Results 141 to 160 of 504 for stemmed:qualiti

TES1 Session 31 March 2, 1964 camouflage creation killing plane entities

[...] They originate in the subconscious, it is true, but before this an idea quality is received by the inner senses. Sometimes this idea quality is received as intuition, where it sparks into the conscious mind. [...]

Incidentally, I was able to give you some of the information about Miss Callahan by drawing upon some of the abilities or qualities of Frank Watts, even though he is resting at the time.

TMA Appendix D Laurel metaphysics skepticism Magical science

[...] Very understandable, then, that Jane, both for herself and for Seth, would write so eloquently about the disparity between her psychic abilities and “the currently scientifically-oriented blend of rationalism,” as Seth describes that quality earlier in this Session Six for The Magical Approach.

DEaVF2 Chapter 12: Session 939, January 25, 1982 magical clouds approach singing Chapter
“Things I love” “My Good Qualities
Rob— honest
house— good-looking
views— talented many ways
sunlight— writing
nature— psychic
cats— poetry
some people— good mind
writing— good-hearted
many more—

[...] At once, however, I thought of adding these qualities to Jane’s attributes:

[...] She was fully aware that that quality became much more obvious in her class singing and sessions, but she didn’t have to consciously evoke it—the drama was just there. [...]

[...] My position is that all of the qualities listed, by both Jane and me, represent creative portions of her as she is—and I accept them all.

TSM Appendix: Session 504, September 29, 1969 fetus units stationary plants repulsion

In a manner of speaking, thermal qualities are involved, and also laws of attraction and repulsion. [...]

TPS1 Session 473 (Deleted) April 7, 1969 aggressive maze hurt college monks

[...] The reason is often a lack of a quality. The realization of the lack and the mental, emotional and psychic acquisition of the quality, brings the illness to a close.

NoME Part One: Chapter 2: Session 806, July 30, 1977 memory events past floating future

[...] Strictly speaking, it isn’t dictation for Mass Events, but Jane and I are presenting portions of it here because Seth discussed events and memory with a different emphasis, and touched upon aspects of reincarnation2 — all subjects that spring out of that ineffable, really undefinable quality he calls simultaneous time. [...]

[...] There is a floating quality about one portion of the memory.

TES7 March 27, 1967 Notes on Seth Session Held Saturday, March 25, 1967 Pat sitters critically classroom clicks

[...] When it is at its best there is an odd distant quality about it as if it comes from a long way off; and a funny surging in it. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 590, August 9, 1971 pope populace reign Caprina churchman

[...] The multidimensional qualities of the psyche allow it to experience an endless realm of dimensions. [...]

TES7 Session 320 February 20, 1967 compulsive pamper token denial sweaters

[...] This regardless of the harmful qualities of her own nature, the mother’s.

[...] At the same time through adolescence the quality of the ego had not sufficiently shown its true character as yet. [...]

TES9 Session 458 January 20, 1969 uncle bridgework available teacher accidentally

[...] In a past life you had no use for women, and therefore chose an existence in which you were feminine; not only feminine but endowed with those qualities that you had particularly disliked; because you feared those qualities you therefore lived with them and to some extent learned to understand them, though you are still left with some impatience when you see them in others.

TPS4 Deleted Session December 12, 1977 inoculations speakers disease medicine bacteria

The belief has been in the miraculous quality of science, under whose banner such inoculations began. [...]

[...] The quality of life is all-important. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 731 January 20, 1975 plant selfhood ancestral ancestors chromosomes

The animals were also accepted in this natural philosophy of selfhood as the individual plainly saw the living quality of consciousness. The characteristics of the animals were understood to continue “life,” adding their qualities to the experience of the self in a new way.3 You had better put “life” in quotes in that last sentence.

TPS3 Session 730 (Deleted Portion, First Part) January 15, 1975 monkey Carol leash Larry class

[...] He does not know how to use it as yet, so it appears not as a steady but as a rambunctious and sometimes distracting quality. [...]

UR1 Epilogue by Robert F. Butts Section Volume holes Unknown counterparts

[...] Those who are interested in the more detailed mechanics of Seth-Jane’s production of “Unknown” Reality, especially where qualities of time are involved, should review my Introductory Notes. [...]

UR1 Section 1: Session 681 February 11, 1974 unpredictability predictable probable atoms massive

To simplify a great deal: In modern physics it’s said that atoms are processes, not things; that atoms and/or their constituents can appear as either waves or particles, depending on how we observe them; and that these qualities exist outside of our coarse world of space and time. [...] It’s further said that our attempts to describe or visualize such nonphysical qualities inevitably cause us to misinterpret them; so the artist wonders whether the atom’s movement in more than one direction at once may not be perfectly “natural” in its own environment — some sort of ability quite separate from any play we may indulge in with words while trying to consciously comprehend it.

[...] In quantum mechanics this axiom maintains that it’s not possible to simultaneously ascertain the momentum and position of a subatomic wave-particle like an electron, say — electrons being one of the qualities that make up atoms. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 12: Session 649, March 19, 1973 race moral judgments wealth illness

[...] If you consider illness as a kind of moral stigma, then you will simply add an unneeded quality to any condition of ill health.

TPS7 Deleted Session October 22, 1982 Sheri England news Nancy Edwards

(When she began speaking for Seth her voice was stronger than it had been, and had a different monotone-like quality that was quite unusual. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 12: Session 648, March 14, 1973 geese animals instinctive disease beasts

[...] The cycles of health and disease are felt as rhythms of the body by the large variety of animals, and even with them illness or disease has life-saving qualities on another level.

(Intently:) They understand the beneficial teaching quality of disease, and follow their own instinctive ways of treating it. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, November 24, 1970 crossroads Derek soul Rachel flower

Now, consciousness is a quality of the soul. [...] It is a quality inherent in the nature of the spirit or soul, but it is far more. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session December 14, 1970 morose knees weekday emotional cold

[...] The emotional quality of furniture appeals to him, and without knowing it the emotional qualities of space do also.

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