6 results for stemmed:r.f.b

NoME A Quotation from Seth outspoken r.f.b anybody tempered was

(A note by R.F.B.: Seth was often pretty outspoken in Mass Events when he discussed our medical beliefs and practices, and the unfortunate results they sometimes bring about. At the same time he tempered his ideas with passages like this one, from the 870th session for Chapter 10.)

NoME A note by R.F.B. overfrighten outspoken r.f.b annoying Manifesto
(A note by R.F.B.: Seth was often pretty outspoken in Mass Events
NoME A Verse from *A Psychic Manifesto* by Jane Roberts r.f.b Manifesto declaration unofficial verse

(A note by R.F.B.: This is the first verse of a long poem Jane wrote late in July 1979, as Seth was finishing his work on Mass Events. [...]

DEaVF2 Quotations from Seth in ESP Class quotations r.f.b breath alive uphold

(A note by R.F.B.: Jane had formally ended her ESP classes by March 1975, when we moved from our downtown apartments in Elmira, New York, to the hill house at the edge of the city. [...]

DEaVF1 Quotations from Seth heresy quotations boon r.f.b globe

(A note by R.F.B.: The following quotations are from sessions Jane delivered for her trance personality, Seth, just before and during the time she worked with him on Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment. [...]

TES5 Session 218 December 15, 1965 Priestley Peggy Dunne San seminar

(Note by R.F.B.: After Peggy and Bill left for Puerto Rico, I quizzed Jane to see how much geographical knowledge she had of the island. [...]