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TPS6 Copy of inspirational type material received Saturday, February 6 Mona Lisa canvas solving problems

We have to go beyond that—the point of problem-solving or problem-focus —back to stressing the creative larger-than-life aspects, otherwise all we have is a better problem-solving framework. Nothing wrong with that of course but we’re still in the same arena only our explanations are better than official ones.

For Seth to comment on our world is okay, but for me to somehow insist that his material offer solutions to all of men’s problems is not— instead it limits the sessions creative thrust. The Seth material is supposed to put us in a different psychic position where the problems are solved automatically or are at least diminished or do not apply.... Only not concentrating on the problems brings in the needed extra material to solve them.

Seth as a “master event.” As the Mona Lisa is “more real” than, say, a normal object or the canvas that composes it, so is all good or great art more than its own physical manifestation. Consider art as a natural phenomena constructed by the psyche, a trans-species of perception and consciousness that changes, enlarges and expands life’s experiences and casts them in a different light, offering new opportunities for creating action and new solutions to problems by inserting new, original data.

TES8 Session 421 July 8,1968 spontaneity problems pent solved endeavor

Personalities bent upon great endeavors often set themselves great problems. The problems are not meaningless. [...] He has just been through one of the most difficult problems that he set for himself.

He works out many problems through his work. [...] If he insists upon four to five hours a day of definite work, many of his problems will be solved at an intuitive level by him. [...]

[...] Now the symptoms are not so pronounced and the other problem, which was there, shows. [...] Ruburt is at the tail end of these inner problems that have been there in this life since childhood.

TES9 Session 472 April 2, 1969 problems sculptor predisposes emergence boy

[...] In many cases the other is a younger individual who is more resilient, has more energy, a more instinctive use of the life force, who is better able to bear the problems for the whole unit, and who will actually escape from them. Sometimes he can solve the problem. Often when he leaves the problem simply falls back where it belonged originally—upon the shoulders of the parents. [...]

[...] Now physical illnesses that are not critical but observable, that do not involve the loss of say of a limb or of an organ, generally (underlined) represent problems that are in the process of being solved, problems that are in quotes “out in the open.” [...]

Now ideally the means have been given, with the problem out in the open, for correct solution. A healing process is definitely involved, even with the initial emergence of the symptoms, for the psychological system finally forces the problem out into the open. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session August 14, 1978 solve compounds defects perfectionism problem

Your whole civilization is immersed with the idea that the way to solve a problem–any problem, private or worldwide–is to exaggerate it, see its worst projection; and this, then, is supposed to make you take proper action. The approach unfortunately solves no problems, and only compounds them, whether the nation is trying to solve problems of energy, or social problems, or whether an individual is trying to overcome a dilemma.

You are so immersed in that method of problem solving, however, that it comes back to haunt you. [...] I will give you the answers to your questions, but they are not the way to solve your problem—and against all conventional knowledge, reviewing the mistakes of the past does not lead to wisdom.

(10:11.) When you become so worried, of course, you concentrate even further on the problem—how bad it is, and what will happen if it becomes worse in the future. The problem is, therefore, compounded to whatever degree—and when I give you both such reasons, then sometimes you use them, the two of you, to add to your private and joint self-disapproval.

TPS2 Session 629 (Deleted Portion) November 29, 1972 bodywise overcharged scot problem oversimplifying

[...] The more you handle your conscious beliefs and daily problems and relationships then, the healthier you will be in all areas, even if you do not solve the problems. [...]

The belief that a given problem cannot be solved can cause much difficulty, unless you freely and consciously give it up; particularly when inner organs are affected, this point plays a strong part. A diseased organ that is then removed through an operation often represents an unfaced problem, or one that is considered beyond solving. [...]

I did remind Ruburt that the body, the body’s condition, the negative aspects of the body’s condition, that is not the problem.

TPS1 Session 474 April 9, 1969 hopelessness afraid solve bitterness problems

The very attempt to solve the physical problems brings out inner abilities. The very attempt to solve the physical problems often solves the inner problems that are being projected upon the physical reality. [...]

[...] Seth returned almost at once, after I said that I wasn’t interested in solving our problems by simply changing jobs for more money – the problem was that I wanted time to paint, etc., and time for Jane to write.)

Now in your discussion you released some emotions, and this is beneficial, but you have not discussed such problems together in some time. [...]

TPS2 Session 631 (Deleted Portion) December 18, 1972 breakthrough brushes quintessence move problems

[...] You both thought in terms of problems when you considered money, for example; you thought of the problems involved.

[...] You must see how the problem acclimated responses leading to not moving, etc., on both your parts and continued Ruburt’s condition. You focused, both of you, upon the problem.

[...] The concentration upon the problems in all instances contributed to them to a large degree. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 29, 1978 worrying lumps massacres optimism knots

(Part of the session grew out of our recent reactions to the televised newscasts, as well as what we’ve been reading lately, concerning the mass suicide in Guyana, the shooting of the mayor of San Francisco, problems with inflation, the Middle East —any of what seemed to be an infinite number of ills the species has created for itself. [...] But I’m afraid some of my responses affect Jane more deeply, aside from her problems with her own reactions.

[...] Overall, however, the concentration upon any problem, upon its negative aspects, automatically increases the problem.

(By the same token, I try to keep Seth’s material in mind concerning her own challenges and problems, and this has helped enormously. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 1, 1978 Jastrow Carter Hebb cosmetics Sadat

(9:27.) Your evolutionary science, combined with your psychologists, so served to rob men and women of a sense of dignity and meaning that their problems and difficulties were in a way depersonalized. [...] The problem, say, of senility, would be an objective phenomenon that happened to you as a result of the body’s slowing down. Certain mental problems would be called schizophrenic —period—with little attempt being made to understand that a certain unique individual had drastic problems differentiating between realities.

[...] Most correspondents do not really expect you or me to solve their problems for them—but the hope is there that somehow the problems can be solved, and that the problems themselves are important.

[...] So to some extent many people write for an acceptance of their individuality—even if that includes severe problems—and you both must indeed be struck by the vitality and uniqueness of human nature. It does not mean at all that you should concentrate upon the problems people write you about. [...]

TPS3 Session 766 (Deleted Portion) February 17, 1976 backtracked options unresponsive demands abundance

Since you work together far more than most, it is rather natural for you to work out your problems together also. [...] Somewhat in the same way, you let your questions and problems physically emerge, where they would be out in the open, and Ruburt would no longer be afraid of your problems as well as his own, as he used to be.

[...] To some extent you have taken his progress, recognizing it for what it is, as an “opportunity,” or rather as an opportune time to tackle some of your own problems. [...]

[...] Beside that, Ruburt was able to help you to some degree—while before you felt that he could not because of his concentration upon his own problems.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, May 28, 1968 impart transmit solve am community

[...] There is joy also in the universe besides your problems, and the joy is paramount. [...] There are many answers in the material that will solve or help you solve many problems that seem so difficult, but you must solve your own problems. [...]

([Theodore:] “About problems, I’m wondering whether to make a distinction between a problem which is a personal thing in nature that we must solve on our own, and a problem that is not so personally oriented but community oriented where the decision you have affects someone else and can be a wrong solution. [...]

[...] I would give you if I could some idea to let you know that your problems are fleeting, but I can only tell you this. [...]

TES4 Session 159 June 2, 1965 cure sufferer illness program unsolved

An illness is a failure to solve a mental or psychological problem in the correct manner. As long as the illness continues the problem remains unsolved, and a vicious circle is maintained because of this unwholesome balance. The sufferer focuses upon the illness, therefore avoiding his task of functioning upon the problem.

The energy that would be used to solve the problem instead is spent maintaining the illness. It is therefore necessary that an attempt be made as soon as possible to solve the problem, which of course must first be discovered by the ego, which has avoided it.

The ulcer problem can indeed be solved by the personality himself. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session January 3, 1979 conscientious perfectionist gloried virtuous inferior

Your own problems can appear so large that you forget this. You are not inferior because you have problems. [...] You are not inferior because you have problems.

Before we begin, let it be understood that your problems are no more upsetting, disagreeable, or exhausting than other people’s. Many do not even reach your ages. Problems are a part of human life—a condition of your existence. [...]

[...] When the session began I half expected Seth to tell us to stay away from old deleted sessions, since as mentioned delving into the past can cause too intense a focus there, and reinforce problems, whatever they may be. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session December 4, 1972 Josef paintings fake channel underlined

[...] You must forget the idea as you have it, that your painting must serve to work out problems. In that framework you set problems.

The paintings are to provide illuminations which are the result of questions and not of problems. You know enough technically to solve any such problems in those old limited terms.

[...] Let yourself go with the joy of painting what you want to; but forgetting also, again, the idea that your paintings are working out problems, technical or not.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 641, February 19, 1973 therapy imbalances sculpture drugs chemical

The role-playing in the dream drama would be one in which you creatively worked out the problems that caused the imbalances to begin with. [...]

[...] This result stems from the psychic situation set up within any dream drama (pause), and in it the problems or challenges of your existence are worked out. [...]

[...] But naturally and left alone, any chemical upsets in the body will right themselves after the inner problems causing them are worked out through any of a variety of innate healing methods.

TPS1 Session 380 (Deleted) November 15, 1967 intuitional intellectual unlearned restraint self

[...] You must understand, in our discussions of late, we have been dealing with your current problems, and treating them in those terms for your convenience.

[...] The degree represents your practical ability to use inner knowledge to solve problems.

[...] You are solving many problems therefore now, since this is to be your last reincarnation in physical terms. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session December 6, 1971 disappointment emotional interaction inhibition relationship

[...] The whole problem however involves your work also, and solving one problem solves the other. Finding release in one gives you release in the other, and both of you chose therefore a life situation and framework in which precisely those problems you have tired to ignore should serve as challenges and impetuses.

[...] You made a pact not to discuss troublesome, frightening or critical problems, particularly those which did not seem to have an immediate solution.

[...] Neither of your ideas were tempered by the ideas of the other, therefore, nor were your feelings about these life problems. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 19: Session 669, June 11, 1973 imagination twenty simultaneous current solution

The same applies on what you may think of as a more practical level, in that each day also holds within it the answers to current problems. If you are aware of a particular problem (challenge), therefore, you can be assured that its solution is as much there and with you as the problem is. (Intently:) The solution is simply the problem’s other side, upon which you may not be focusing. There will even be clear clues as to the proper direction for you to take — these will already be within your experience, but unrecognized because you are concentrating so upon the problem.

Because you now distrust the imagination so, you do not understand the great clues it gives you, both in terms of problem solving and of creative expression. [...] A good percentage of your problems can be worked out rather easily through the use of your imagination.

[...] They can be drawn upon, drawn out, to help you understand current problems.

TPS2 Deleted Session February 21, 1972 discontent displaced freelancing elephants roared

[...] You will feel personally that you are solving problems that you are meant to solve, problems that are nevertheless created challenges having to do with the nature of painting, problems then and challenges that you consider quite worthwhile.

[...] The problems that beset you were so aggravating precisely because in a sense they were not your natural set of problems. [...]

[...] The basic “problem” (in quotes) again therefore has festered, gone underground, in the past. It was obviously one born from your basic creative natures—a challenge rather than a problem, but one that was interwoven with all kinds of social and economic and family connotations.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 661, May 7, 1973 Dineen evil territory ill severest

[...] This is not to be construed, however, as a statement that all creative acts result from individual problems or neuroses. [...] Such problems projected outward can never really be solved as far as the individual is concerned, of course, since their source is not understood.

Since the source is not understood, no exterior manipulation in the social structure will be effective enough, and the person involved will see the problem personified in every issue. [...] They will seem so minute in comparison with the problem.

(Pause.) In all of these areas the problem, whatever its nature or cause, is in one way or another “magically” transferred to another facet of activity, projected away from the self. [...] He then feels rid of the problem itself but is quite ready to attack it in others, and with great self-righteousness and justification.

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