5 results for stemmed:purifi

TPS3 Deleted Session December 10, 1973 adrenaline overproduction tension abnormal lovemaking

Give us a moment.... The sinuses are draining, and tension being drawn away from other areas of the body. This allows those areas greater freedom to relax. The condition however also raises body temperature (which Jane had noticed), so that certain necessary antibodies are released into the system that help clear the joints and purify the blood.

TPS2 Deleted Session July 17, 1972 Nebene Josef details suspicious purified

His methods worked very well in the transcription of his records, and purified his translations. [...]

(And, of course, recording the thousands of pages of the Seth material in my meticulous way for over 20 years surely reflects a large portion of the Nebene psyche: keeping his own “purified” translations of ancient records.)

NoME Part Three: Chapter 9: Session 862, June 25, 1979 born therapy crime law proven

According to other religions, you may be “earthbound” by the “gross desires” of your nature, “bound to the wheel of life,” condemned to endless reincarnations until you are “purified.” [...]

TPS1 Session 372 (Deleted) October 16, 1967 rage father mother shell catharsis

[...] She is expressing a rage that she would not express in the past, and it will purify her and leave her free. [...]

TES7 Session 292 October 10, 1966 cap beer Friday tipping trio

The generic patterns set up certain organizations among themselves, maintaining direction over some cellular functions, and are closely allied with the movement and purifying agencies of the blood, and also with kidney function. [...]