Results 1 to 20 of 168 for stemmed:phrase

UR2 Appendix 13: (For Session 708) tree indexing combing phrase twinkling

(Seth’s phrase, “… you cannot see before or after what you think of as your birth or death….” triggered a set of associations for me, but they proved to have their complications. I thought I remembered a statement he’d made long ago, but now I couldn’t locate it within the body of his material. One by one my mental connections fell into place as I searched for it, yet for a time I was quite frustrated while I tried to physically verify my unconscious knowledge of its location.

(Next, the subject matter of the 18th session led me to recall that Seth had also discussed trees several years later. But this time, in spite of my system of indexing each session in at least a fairly adequate fashion, several days passed before I found the passage I wanted. Discovering it involved a patient combing of many sessions and notes. [If the indexes listed everything in detail, they’d end up being almost as long as the sessions themselves.] The search was worth it, though; now I had the key phrase I’d associated with Seth’s remark in Session 708. It’s underlined below for easy reference.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, February 29, 1968 Lillian dependent disintegrate joy taught

[...] (phrase left out) and that is why you are here. [...]

[...] (This was a phrase left out earlier. [...]

(First phrases after resumption lost. [...]

TES8 Tuesday, January 16, 1968: Personality Characteristics Billie evidential tossing convincing conviction

[...] Characteristic phrases used, also gestures, actions, way of tossing head. [...]

TPS5 Rob’s Dream Wednesday Morning, January 30, 1980 indeterminate brown brownish station slim

[...] Anyhow, he used a phrase that I remembered when I woke up: “I live in a brown-paper-bag part of town,” meaning a lower middle-class neighborhood; he implied that that was his station in life, and that he had no idea of trying to change it, or felt that he couldn’t. In the dream I wore a brown faded coat and perhaps a small matching hat. [...]

TES8 Session 391 January 13, 1968 Jerry Billie swearing Tony Vermont

[...] (All phrases of hers—and swearing.)

[...] I don’t know if nine o’clock every night, or if it was a habit, so that there was a phrase used, that said something like “nine o’clock is…” I haven’t got the word yet… “time”.

[...] I was not able to get all she said on paper, but got the gist of it and key phrases. [...]

TPS6 Jane’s Notes February 17, 1981 auctions messages public volatile responsible

[...] The very phrasing of the question and the word, responsible, shows its loaded nature. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, August 11, 1970 dazzle roses Kyle crushing turmoil

Now, again, after my cheery beginning, I offer you my fondest wishes, and I expect you to work hard for I do not give you pretty, easy phrases. And if you wanted pretty, easy phrases you would not be here. [...]

UR2 Appendix 17: (For Session 711) beta waves brain theta eeg

[...] All of us experience such altered states of consciousness often throughout each day, so the phrase itself should hardly mean anything mysterious — even though others usually look at Jane or me questioningly if either of us uses it in conversation.

(Even if beta waves, then, seem to be the “official pulses” of our civilization [to use Seth’s phrase from a session that will be quoted in part below], still Jane and I wonder: When aren’t we actually in a state of altered consciousness? [...]

TES1 Session 38 March 25, 1964 sixth sense fifth tissue sensation

[...] This is an extremely important point, and perhaps your phrase “to put yourself in someone else’s place,” most clearly approximates this sense.

[...] However I had to ask her to repeat several phrases, and thought she was tired. [...]

[...] The first laughing phrase she used was that she felt as though she was as big as an elephant.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: June 26, 1984 nirvana grass flagellation imprudent mulch

The phrase, “Might is right,” can just as well be written the other way around.

TES8 April 24, 1968 terrific sort fabulous really relegated

[...] Realized yesterday also, going over old notes, that my original ‘cosmic consciousness’ (borrowed phrases again) experience was with The Physical Universe as Idea Construction which turned into and developed into the sessions and Seth Material; the natural, intuitive, and logical development; which to a large extent I relegated to the background and sometimes even distrusted. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, January 21, 1969 violence curse justification honor Presbyterian

[...] (phrase omitted)... [...]

TES6 Session 259 May 16, 1966 pigment object Fox white shape

Now I do not like the term astral bodies, simply because of the sometimes weird connotations connected with the phrase. [...]

[...] A decoration, or something memorized, as four score and seven years ago… That is, a phrase known to many, and rather cliché.

(“or something memorized, as four score and seven years ago… That is, a phrase known to many, and rather cliché.” [...]

TES1 Session 13 January 6, 1964 enzymes chlorophyll solidified mental wires

(Jane dictates:) Why do you find the phrase solidified feeling outlandish? [...]

[...] (Pause.) You could almost say that mental enzymes become the tentacles which form material, though I do not find that a very pleasant phrase.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 9: Session 636, January 29, 1973 grace guilt conscience punishment violation

[...] Instead I’m usually concentrating on recording it, checking with Seth when I’m in doubt about a word, asking that worthy to repeat a phrase when I fall behind in the notes….

[...] Although I’d had to ask Seth to repeat several phrases.)

TES1 Introduction board pointer obtained parentheses onehanded

[...] On the night of November 26 we tried once again however, and this time among the random letters were a few words and phrases; enough to make us try again on the night of December 2/63. [...]

TES3 Session 116 December 21, 1964 censorship props procedure replenish proceed

[...] Some of the pauses between phrases were indeed quite long.)

[...] This might remove the impact from words or phrases that ordinarily would alert her to block them.

TES2 Session 71 July 15, 1964 grass Hubbell seed Ted matter

(Jane’s delivery had by now slowed up considerably; she began to take long pauses between phrases. [...]

(I saw nothing during this experience, but did hear an unidentified voice utter a phrase, clearly enough, but had lost it by the time I left the state.

[...] Father shook the newspaper rather emphatically, then spoke a phrase of several words that I have now forgotten. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 24, 1983 Thanksgiving Gail turkey Judy pranks

[...] She finished at 3:19, after having trouble with words and phrases. [...]

UR1 Section 3: Session 695 May 6, 1974 Mama Papa ancestors children official

2. The “officially accepted life” mentioned here reminded me that in the last (694th) session Seth used the phrase “your officially recognized idea of physical reality” in discussing the role probable events played in our world history. [...]

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