Results 121 to 140 of 865 for stemmed:period

DEaVF1 Chapter 6: Session 906, March 6, 1980 viruses indispositions biological immune dog

[...] These are natural interactions, and since you live in a world where, overall, people are healthy enough to contribute through labor, energy, and ideas, health is the dominating ingredient—but there are biological interactions between all physical bodies that are the basis for that health, and the mechanisms include the interactions of viruses, and even the periods of indisposition, that are not understood.

One note to Ruburt on vitamins: They are most effectively used for periods of two or three weeks, where they act as stimuli and reminders to the body. [...]

[...] There are decisions made in periods of time so brief you cannot imagine them—reactions that are almost over before they begin, reactions so fast you cannot perceive them as the body responds to its inner reality, and to all the stimuli from the exterior environment. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 16, 1977 ligaments improvements muscles thunder ankles

[...] You were not having sessions during part of that period. [...]

[...] Period.

You are another such period, where “conditions are working for you.” [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session August 20, 1977 materialistic spray jaw glasses forecast

(Yet several times today, again, Jane experienced brief period where she could read much better without her glasses than with them—quite phenomenal changes, in fact.)

As you know, many people acquire all kinds of glasses when their eyes are in temporary periods of stress. [...]

[...] They impede the liveliness of the eyes over a period of time; the eyes’ responsiveness is connected with the ears’ responsiveness, and with balance.

TPS4 Deleted Session November 12, 1977 Framework modern sales animal manlike

[...] She has periods when her eyes coordinate well; she has learned now that the eye difficulties are deeply involved with the other muscular changes taking place.

[...] They did not need long periods of protection as infants, but in an animal fashion were physically more agile at younger ages than, say, the human infant.

[...] This would also give us a great chance to check it out over a longer period of time. [...]

NotP Chapter 4: Session 770, April 5, 1976 puberty sexual sex male biological

[...] A time then comes when the period is over. [...]

Biologically there is a period very rarely experienced, as jokingly suggested in the “sick jokes” about senility and second childhood. [...]

A transitory period is currently taking place, in which women seem to seek the promiscuous sexual freedom more generally granted to men. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 729 January 13, 1975 astrology charts violets birthdate ant

[...] Many are born the same day of any given year, and generally within the same time period — but individually the inner triggering may be far different, so that while the overall conditions at birth may appear more or less the same, the inner reactions to them will vary widely. Period.

[...] I said that the seasons came and went, and that many crops of spring flowers grew there over a period of time. [...]

[...] Your experience of time and motion, as you know, is relative, and in comparison with your own relatively brief lives the planets seem to endure for almost endless periods. [...]

TES3 Session 92 September 28, 1964 dreamer dream cohesiveness object universe

For one thing, and I will go into this deeper shortly, those who now know existence on the physical level more or less because of certain cycles lived before on the physical level at about the same historical periods. They possess an inner familiarity, a cohesiveness that belonged to a more or less specific period, and to periods before, where they inhabited the same sort of physical universe.

You know that many, but not all by any means, dream symbols approximately mean the same thing, but only approximately, and only for a particular group of human beings who experienced reality on the physical plane for a comparatively short period. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session May 5, 1981 panic superself dj poohed Sinful

You are being carried through this period, by the way. You are being protected for this period. [...]

[...] Generally speaking, however, both the physical discomfort and the panic have passed their intense periods. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session July 4, 1981 bondings matrix safety bindings abandonment

[...] There are also periods in people’s lives, rhythmic times, when the self seeks to cast off certain such bindings for the pursuit and acceptance of still further data and knowledge. [...]

The old attitude kept reinforcing the idea of self-disapproval, accusation, period. [...]

Now the body has suffered its difficulties, and there is no way out of it except to understand that there are difficulties of growth, regrettable at certain levels in particular—but growing pains nevertheless, extending over a period of time, tensions resulting over a person’s natural tendencies toward value fulfillment and knowledge. [...]

TES9 Session 486 June 9, 1969 passageways Pietra guests Ernie drugs

[...] For various reasons we will not discuss this evening the experiments being conducted now over a period of some weeks, and they will not be tried again until your autumn. This has to do however with the conductivity of cell structures and your particular atmosphere during these periods.

[...] The initial 7-hour period mentioned by Seth would have placed Dr. Pietra within our environment early on the morning of June 10, perhaps an hour before our usual rising time. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 2: Session 518, March 18, 1970 astute march environment chapter lapse

(A note: I thought it would be of interest to show, by periodically recording the time, how long Seth takes to deliver a certain amount of finished material for his book.)

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 921, October 8, 1980 schizophrenic devil demons personifications debased

[...] They present a kind of chain of command—one that is not usually permanent for any long period, however.

[...] Period.

[...] Some stood for forces of nature that could very well be at times advantageous, and at times disadvantageous—as, for example, the god of storms might be very welcome at one time, in periods of drought, while his powers might be quite dreaded if he overly satisfied his people. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session December 3, 1973 money beliefs concentrate financial complexion

[...] He was, in a small period of time, encountering his beliefs in reality as he knows it, therefore.

In this period just passed Ruburt encountered your family in a crisis situation, opened to influences previously denied in terms of some brief traveling and dining out and spending money, while considering the very large expenditure for the house, and at the same time not working regularly or having my sessions.

Let Ruburt return to the definite 3-or-4-hour writing period, involving what he understands of Sumari time, interspersed with what you are doing to change the environment in the apartments—a good mixture of the mental and the physical. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 10: June 7, 1984 older segregation population nutrients diet

The weight of unfortunate beliefs perhaps falls heaviest on the older segments of the population, for the beliefs have had a longer period of time to operate relatively unimpeded.

[...] That period also contains certain rhythms in which normal healing processes are highly accelerated, and the life force itself does not wear out or lessen within a body. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 21, 1984 movie Cecce animals Georgia unicorn

[...] It certainly offered no insights into how the human young were cared for over the long period necessary while they simply grew.

[...] (Long pause.) Period.

TES9 Session 452 December 2, 1968 destruction planet violence chaos massive

[...] He also learns by his successes, and there are times when he holds his hand, moments of deliberation, periods of creativity. [...]

There are periods, cycles if you prefer, through which such identities live and learn within your system. [...]

There have been various periods that were peaceful, but there was no equality. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session May 1, 1978 bodybuilders verbal disapproval coaches pessimism

[...] They led Ruburt into periods of time in which he enjoyed simple pursuits—the making of a meal, for example. [...]

In between, there were periods of body soreness in one area or another, which he and you handled well, remembering what I said. [...]

[...] When Ruburt relaxes he does not stare so, and the relaxation periods are of great benefit to the eyes.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 13: June 20, 1984 Donald superbeing hero chocolate personage

Before we continue, I would like to remind the reader that in the middle of these or any of the other problems we have been discussing, there may be a period of depression, or the feeling that one’s own problem has no solution after all.

Sometimes such episodes last for long periods of time, but they can also appear for just several days, clear up spontaneously, and return again perhaps years later.

TES7 Session 299 November 2, 1966 lassitude peek rigidity complete yawning

[...] It should be noted that during this period he did not fall considerably below his usual performance with me in our sessions.

WTH Part One: Chapter 9: June 1, 1984 panel Robert Oil Conz Sr

[...] Period.

[...] It’s quite a psychic, psychological, and physical education to stare at oneself in a mirror over a period of three months!

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