Results 21 to 40 of 1147 for stemmed:reason

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 910, April 23, 1980 genetic mice thymus research idiots

The reasoning mind, as you have used it thus far, roughly (underlined) since the birth of Christianity, has used—instead of used, confined—has confined its reasoning abilities to a very narrow spectrum of reality. [...] (Pause.) That is, the reasoning mind, as you have used it, considers that only reasoning creatures are capable of understanding life’s values. [...]

[...] Not only because both ends of the scale are necessary for genetic reasons, but also because idiots themselves are in no way considered failures or defects by nature. [...] Idiots also serve their role by moderating the sometimes fierce hold that the reasoning mind can (underlined) have upon human activity.

(Long pause.) Perhaps at first that prejudice of the reasoning mind might escape you, since after all mice are far divorced from your own species. (Louder:) There were Jews sacrificed to the same end not too long ago, and the reasoning was largely the same, though in that case you were dealing with your own species.

TMA Session Nine September 8, 1980 stomach Hall Prentice logic medical

[...] That is the result of the body’s magical reasoning — for the body reasons so quickly, so clearly and concisely (pause), that its deductions, its logic, are far too fast for the intellect to follow. The body reasons directly. The body’s reasoning transforms itself into action, with nothing to stand between its elegant logic and the (pause) logic’s brilliant execution. [...]



My present uncomfortable state isn’t drastic, by any means, but it is getting my attention — which, after all, is the reason I’m creating it to begin with. [...]

TES2 Session 65 June 28, 1964 land acre purchase house intimacy

[...] Since these sessions had begun late last year, Jane and I had thought that there must be good reasons why we had taken this apartment, then lived in it for over four years. I had never asked Seth the reasons, thinking that in some way Jane and I must be involved with Marion and James Spaziani; and thinking also that some time the reasons would begin to emerge in the material.

I am avoiding a direct answer immediately, and talking around the bush for a few moments for my own reasons, but I will not put you off. [...]

[...] Knowing the reason for these feelings should help you in recognizing their distant origin, and should make you more willing to be satisfied with less.

TPS1 Deleted Session January 18, 1971 trivial hopelessness fears anger evokes

[...] As a child he closed off the expression of emotion from his mother out of fear, and when the fear element becomes strong as it did later for a different reason, with Walt, and much later for a far different reason with you, the pattern was reasserted.

[...] He began in our work to become more aware of these feelings, and extremely frightened at expressing any of them, for many of the reasons given by me in the past.

[...] Depressions that are communicated allow the feelings to move on, regardless of the reasons for the depression.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 12: June 16, 1984 genetic deficient divergent qualifications elasticity

[...] Because the reasons for any such conditions can be so diverse, then life should be encouraged even in the face of deformities. If the consciousness involved has its own reasons for living, then it will make the most of even the most dire conditions. [...]

There are individuals who do choose ahead of time — in one lifetime or another — to accept such a divergent genetic heritage for their own reasons — often to experience life from one of its most unique aspects, and sometimes in order to encourage the growth of other abilities that might not otherwise occur.

[...] If it is understood that there is indeed a reason behind such circumstances, then that realization alone can help ease the parents’ burden, and help them decide which course to take in their own particular case.

TPS3 Deleted Session August 15, 1977 towels dedicated improvements ligaments synchronized

[...] There is no one reason why Ruburt has not used the hot towels with any regularity, or why you have not reminded him—rather, a combination of reasons. [...]

[...] We speculated, then, about the reasons or beliefs that lay behind this neglect on our parts. [...]

[...] This is one of the reasons, say, for the development of secondary symptoms of a medical nature, when one portion of the body is treated, and then other portions seem to develop symptoms. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session August 27, 1973 kiss redecorating hug spontaneity love

The reasons for the intensified difficulty for the past two months are not as important this evening as the material I am giving you. Some traces have to be made in the material delivered, and “timely” reasons are still connected to these patterns.

[...] A simple statement of fact, regardless of the reasons: Ruburt has a great but not neurotic need of expressions of love. [...]

[...] With the same directness he does not want anything to do with people he dislikes, for whatever reason.

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: May 12, 1984 discomfort birthday hemorrhoids uncomfortable downhill

Ruburt’s recent discomfort is partially caused by the fear that his body will not be able to completely heal itself, even if he does uncover all of the reasons for his predicament.

[...] What about those other reasons, then? [...]

The other reason for his discomfort has to do with his birthday, coupled with the idea of Mother’s Day, which is tomorrow.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, November 17, 1970 Rachel accident Ned Dennis hunting

[...] A universe in which, therefore, following logically, your consciousness is a combination of an accidental conglomeration of atoms and molecules without reason or cause that will vanish into nonexistence forever even as, indeed, they would have come from nonexistence. [...]

Once you accept, you see, that idea then you must, if you follow your thought completely through, accept the idea of a random accidental universe in which you are at the mercy of any accident; in which mind or purpose have little meaning; in which you are at the mercy of all random happenings; in which 300,000 human beings can be swept off the face of the planet without reason, without cause, simply at the whim of an accidental happening. [...]

([Janice:] “How deep should we go in looking for the reason?”)

ECS1 ESP Class Session, February 4, 1969 truth intellectually intellect win cracks

Now, there is no reason why truth should not be joyful, there is no reason why truth cannot play tricks, even with noses. And note to our friend, Ruburt—there is no reason why truth must necessarily be given in high intellectual tones. [...]

[...] And so that the scientist and mathematicians, the religious men, the philosophers, could find no fault with our reasoning. [...]

[...] When I say it and repeat it, I say it and repeat it for a reason. [...]

TPS1 Session 375 (Deleted) October 26, 1967 fragment twins sons father mother

[...] He wanted to be the father of three for his own reasons, rather than the father of one or two children, you see.

[...] There are of course reasons why the three sons were born within the family. [...]

The fragment also knows that this life is being lived for the particular reason given. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session August 29, 1973 Eleanor literary Prentice Dialogues business

[...] In the meantime Ruburt heard of the Bantam deal, and Eleanor was saying “Hold off,” without giving the reasons. [...] He had felt relatively in control, business-wise, used to dealing directly, and this is one of the reason why he and Tam work together intuitively and business-wise so well.

[...] And your reasons (for the symptoms of the last two months or so) will be given this evening.

First I have some other necessary pertinent information that will make the reasons for the latest episodes clear when we get to them.

TPS5 Deleted Session November 22, 1978 Jones Jonestown suicide temple quickie

[...] I figured that Seth must be giving a short session for a reason, or reasons, so I didn’t ask any.)

[...] The sect, called the People’s Temple, had been created by Jim Jones, a charismatic fundamentalist who had eventually been hounded out of the U.S. for many reasons, to then set up his town for his devoted religious followers in Guyana. [...]

Social injustices can cause circumstances in which people will give up reason, logic, and personal responsibility to follow a leader who offers them protection from an unsafe universe. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: March 10, 1984 Jeff resiliency Karder magic unimpeded

This does not mean that you must forever remain in ignorance, but it does mean that there are different kinds of knowledge, and that all of your information does not come by reasoning alone. [...] The reasoning mind alone, however, cannot by itself grow even the smallest cell, or activate the life of even one molecule, yet the growth and maintenance of the body is constant.

When you become too serious you overwork your intellect and tire your body, for then it seems that your entire life depends upon the reasoning of your intellect alone. [...]

TPS1 Session 562 (Deleted) November 30, 1970 noncontact divorce secrecy both sexual

This was the reason for his outrage last night. [...]

[...] For those reasons you felt most threatened when Ruburt broke in upon your painting time for intimate relations in the past. [...]

He did it precisely for that reason, although he was not consciously aware that he was trying to bring the problem out into the open. [...]

TPS1 Session 384 December 4, 1967 skepticism misused presence Guinnip wholeheartedly

[...] The purpose of the discussion was to unearth any reasons for the symptoms that we hadn’t touched upon, and we struck pay dirt here. [...]

This is also the reason for his strong reaction concerning spiritualism. [...]

[...] He was afraid for portions of himself, for reasons having little to do with me, per se. [...]

TES2 Session 62 June 15, 1964 gestalt cooperation identity energy maintained

The limits of identity are arbitrary on your part, developed throughout the stages of your evolutionary process, not for any reason inherent in identity itself, but merely for purely practical reasons on your physical field, having to do with the amount of matter that various kinds of identities could effectively manipulate and control.

[...] Your cocktail party, however, I found immensely amusing, and at a later date I may give you some reasons for its rather explosive nature.

[...] This is also one of the reasons why whole entities, as whole entities, do not exist in your field, but only separate, partially disconnected portions.

TES4 Session 181 August 25, 1965 ego absent environment anchorage map

[...] You have here one of the main reasons why you must request the subconscious to enable you to recall your dreams. The ego would see no reason for such a memory, and on general principles attempts to repress them.

[...] Physical reality is a rock to which the ego must cling, and from which it achieves its power, energy, position, and reason for existence.

For several reasons we will have a fairly brief session this evening.

TES9 Session 485 June 2, 1969 rent landlady raised Leonard resentment

[...] Now your landlady is in somewhat the same position, and it is for this reason also that a corresponding sympathy is set up between them. [...]

[...] Today Jane learned that his rent has not been raised, peculiarly enough, as of today, June 5. The lawyer never lived in the apartment, for whatever reasons of his own. [...]

[...] The man on the top floor always feels persecuted: for his own reason she seeks out situations where his feeling is justified.

NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 802, April 25, 1977 epidemics disease plagues inoculation die

[...] Those involved have private reasons, however. The reasons, of course, vary from one individual to another, yet all involved “want their death to serve a purpose” beyond private concerns. Partially, then, such deaths are meant to make the survivors question the conditions (dash) — for unconsciously the species well knows there are reasons for such mass deaths that go beyond accepted beliefs.

[...] Biological, sociological, or even economic factors may be involved, in that for a variety of reasons, and at different levels, whole groups of individuals want to die at any given time — but in such a way that their individual deaths amount to a mass statement.

(Pause.) These are the reasons also for the range or the limits of various epidemics — why they sweep through one area and leave another clear. [...]

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