Results 21 to 40 of 133 for stemmed:persist

TES4 Session 164 June 23, 1965 impeding action illness stimuli unifying

The peculiar nature of the impeding action or illness has much to do with its persistence. [...]

In this case the illness could not be called an impeding action, unless it persisted long after its purpose was served. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 660, May 2, 1973 foods vitamins overweight eat diet

[...] These sleep-state effects were surprisingly persistent; although they were somewhat reduced when she encountered them again on Thursday night, they didn’t taper off altogether until the weekend. [...]

[...] Your belief will make them work for you, but if your insistence upon poor health persists, then the counter suggestion represented by the vitamins will not be effective for long.

TPS2 Deleted Session February 16, 1972 job leadership aspersions trip beacons

[...] Amazing, the beliefs that seemed so obvious, yet so persistent!

I cannot put it to you more simply than this: as long as you persist in considering the situation hopeless, then it is and you make it so. [...]

TES8 Session 405 April 18, 1968 touchy Montgomery quotes afraid spirit

He was outraged by A A, because he persisted in considering him as a “spirit”, in quotes, with all the connotations the word arouses in him. [...]

[...] Therefore the arm conditions still persist.

TPS3 Deleted Session October 13, 1975 Howard Venice Bumbalos prerogatives cancer

[...] She hasn’t written on Psychic Politics for a couple of days because of her persisting relaxed states.)

TPS7 Deleted Session December 2, 1983 Georgia Wendy Cathy blue Christina

[...] It helped, but the worry must have persisted, for I ended up taking soda at about 11:00. [...]

TES1 Session 39 March 30, 1964 Willy purring award portrait capsules

(Jane, not interrupting her delivery, had shaken loose from Willy’s most persistent assaults several times by now. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 9, 1983 gas tray leg aspirin mattress

[...] I was getting ready to leave when I asked Jane if she wanted Seth to return and talk about her discomfort with gas, which was persisting. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session (For Mary Smith) May 3, 1972 Mary hear sound husband listen

[...] It has taken you some time to develop these habits with such persistence. And so you can change them, using that same persistence and determination.

[...] The habit simply persisted, and you grasped upon it as the situation continued. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 1, 1984 parenthood simplicity unfavorable promise future

[...] Yet her mood persisted through lunch — of which she ate little, by the way. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session January 1, 1984 cans Cardwell fever Maude Betts

[...] I’ll use the pendulum again, but may ask Seth to comment tomorrow if it persists. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 9: Session 860, June 13, 1979 laws ideals criminals avenues impulses

[...] You are left with an undefined, persisting, even tormenting desire to do good, to change events, but without having any means at your disposal to do so. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session March 11, 1970 perfection hurt symptoms Jesuit whipping

[...] He has been tearing himself down psychologically in an effort to find out what has been wrong, that the symptoms persist. [...]

In an attempt to discover the reason for the persistence of the symptoms, he began to concentrate upon those in quotes “negative “ aspects of his personality. [...]

NotP Chapter 11: Session 798, March 21, 1977 classifications domain contradictions recesses proven

[...] You may say: “Granted,” yet persist, saying: “In our terms, however, when did the world begin, and in what manner?” Yet the very attempt to place such an origin in time makes almost any answer distorted.

TPS6 Deleted Session May 7, 1981 responsibility pleasure penance gloom incoherent

[...] We had a discussion about ways to minimize that feeling of responsibility, should it persist to any degree. [...]

TES8 Session 376 October 30, 1967 table sitters field sensitive Sheryl

Let Ruburt persist. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, August 20, 1968 classes sic choosy sailing withdraw

[...] It is the overall consciousness composed of the atoms and molecules within the physical structure and when the main personality has gone its way, this simple consciousness may persist for some time. [...]

TES4 Session 155 May 17, 1965 predictions contract clauses pendulum compact

[...] The coughing was not violent but it became persistent. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 18, 1981 Sinful Prentice Hall document dissertation

[...] The Sinful Self’s material is too long and complicated to describe here, except to say that it contains the Sinful Self’s own view of reality and its relationship to Jane’s background and work, it’s regrets, its defensive attitudes, its questions, and its genuine puzzlement that man has for so long —perhaps for most of history, indeed—persisted in the creation of and reliance upon such entities as the Sinful Self. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session January 19, 1976 unsafe coping race safe species

[...] The habit patterns, the attitudes, connected with the unsafe universe persisted, even as Ruburt became aware of the concept. [...]

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