Results 501 to 520 of 865 for stemmed:period

TES8 Session 420 July 1, 1968 Bernard letter Dr temperature statement

[...] Except in periods of extreme physical heat however, the temperature changes and the resulting electromagnetic alterations, are easily converted into legitimate impressions of a clairvoyant nature, precognitive information, and so forth.

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 931, July 15, 1981 sinful overlays journal church bonding

[...] During this period Jane gave two regular nonbook sessions [on November 26, 1980, and on January 5, 1981], plus 48 private sessions, so we’ve been busy! [...]

[...] It seemed that that self had been at last goaded into rising to its own defense; for five days she wrote in periods of excited strain as it gave forth its contentions and defenses through 36 handwritten pages. [...]

[...] [During that 13-month period we also held 10 regular nonbook sessions and one more book session.] As she began to study that mass of private material on the 8th, Jane abruptly laid it aside to spontaneously write a complete outline for a book on Seth’s magical approach to reality. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session February 4, 1981 public exposure latest disclaimer books

[...] In each Seth book there have been layoffs, so to speak—long or longish periods in between certain sessions, while, usually, we held personal sessions in the interim; these were usually devoted to trying to get at the root causes of Jane’s symptoms. [...] It did make for some tricky work writing notes for Mass Events, say, to explain these long periods in between certain sessions in the book.

[...] It presupposes a vaster structure of personality and identity, period. [...]

TES4 Session 161 June 9, 1965 ulcer ego permanence rejects sham

[...] As she spoke now they began to open and close periodically. [...]

[...] But these periods were brief, and were quite a bit short of the almost deafening volume she obtained in the 158th session. [...]

TES6 Session 267 June 13, 1966 begonia plant office chain monolithic

[...] (One of our cats nearly killed a young robin today, and Jane is trying to nurse it back to health.) The episode however was one of a series of interruptions of your private hours, and I do seriously recommend that you be allowed your work period without disturbance.

[...] He has been rushed, in a period of high activity.

TPS6 Deleted Session April 16, 1981 Sinful science mechanistic tainted outcomes

(Long pause.) I do not want to give you too much charged material in a concentrated period of time. [...]

TES9 Session 488 June 18, 1969 local defeat mess incident cybernetics

He is aware of this, but you are real to him in all of your Robert Butts time periods. [...]

SS Appendix: ESP Class Session: Tuesday, February 9, 1971 Bernice predestination aristocratic slums justification

(Jim H.: “The decision was made when that previous personality had returned to the whole self for a period of reevaluation?”)

SS Part Two: Chapter 18: Session 572, March 8, 1971 symbols bank visual silence unrelated

[...] In the most important dream work, done in the deep protected sleep periods, the symbols are powerful enough and yet condensed enough so that they can be broken down, used in a series of seemingly unrelated dreams as connectives, retain their original strength and still appear in different guises, becoming in each succeeding dream layer more and more specific.

NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 820, February 13, 1978 Framework technique art monotony vaster
TES8 Session 412 May 27 1968 bouncy transmitters pyramid inert woman

Now, when you are weary you do not have sessions in any case, and this sense of dedication can be better maintained with alternate periods of work and rest.

TSM Chapter Twelve Doris Matt reincarnation Rev Jon

“Shortly, training periods will begin. [...]

[...] There are various periods of training that vary according to the individual.

[...] His present parents were his brothers in the American Revolutionary period in the same geographical area as now. [...]

DEaVF1 Essay 1 Thursday, April 1, 1982 hospital Mandali backside thyroid arthritis

[...] During other longer periods, say, those resources may direct themselves toward healing or dreaming—or possibly both.

[...] A rather strong northerly wind periodically rattled the house’s metal blinds. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session January 1, 1973 Adventures Eleanor Rich writer Tam

[...] Following that period he began to realize that Adventures for the present had served its purpose. [...]

[...] There will be others (period).

UR2 Section 5: Session 723 December 2, 1974 language rock sounds Neanderthal prehuman
TPS6 Deleted Session June 9, 1981 Kubler Ross kr redistributions slothful

[...] This does occur in rhythms, periods of assimilation being usually though not inevitably necessary. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 20, 1983 Kim Pete Evans Fred Infirmary

[...] She also explained something to me about indigence—how, after a certain period of time Jane and I would be considered separate people so that she could qualify Medicaid payments, I believe—and that, even if they got after me to make up those payments, I could refuse to do so. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 893, January 7, 1980 dreamers language ancient cooperation ancestors

(8:58.) During this period, incidentally, mental activity of the highest, most original variety was the strongest dream characteristic, and the knowledge [man] gained was imprinted upon the physical brain: what is now completely unconscious activity involving the functions of the body, its relationship with the environment, its balance and temperature, its constant inner alterations. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 30, 1971 ant revelant relevant cop answer

[...] To the alternate periods of peace and tumult that flash through your being. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 13: Session 555, October 21, 1970 anima female male animus Jung

[...] In rainy weather, there is an added electrical resistance within the atomic structures themselves — a sort of delayed reaction, hardly perceptible in physical terms — a delayed period before the vertebrae come to rest again, so to speak, in the desired position.

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