Results 21 to 23 of 23 for stemmed:prerog

TPS1 Session 563 (Deleted) December 2, 1970 noncontact tendencies spontaneity role relationship

He was unused to setting himself up against his own spontaneity so strongly, yet when you did show signs of drawing the line, say, at fear of spontaneous sessions fairly early in the game, he felt on the one hand relieved, and on the other angry at giving up this new prerogative.

TES2 Session 76 August 3, 1964 expectations constructions aggressive money g.i

While many of your expectations are formed in childhood, no switch is really stuck in one position, and it is your prerogative to channel your emotional energy into whatever pattern for action you desire. [...]

TES9 Session 455 January 6, 1969 John Bill Peg fluids retention

[...] Symbolically in your case, and opposed to our Jesuit’s case, the retention of fluids has to do with the fear for your position, of refusal to give up, or the fear of giving up, prerogatives. [...]

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