16 results for stemmed:peripher

DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 891, December 26, 1979 probabilities resolutions fairy versions peripheral

Any of the probable actions that a person considers are a part of that person’s conscious thought. Just underneath, however, people also consider other sets of probabilities that may or may not reach conscious level, simply because they are shunted aside, or because they seem to meet with no conscious recognition. I want you to try and imagine actual events, as you think of them, to be (pause) the vitalized representations of probabilities—that is, as the physical versions of mental probabilities. The probabilities with which you are not consciously concerned remain psychologically peripheral: They are there but not there, so to speak.

The true power is in the imagination which dares to speculate upon that which is not yet (intently). The imagination, backed by great expectations, can bring about almost any reality within the range of probabilities. All of the possible versions of 1980 will happen. Except for those you settle upon, all of the others will remain psychologically peripheral, in the background of your conscious experience—but all of those possible versions will be connected in one way or another.

NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 812, October 1, 1977 paranoid Paranoia misinterpretation shared Peter

[...] Their reality is the result of the most precise balancing of forces so that certain mental events appear quite real, and others are peripheral. [...]

WTH Foreword by Robert F. Butts omitted hospital unrevealed route foreword

[...] We saw that if all of the peripheral material for each session was included, the book would be very long. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 22, 1981 Sinful redeemed grace church Self

[...] Some people, remember, are only peripherally involved with concepts or ideas. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 723 December 2, 1974 language rock sounds Neanderthal prehuman

[...] Dreaming, you are still aware of your daily experience, but it is seemingly peripheral. Waking, your dream experience is peripheral also, but you are less aware of that condition. [...]

NotP Chapter 8: Session 783, July 12, 1976 hub language cordellas circular wheel

[...] In dreams, experience is peripheral, in that it dips into your time and touches it, leaving ripples; but the dream events themselves exist largely out of time. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 16, 1977 ligaments improvements muscles thunder ankles

[...] They were not in the old locked position, and he was beginning to enlarge his peripheral vision, which though he did not know it, had previously been limited by the head motion. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 886, December 3, 1979 divine Zeus flat Zoroaster homogeneity

[...] It lacks all peripheral vision. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 581, April 14, 1971 particles ee faster m.h units

(9:45.) The behaviors of such units, as you can now see, form the particular camouflage within any given system, while the peripheral activities effectively set up inner identities and outer boundaries. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 30, 1981 Marie mother Sinful grandmother background

Marie also found peripheral relationships throughout later life, with nurses or attendants who turned into friends—and while her life certainly was not a happy one, it was not as tragic as it now seems to Ruburt to have been, so that the beneficial elements of that early background were used without quarreling, of course. [...]

UR1 Section 3: Session 701 June 3, 1974 Einstein physicist diagrams theories destroying

[...] Your peripheral vision might give you hints of what was to each side, or you might hear sounds that came from behind. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 659, April 25, 1973 hypnotist doctors witch hypnosis quacks

[...] His life constantly reinforces this concept, and while he is peripherally aware that some people are “nicer” than others, his main intimate experience allows him to see the best in others and in himself. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 5: Session 900, February 11, 1980 lampshades light Floyd colors spectrum

[...] As I rested face up in a very pleasant and peaceful state, waiting to enter the sleep state, I became aware of two extremely bright lights shining off to my right, beyond Jane’s form but within my peripheral vision. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 895, January 14, 1980 David suffering illness science genetics

[...] He knew what Jane was up to, but had only a peripheral interest in “psychic phenomena.” [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 8: Session 534, June 8, 1970 extinguished vision interference spelling alarmed

[...] Now, with memory of almost-forgotten episodes returning, I knew that this brilliant, shimmering pattern could spread so that as I looked at an object it would be obliterated, even while I still had peripheral vision.

UR2 Section 4: Session 712 October 16, 1974 planet beam space clusters speeds

[...] From that standpoint all others would seem peripheral. [...]