Results 181 to 200 of 865 for stemmed:period

TES2 Session 49 April 29, 1964 Jim Tennant Inquisition Ruth Lundgren

[...] He was involved in the Inquisition period, and also like Roarck still has remnants of old rigidities.

[...] The cruelty which he inflicted upon others during the period of the Inquisition was inflicted with the most pure of purposes. [...]

The personality has endeavored to right old wrongs, and has succeeded to a great degree, but at the risk of sacrificing inner spontaneity, and even at the risk of losing the very authoritative aspects of his nature, so that there is still a tendency to follow rather than to lead; simply because in the period of the Inquisition he was in a place of authority, he led; and he led men into atrocities committed in the fine name of principle and religion. [...]

TSM Chapter Nineteen: Psychological Time dials trivia peeping Psy flip

[...] You may have various kinds of subjective experiences, from extrasensory episodes to simple periods of inspiration and direction. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 3: March 21, 1984 inferior fortify everywhere environment injustice

[...] Period.

TES3 Session 116 December 21, 1964 censorship props procedure replenish proceed

[...] This is of course a training period, and he may become momentarily uneasy, but never frightened. [...]

Clock time is one prop that even in our usual sessions Ruburt is accustomed to rely upon, though not of course to the extent that he relies upon it in the periods of more ordinary consciousness.

We will also initiate more question periods in the future, Joseph. [...]

NotP Chapter 3: Session 764, January 26, 1976 modes exercises scenes associations daydream

[...] Done over a period of time, they will open up alternate modes of perception, so that you can view your experience from more than one standpoint. [...]

[...] If you persist, then over a period of time you will discover that you do very well in certain areas, while in others you may fail miserably. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session June 3, 1978 pendulum recover walk issues specific

(Through the day Jane herself received periodic insights from Seth about the condition, mostly having to do with her fears that she wasn’t walking enough, and not trusting the body to do its own thing in the recovery process. [...]

[...] The neck areas are releasing—but at any given day or period, right now, one or several areas might well be stiff or uncomfortable.

[...] Over a period of several weeks, for example, he will have dealt with specific incidents and his reactions.

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 13, 1984 Karina Lynn electrons Russian falter

Mankind lived without such designations for a much longer period than he has used them. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 8, 1981 Cec Curt cheesecake Ellspeth Saturday

[...] These clues are seemingly oddly assorted ones involving such issues as cheesecake, the repair of an old chair, old photographs and a photography shop, and the meeting of an old acquaintance after some period of time. [...]

These are all quite mundane events, of course, yet they show over a period of a few days glimpses of the inner order of activity, similarities and coincidences that actually lie at the heart of events, and serve as their true organization. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 7, 1977 Keefe resources Ms Framework renewing

[...] His illness made performance more difficult, and yet in periods of rest he would start out again expecting to make the same leaps, and so often he did.

When for whatever reason you feel unsafe over a long period of time, or when you begin to retreat, in a frightened fashion—for there are many kinds of retreat—then you cut down your options to whatever degree, and you must of necessity cut down your expectations also. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session August 27, 1977 tooth Arizona Inn teeth fallen

[...] There are long periods where he can read properly. [...] In other periods he can work on his preface and his own to notes for the book, and leave himself open to new inspiration.

[...] You should not let those periods collect, however. [...]

(Intently:) There is no reason to fear a prolonged period of improvements that “go nowhere.” [...]

TPS3 Session 707 July 1, 1974 Tam warmest salesmen Willy injured

[...] You are both in a good period of transition, and Willy is showing you the nature of healing. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 24, 1983 McClure Christmas Madeline Sullivan ragged

[...] She said something about hospital policy being to review cases after a six-month period, but I couldn’t elicit from her when Jane’s current six-month period might have begun. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session December 10, 1977 relaxation shoes suggestions inequalities inoculation

[...] Jane has also given herself one such period of suggestion.

[...] She’d also noticed similar effects after our first suggestion period. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session September 18, 1972 Susskind negotiating congratulations show excuse

He is now at a point where he can use this kind of help, where admittedly in the past he was not (period).

[...] Ruburt did put himself through what he considered a necessary period of stress and training. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, September 21, 1971 pyramid Martin Whatever autumn myths

[...] You have the tendency to rest after you have been doing well for a time, but the period of rest is over. Now your periods do not always match. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 13, 1982 rewired dozing hash mcg toast

[...] While she was thinking it over—at my urging, periodically—I went into my writing room to do some work on the intro for Dreams. [...]

TPS2 Session 628 (Deleted Portion) November 15, 1972 Ching gamelike coughing Murphy Nope

[...] I told you before that some physical gamelike period should be adopted, and suggest your rackets and birds —but activity that is considered fun.

TES6 Session 263 May 29, 1966 verbatim bleak Boston published Tennessee

A 4 and a 6, with a block between, the block having to do with a period of time. [...]

TES8 Session 356 July 27, 1967 Stephen Ferd Pete Australian Osburn

[...] Only one of them a day to begin with for a two-week period, and then the two of them may be done each day. [...]

[...] However, the future event predicted was bound up with a series of events that would have had to occur within that two-day period. [...]

[...] His periods of communication are necessarily brief, simply because he is unable at this time to utilize his energy to that direction with any effectiveness.

TPS4 Deleted Session September 19, 1977 impediments Framework financial accelerated merged

Now: Ruburt has been looking through some old papers, and it became obvious that over a period of time his journals show two main concerns—or, rather, main interests and goals: his writing and his attempts “to get better.”

[...] In your intimate periods, to some extent at least, impediments become minimized through love and desire. [...]

[...] In the time framework of Framework 1, the time period could not contain such accelerated mental or psychic motion, so it appears in your terms of time during our continuous session. [...]

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