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ECS2 ESP Class Session, April 21, 1970 Quebec idol god tribe Mabunda

(Class discussion re. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session April 16, 1979 taxes Joyce Bill Gallagher conventional

(I’d temporarily forgotten the dreams about Bill and Sue, although I have them selected for inclusion in Through My Eyes; they’re on file in that notebook. [...]

[...] The dream did involve Saturday’s visit with the tax accountant (Jack Joyce), which in a way was a re-creation of the dream. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 6, 1979 foreign Crowder money Prentice Ariston

[...] I sometimes have the feeling that we’re little more than ciphers to them. [...]

[...] At the moment we’re waiting to learn their reaction to correspondence from Prentice-Hall, demanding that the cut portions of the book be restored—a move I cannot see them complying with for economic reasons alone.

TPS4 Deleted Session August 27, 1977 tooth Arizona Inn teeth fallen

[...] I mention these details to show something of our situation re Seth’s last deleted session on “intruders” when we want privacy. [...]

[...] In the terms of which we’re speaking, now, having attained a certain but quite limited artistic career that you felt was more of a prison that no technique could help you escape. [...]

TPS5 Session 877 (Deleted) September 3, 1979 sperm order eggs spontaneous apelike

[...] They’re rough and too long yet, but Jane liked them. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 4, 1981 rollers cushion services absolute Frank

(Today I picked up from Mr. Steiner the life-size enlargements of my parents; they’re remarkably good, and I plan to paint portraits of the folks from them. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 24, 1983 McClure Christmas Madeline Sullivan ragged

[...] I’m grateful that we’re still together, and functioning, and all of the things we do that that statement implies. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session September 18, 1972 Susskind negotiating congratulations show excuse

(A note: Publicity at Prentice-Hall also told Jane that Newsweek Magazine might do a story or review re Seth, and that this might take place within two or three weeks, etc. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session July 3, 1978 particles quark Hoyle neutron faster

[...] (Rob: re particles & elements, created without end, distortive instruments, etc.—see session 19, January 27, 1964. [...]

TES8 Session 416 June 12, 1968 doctor fireside actor woman role

(“They’re okay.” [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 931, July 15, 1981 sinful overlays journal church bonding

“But you’re doing great, hon,” I told Jane after I’d read her journal entry. [...] If she has hassles, I added, they’re quite understandable: Not only is she offering our world creative new ways by which to understand reality, but in her uncertainty about what she’s doing, she feels that she must prove her ideas to the world all by herself—something that few people have to do in such an all-encompassing manner. [...]

[...] This is the last major stage we’re concerned with before a book is printed, other than okaying routine components like frontmatter proofs—meaning the table of contents, dedications, quotations from Seth and Jane, and so forth—and the index.

“Well,” I said, groping a bit, “what we’re seeing is the best the country can offer at this time. [...]

Now that we’re up to date, let’s begin the 931st session, which we sat for at 8:37 P.M. on Wednesday, July 15, 1981, as usual:

TES6 Session 278 August 8, 1966 Leonard postmark stamp geometrical postage

(“Well, you’re correct, the object is a card.”)

(I then said: “Well, you’re correct, the object is a card.” [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 729 January 13, 1975 astrology charts violets birthdate ant

(For pretty obvious reasons as far as we’re concerned, Jane and I prefer that Seth hold his book sessions in private, although Seth himself is more flexible here than we are. But as Jane has said, things are “calmer” psychically when we’re by ourselves: In trance or out, she can concentrate upon the work at hand, free of the presence of a third individual — one who is bound to radiate his or her own psychic characteristics. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 16, 1981 Sinful science mechanistic tainted outcomes

[...] They’re uniformly excellent. [...]

TMA Session Ten September 10, 1980 education Bowman official unlearning culture

[...] Right now I don’t feel Seth around, though, but we’ll see … My spine’s got all kinds of feelings in it that I’m not used to, but they’re good ones. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session February 26, 1972 repressed release ambiguous conscientious Elgersma

[...] The news made us regretful in some way; it seemed to suggest answers to some of our own problems re living costs, locations, etc. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session August 2, 1972 compliments concentration perform worrying dancing

[...] Then re-imagine the circumstances, seeing himself performing adequately, but without telling himself that he must be therefore perfectly all right on the next occasion. [...]

NotP Chapter 8: Session 785, August 2, 1976 sentence cellularly attuned grammar previews

[...] While we enjoy meeting people, we’re getting somewhat concerned because such encounters do cut into our worktime.

TPS4 Deleted Session June 7, 1978 creative mystical reorganized encounter reinterpretation

(We’ve already reorganized and condensed the morning suggestions, as Seth recommends our doing in this session, and find that they’re now much more effective. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 2, 1984 Carla crying Marie murderer nurses

[...] But they’re all great people and a joy to see and depend upon, and obviously they like us.

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