Results 301 to 320 of 655 for stemmed:process

TES8 Session 338 May 1, 1967 splinters environment dimension cluttered prime

The immediate physical environment of your own apartment, for example, is the result of continual inner processes with which you are not acquainted. [...]

TES9 Session 489 June 23, 1969 pyramid gradations interwoven faint diversities

You are a part of other systems that you do not know, and dreaming portions of your processes exist as thoroughly in other systems as your physical body dwells in this one.

ECS4 ESP Class Session, December 21, 1971 revelations scrambled labels Florence Sumari

[...] Your associative processes find a certain feeling of safety and familiarity, leaping upon this vowel and this syllable. [...]

UR1 Appendix 9: (For Session 690) Sumari sexuality song passivity female

[...] And so you are in the process of reuniting yourself, and discovering what the word “humanity” means. [...]

TSM Chapter Seven cab motel Peg tests Rico

Yet Seth managed to use the tests to demonstrate his own clairvoyant ability, further my education, and instruct us on the processes involved. [...]

[...] In a very deep trance, the inner processes are hidden even from the medium. [...]

TES6 Session 255 May 2, 1966 Maxine suitable photo Del identity

While identity and consciousness are regarded as the result of primarily physical processes, then the nature of personality will never be understood.

The inner self is always in the process of trying to perfect the nature of that ego which it has adopted. [...]

TMA Session One August 6, 1980 rational assembly magical approach measurements

[...] If you are a writer or an artist, then it seems that you must produce so many paintings or books or whatever as, say, an automobile worker must process so many pieces of the overall car chassis. [...]

[...] True creativity comes from enjoying the moments, which then fulfill themselves, and a part of the creative process is indeed the art of relaxation, the letting go, for that triggers magical activity, and that is what Ruburt must learn.

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 910, April 23, 1980 genetic mice thymus research idiots

[...] Since the thymus is very important in the necessary process of maintaining bodily resistance to disease, these particular mice have little resistance. [...]

[...] The proceedings, however, do involve a biological violation, a going against nature’s flow and intent, a process in which a form of life is made to go against its own value fulfillment, and it is because of such attitudes involving other kinds of life that the horrors of the Jewish war camps were made possible.

UR2 Section 6: Session 741 April 14, 1975 Street predict prime series probabilities

[...] As you do not consciously bother with all of the calculations necessary in the process of walking down the street, so you also ignore the mechanisms that involve motion through probable realities. [...]

[...] The same process happens again. [...]

TES9 Session 424 July 29, 1968 sepia varnish thoughtwords vacation synthetic

[...] Other portions of my entity are aware of it, by a process of mental osmosis, so to speak.

For simplicity’s sake, let us say that there is a process of change. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 27, 1983 Surgical nurses Pinnacle atticle ate

I may or may not return, but even the briefest of sessions helps regenerate the condition of healing, and quickens the healing process. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 10: June 3, 1984 adult pursuit rearousing tomorrow worsen

Again, I accelerate those coordinates that lead to peace of mind and body, and promote the healing processes. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 22, 1983 spasms surmised legs houseboat Margaret

[...] In the meantime he should realize that the process itself is therapeutic. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 10: Session 933, August 7, 1981 Bahais pleasure tribe dreamers Shiite

[...] Here, I want to stress the social aspects of dreams, and to point out the fact that dreams also show you some of the processes that are involved in the actual formation of physical events: You actually come into an event, therefore, long before the event physically happens, at other levels of consciousness, and a good deal of this prior activity takes place in the state of dreaming.

[...] His overall concerns of course to some extent blocked his creative processes, which further alarmed him. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 663, May 14, 1973 criminal power aggression violence prisoners

[...] If you are making no effective efforts to handle your own problems, then the symptoms will simply reappear in a new fashion, and the same process will be reinitiated. [...]

[...] A strong focus is a necessary counterpart, since you are involved in a learning process in which all elements inherent in the situation will be explored.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 8: Session 633, January 17, 1973 Augustus sirens thoughts perfect denied

[...] Think of one of the most pleasant events that ever happened to you and the reverse will be true, but the process is the same. [...]

[...] They are formations of energy assembled into invisible structures, through processes quite as valid and complicated as the organization of any group of cells. [...]

TES4 Session 185 September 6, 1965 chimney shadow photograph meats test

His efficiency in this healing process can indeed grow.

[...] As in the last test, the process of association involved proved to be most interesting.

TES8 Session 407 April 24, 1968 soaking lilting gentle development barriers

[...] I must disentangle concepts, unravel them, in order to explain them, and much is necessarily lost in the process.

[...] There is a change in blood count going on, an imbalance corrected, a decrease in white cells, and a bodybuilding process at work.

TPS7 Deleted Session October 18, 1983 violet Rembrandt enhanced stared hurrying

[...] I talked to her body once more in my process of dehypnosis. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 29, 1983 diet cream patient cure distress

[...] It is regarded by Ruburt as a possible embellishment—as an aid in the healing process that may or may not serve to be useful. [...]

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