Results 321 to 340 of 655 for stemmed:process

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 25, 1984 Bible paternal Maude elders orally

Once again, I quicken those coordinates that are so important in the healing processes.

TPS3 Session 742 (Deleted Portion) April 23, 1975 strand debris healthwise untried feeders

[...] That will give you time for the sessions I have in mind and to continue the process of acclimation.

DEaVF1 Introductory Essays by Robert F. Butts essays wrenching addenda delve Lumsden

Yet, Jane and I were being creative with it all—the whole time—and moving several stages closer to understanding All That Is in the process. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 909, April 21, 1980 genetic deformities doodle gifted liabilities

The species is also always in the process of keeping within its genetic bank millions of characteristics that might be needed in various contingencies, and in that regard there is a connection, of course, between, say, viruses of many strains and the health not only of man but of other species.

TPS3 Deleted Session April 3, 1974 evidence smirk reviving beliefs Air

[...] As a part of that process he convinced himself that he could not use the body. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 584, May 3, 1971 mediumship forty rapport reluctance sold

[...] In this case, however, Ruburt’s ego gradually began to let its rigidity go, in a gradual process that allowed the whole personality, itself included, to expand.

NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 801, April 18, 1977 epidemics inoculation Mass Volume finished

[...] Ideally this desire for death, however, would simply involve the slowing of the body’s processes, the gradual disentanglement of psyche from flesh; or in other instances, according to individual characteristics, a sudden, natural stopping of the body’s processes.

[...] And how could such a creative process take place without her having at least some conscious intimations of it? [...]

Note that even though Seth finished dictating Volume 1 of “Unknown” Reality almost three years ago (in June 1974), and I completed my own notes and appendixes for it six months ago, we’re just now coming to the end of the long, complicated process involved in following the manuscript through the editorial and production stages necessary to get the book out into the marketplace. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 18, 1983 ants teeth Brazil Wade fire

[...] (Pause.) Even his “mistakes” in dealing with nature are a part of nature’s own processes, and are taken into consideration in the entire picture. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 7: May 13, 1984 parents illness youngster reward children

[...] I may or may not return, but I do activate those coordinates that accelerate your own healing processes and well-being.

TES7 Session 301 November 16, 1966 supraself supraconsciousness partaking action perceive

[...] Largely due to its abilities are the creative processes used, but hardly understood by the ego. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: January 31, 1984 dealer optimism car migrations Monarch

Again, I accelerate those coordinates that quicken Ruburt’s healing processes. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 13: June 20, 1984 Donald superbeing hero chocolate personage

Once again, I activate those coordinates that accelerate your own peace of body and mind, and quicken the healing processes.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 4: Session 619, October 9, 1972 beliefs imagination child punishment parents

Now: Ruburt has recently been in the process of recognizing some beliefs that he wants to get rid of. [...]

[...] The process of imagining will also bring you face to face with other subsidiary ideas that may momentarily bring you up short. [...]

SS Introduction chapter book unconscious mine Rob

Because of my own writing experience, I’m also well aware of the process involved in translating unconscious material into conscious reality. [...]

I was not connected in this way with Seth’s book, and had no awareness of the creative processes involved. [...]

Anyone can say, of course, that in Seth’s book the hidden processes are so separate from my normal consciousness that the final product only seems to come from another personality. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 29, 1983 flexing sweaty foot safe knee

[...] However, by this time Jane was in the process of straining, grunting and groaning as she moved her entire body to some degree. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 2, 1983 Georgia Wendy Cathy blue Christina

[...] When I cleaned her glasses for her I could see that her eyes were quite red—part of the healing process, I said. [...]

TES8 Session 334 April 12, 1967 row Pat tape seat Adrian

[...] Understanding the processes involved is of great benefit. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 19, 1984 Leonard Duper reader edition Lumsden

[...] He assimilates it far better, and this does allow the healing process to quicken. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 855, May 21, 1979 vocabulary scientific vowels professor syllables

It is not to say that you cannot understand the nature of the universe to some extent, but the answers lie in the natures of your own minds, in the processes of individual creativity, in studies that ask questions like: “Where did this thought come from? [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session September 20, 1978 murderers fabric victim shell Eastern

The Eastern religions exaggerated the importance of unity, almost losing the concept of individuality in the process. [...]

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