every plane, and reflected from the most minute to the most gigantic spectrum.

TES4 Session 155 May 17, 1965 predictions contract clauses pendulum compact

The relationship with Frederick Fell will be a good one, although the present contract reflects the publisher’s caution, as well as the money already received reflects an impulsive belief in Ruburt on the publisher’s part.

This could reflect in the book itself. [...]

[...] His natural energies will carry him along here, and these energies will be reflected and caught in the book itself.

TPS3 Session 684 (Deleted Portion) February 20, 1974 paperback Seven worry optimum alone

[...] That brief recognition alone will give him a moment of reflection. The reflection will automatically set up a gap of time in which he is not acting automatically in response to the negative suggestion.

WTH Part One: Chapter 8: May 23, 1984 merry round horses youngster ride

In somewhat the same way, events appear and are reflected in reincarnational existences. [...]

[...] In other words, in one way or another the events of one living experience are reflected in each other living experience.

TPS1 Deleted Session April 15, 1970 poetry symptoms daemon displacement bookcase

In Ruburt’s case therefore the distrust of spontaneity was indeed reflected in all areas of his life, particularly in spontaneous activities in both physical and creative realms. The sexual portion of his being also reflected the blockage in spontaneity. [...] As the joy of life is reflected in all of your acts, affecting your work, bodies, environment and the people you meet, so your problems are also faithfully reflected in all of these areas.

TPS3 Session 787 (Deleted Portion) August 23, 1976 background cleavage opinions react triggered

[...] Ruburt’s feelings, as the two sides of the body now begin to line up more properly, reflect this. The dream experiences reflect the assimilation of conscious and unconscious knowledge, and a new growing unity. [...]

TES1 Session 11 January 1, 1964 mirror palm wrist fingers hand

[...] But by moving my arm, I discovered I could make this light wink on and off; it was simply red reflection from the candle. [...]

[...] Since the mirror is tall and narrow, we had to crowd in close on three sides of the little table, in order to see our reflections. [...]

(“Now the three of you see your reflections in the mirror, just as you should… Now watch closely, for I am going to change Jane’s image in the mirror, I am going to replace it with another. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session April 25, 1971 Carl premise Sue insecurity attitudes

(To Carl:) You must learn to reflect upon your own emotional states, to ride the emotions like a rider upon a horse rather than the other way around—and to show gentleness, to reflect more upon your own attitudes. [...]

[...] You seldom reflect upon them. [...]

[...] They were formed before you had any ability to reflect upon them, and now you have your relative dislike of reading, distrust of verbal expression, for example. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 658, April 23, 1973 hypnosis undivided hypnotist Sixteen attention

[...] In one manner of speaking, then, the suggestions you give yourselves constantly operate overall as beliefs that are reflected in your experience.

The repetition, verbally or mentally, is important because it activates biological patterns and reflects them. [...]

UR1 Section 2: Session 687 March 4, 1974 hawk worm giblets wren brain


(12:01.) Now: Section 2: “Parallel Man, Alternate Man, and Probable Man,” colon: “The Reflection of These in the Present, Private Psyche.” [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 9: Session 635, January 24, 1973 conscience grace birth abrupt was

[...] Again we come to the importance of that period of reflection, in which the self, with the use of memory, glimpses its own past experience in the present and projects its results into the future.

TES3 Session 119 January 6, 1965 outer ego Jung subconscious animus

When the outer ego, from the surface of its consciousness, reflects the outer world, it sees reflections of the inner ego which are the images within its own eye; and as the self creates matter subconsciously within its own eye, and as the self creates matter subconsciously and not consciously, and as the self creates matter in line with inner and not outer expectations, so then does the ego, in viewing the material universe, come face to face with the face of its own inner ego; and the outer ego cannot escape from this inner self.

[...] As the eye cannot see its own pupil without a mirror, so the outer ego could not even see itself, were it not that the inner ego hides in the depths of all reflections.

Talk about reflections, because Ruburt has an anima!

TES8 Session 354 July 19, 1967 slippages plateau weight recovery complete

[...] The deep color, however, of the blue reflecting his own desire for contrast.

Your intimate life will also reflect Ruburt’s complete recovery. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session December 6, 1978 view tooth teeth aspirations comprehensions

[...] Pain often acts as a teacher, saying “This direction is not for you” as it reflects painful thoughts. [...]

[...] Any health difficulties will flow into the pool of your beliefs—but the body is not meant to be more than the reflection and materialization of your inner reality as it appears in space and time. [...]

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