Results 141 to 160 of 655 for stemmed:process

TPS5 Session 917 (Deleted Portion) May 21, 1980 mistakes aspirations forgot asshole overvalue

In your realm of reality, mistakes are a part of the learning process. [...]

TPS5 Session 927 (Deleted Portion) November 10, 1980 bigger commotion bodily steadier firmer

[...] He can help himself by remembering what I am saying, by exercising gently at such times, and by remembering the miraculous processes within the body that are indeed supporting him. [...]

TES6 Session 274 July 20, 1966 chemical excess projections propelling asparagus

[...] Usually, and without training, the chemical excess is used in the dreaming process. [...]

Also in periods of momentary indisposition however, the dreaming process may be blocked and the chemical excess accumulated. [...]

[...] The intellectual processes are to some extent diminished in other positions. [...]

TES7 Session 303 Elmira, New York November 26, 1966 Gene seminar Baba chasm deception

[...] The separation process is illusion; nevertheless in this way a depth perception is achieved. [...]

[...] A legal process, connected with this individual—perhaps now.

[...] The process is eliminated.

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 912, April 30, 1980 genetic triggering Rembrandt conceptualize fetus

[...] It is the process of thinking that helps bring the brain into activity, and not the other way around (all quite intently).

[...] The precise orientation of that conceptualizing, and the precise orientation of the thinking patterns, wait for certain physical triggers received from the parents and the environment after birth, but the processes of conceptualization and of thought are already established. [...]

[...] You have your telephones, radios, televisions, your earth satellites—all networks that process and convey data. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session October 29, 1977 ligaments faith knees Rubin lubrication

[...] But I still thought it very strange for the eyes to cause problems if the body was in the process of healing itself, as Seth has so often said recently is the case. [...]

[...] (A great line.) The fear of the situation does not help, of course, for any such tension holds back the relaxing process—and the eyes are relaxing, and the neck and tendons, for example, letting go. [...]

[...] You must believe that in Framework 2 all of the necessary procedures involved in his normal walking are now happening, and believe that improvements and obvious states of that process will occur in Framework 1. The evidence will appear in Framework 1 as you believe it. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 4, 1977 waking sleeping rational prime Dialogues

The preparation of the bridges, again, is an unconscious process, done in sleeping, though some “maintenance” is also carried on beneath usual consciousness, even in the waking members of the species. [...]

[...] The eye condition is a part of that process. [...]

[...] When he becomes overly concerned with his symptoms, however, the same event occurs, the same process, but with negative results.

TMA Session Ten September 10, 1980 education Bowman official unlearning culture

You are unlearning right now, and discovering that this particular unlearning process is indeed highly educational (with emphasis). [...]

The body’s natural healing processes each day rid people of diseases, repair emotional or bodily illnesses — and such instances go largely unrecorded. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session May 31, 1978 edifice steal security walking protect

[...] Presumably, muscles and ligaments are still stretching, but the process has been very painful for her, making many movements she used to enact very difficult. [...]

[...] Ruburt’s faith in his body is growing, but each such situation, right now at least, can and should be a new learning process.

TSM Appendix: Session 503, September 24, 1969 astral fetus Sue pregnant withdraw

[...] It enters briefly into this process (of birth) but it does not become the new individual.

TPS5 Session 857 (Deleted Portion) May 30, 1979 suffocation parade fawned cats tabloid

The last session, its private portions for Ruburt, should be reread, with its emphasis upon creativity and trust in unconscious processes.

TES9 ESP Class May 6, 1969 subconscious surface mind birthdays sow

[...] Your subconscious controls all the vital processes and functions of your body. [...]

TPS3 Session 760 (Deleted Portion) November 10, 1975 recovery unexercised improvements trust ricochet

[...] An inner rebuilding process has occurred at all levels, necessary preliminaries for agility and balanced motion.

DEaVF1 Essay 1 Thursday, April 1, 1982 hospital Mandali backside thyroid arthritis

[...] Jane’s thyroid gland, Dr. Mandali finally told her, has simply ceased functioning, so the doctor has begun a program of cautiously rejuvenating my wife’s endocrine system, and thus all of her bodily processes, with a synthetic thyroid hormone in pill form (a low 50 micrograms to start). [...]

[...] That is, the individual is not just a side issue in what people usually call the evolutionary process—but he or she is the entire issue, without which there would be no species, no survival, no exquisite web of genetic cooperation to produce living creatures of any kind whatsoever.

(Pause at 8:05.) My 82 pounds of flesh were hauled, dragged, pulled, and stretched by good-natured but often impatient strangers—nurses and orderlies and aides—and the most private of my physical processes became a matter of public record. [...]

[...] Yet there was, I knew, a fellowship even in those processes—one that I had perhaps too long ignored: the quality of fellowship, as a species or a family or a community comes together to help one of its own kind. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, May 6, 1969 subconscious surface mind birthdays sow

[...] When you eat a piece of bread, your subconscious transmutes it into tissue, muscle, bone and blood Your subconscious controls all the vital processes and functions of your body. [...]

TES9 Session 468 March 17, 1969 Roy imposed pyramid robe checkpoints

[...] The learning process was far more effective in this manner—the symptoms serving as immediate checkpoints. [...]

[...] He was more determined to discover the reasons for his problems, and the learning process is much faster. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 660, May 2, 1973 foods vitamins overweight eat diet

[...] The literature and announcements act as strong negative suggestions, following the nature of natural hypnosis — as a conditioning process, you see, where you are looking for specific symptoms, and examining your body under the impetus of fear.

It becomes a counter suggestion, yet it is all a part of the same hypnotic process, based upon his belief in his original illness. [...]

[...] It never occurs to him to dispense with the belief — to realize that it alone sets up the conditioning process through the operation of self-hypnotism.

SS Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 540, July 6, 1970 reincarnation choose reenter cycle intermediary

[...] Others naively prefer to experience events in an extraordinarily intuitive manner, with the organization being provided by the associative processes. [...]

TES9 Session 501 September 17, 1969 Adam bridge Tam rfb Eve

Again: You can follow this process through... [...] If you follow this process say two-thirds of the way across, then you are more or less committed to go the other third of the way; committed in terms of your own good. [...]

[...] Later if the process is continued, you will make valid contact with the personality for whom Adam now stands. [...]

When the process is finally over you will be two steps ahead of where you are now, and two steps along this way. [...]

TES7 Session 284 September 7, 1966 root agreements assumptions spacious device

You have completely forgotten the chaos and unpredictable nature it presented to you before learning processes were channeled into specific directions. [...]

Your mental processes are formed and developed as a result of this conditioning. [...]

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