Results 341 to 360 of 655 for stemmed:process

TES2 Session 76 August 3, 1964 expectations constructions aggressive money g.i

[...] My personal thought was that our expectations concerning the house had been in the process of change, the loss of the loan being the natural culmination of this.

I will, then, begin with a short treatise concerning the importance of expectation, not only in the construction of physical objects from inner data, but also in the importance played by expectation in the actual sifting of inner data that is received, and in the importance of expectation in the interpretation of inner data after the sifting process has been carried about.

TPS4 Deleted Session September 12, 1977 Turkish outlaws monks leaders sword

[...] She could feel the process. [...]

[...] In healing, hot water, that is steam, can accelerate the process. [...]

SS Appendix: Session 594, September 13, 1971 acceleration Sue speed symbols Judas

[...] This same process can be followed regardless of the nature of the problem, or of your challenge.

[...] It was almost an inside-out process of going into trance, and as I watched Seth a few minutes later it seemed that Jane’s consciousness was rushing past her open eyes, beyond my comprehension of what speed is. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 541, July 13, 1970 cycle reincarnational charcoal choose Van

[...] The process of reincarnation is used in many ways, therefore, and in this time of rest individuals must decide on the unique way in which reincarnation will be of use.

[...] You, I believe, now working on the floor of a hut, involved in the final process of making charcoal. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 716 October 30, 1974 station drift home program focus

[...] You have momentarily dispensed with the usual, habitual organizational process by which you unite regular physical sense perceptions, so while you are “between stations,” you may well encounter mixed signals from each. [...]

[...] At least, I thought as I described the experience to Jane, I dared face my death in that life after the fact of its happening, even if I didn’t care to undergo the actual process.

TPS7 Deleted Session November 2, 1983 stone grunting spot Honey minerals

[...] It was very beneficial, my dehypnosis process. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session September 13, 1979 poet tradition creativity specific conflict

Those kinds of conflicts can only exist in a society in which the entire concept of creativity is segmented, in which the creative processes are often seen as inner assembly lines leading to specific products: a society in which the very nature of creativity itself is largely ignored unless its “products” serve specific ends.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 9: Session 638, February 7, 1973 lsd conscience oversoul nirvana Rooney

1. A note added a little later: For more on Dialogues, altered states of consciousness, creative processes, etc., see the notes following the 618th session in Chapter Three, and those for the 639th session in Chapter Ten.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 12: June 15, 1984 fetuses offspring cart born deficient

I bid you a fond good evening — and once again I activate those coordinates that encourage peace of body and mind, and quicken the healing processes.

TES8 Session 392 January 22, 1968 displaced minister Philip John committed

These are in the process of vanishing, but the lingering nature has expressed indeed his lingering doubts. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 887, December 5, 1979 library Archives journals unpublished copies

[...] We don’t know when our work will actually be ready for study: First we must get it to the library, and then the staff must see to its processing—which will be quite a project in itself. [...]

TPS2 Session 601 December 22, 1971 chants Sumari songs language ancient

The Sumari language itself will help Ruburt by freeing his concepts, and release him from the almost automatic process of translating data into stereotyped English terms. [...]

TPS2 Session 608 Deleted. Seth’s Preface: “The Manufacture of Personal Reality” April 5, 1972 correlating core Oversoul reincarnation brain

[...] The idea of time sequence is intimately connected, again, with the structure of physical matter as you perceive it, a way of separating and correlating experience so that it can be physically processed and correlated.

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 1, 1971 Joel Bette Indians kids didn

[...] And since this is a night when the process of telling secrets continues, let me tell one, I have been here before.”)

TPS5 Deleted Session July 12, 1979 science Greg Carson Colorado fiction

[...] Remember that its processes are creative.

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 17, 1984 Bactrim joyride car Cadillac maintenance

[...] At the end, the car or the vehicle is (underlined) returned to you, and the dream shows that you understand, now, the process that the dream outlined.

DEaVF1 Essay 2 Monday, April 5, 1982 explanations frenetic handset intercoms stoicism

[...] The same processes appeared in my husband Rob’s life, of course, as our lives seemed to impinge into the area of man’s greatest hopes, and into the opposite area of his greatest fears.

TPS6 Deleted Session May 2, 1982 intro bitch raging Robbie Walt

[...] We agreed her energy wasn’t any better than it had seemed before she went in, but at least Dr. Kardon’s treatment was supposed to be in the process of remedying that. [...]

TPS1 Session 477 (Deleted) April 21, 1969 annoyance abundance reacting postponed adequately

[...] Soon automatically the system becomes adjusted to normal action, and the process becomes automatic again. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 565, February 1, 1971 probable act validity infinite selves

In fact it is not a product in those terms at all, but a process of becoming. [...]

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