Results 1 to 20 of 171 for stemmed:pendulum

TES8 Rob Pendulum Q&A June 12, 1967 tomato canned corn pendulum margarine

(It will be remembered that Seth has mentioned allergies re Jane and food on occasion in a mild way. I thought a detailed report of what foods Jane should avoid would help alleviate her symptoms, if there was any relationship. My pendulum said there was. The answers I obtained did not vary and the pendulum gave definite yes-and-no answers, without quibbling. To me this meant there was legitimate data there.

(The list is a summary of three other pages of detailed notes, which are on file. To my surprise, when Jane checked the list with her own pendulum at about 8PM, before the session, she received definite answers that agreed with each item on my list. A qualification appeared only under the chocolate headings where Jane’s pendulum said she could use the dry malt mixes now in stores, as opposed to the regular old-time cocoa used in baking, hot chocolate, etc. I definitely did not expect such complete agreement on Jane’s part with my list.)

(June 12, 1967. Summary of my pendulum question-and-answer session about Jane’s food allergies. According to the pendulum the answers obtained are not projections of my own problems.

TPS5 Deleted Session October 25, 1978 pendulum teeth soothe Kosok responds

Here, however, you are allowing the subconscious a greater range of expression; or you can ask for such writing to give further background on a yes-or-no pendulum answer. It does take some time to understand why the pendulum answers as it does, but it will be responding not only to your question but to the greater framework and the emotional circumstances connected with it. It is very difficult, when you are honestly concerned, to then be unconcerned as you work with the pendulum—and yet, for the best results you must attain the state of mind in which you let the answers flow, unconcerned as to whether the answer is yes or no. Otherwise your very concern affects the results, of course, and the pendulum will “treat” your fear first.

Had you been more relaxed when using the pendulum, “it” would not have needed to soothe your fears, and would have realized that you were quite capable of learning the answer. [...] When using the pendulum, it is a good idea to mentally place a distance between your conscious mind and the pendulum, in which fears are allowed to dissolve, so that body and mind are smooth-enough. [...]

[...] This after the pendulum had insisted many times over the past few weeks that the teeth were perfectly all right. [...] My pendulum told me often that the teeth were responding to my negative projections that the two volumes of “Unknown”weren’t going to make much of an impression in the mundane world, no matter what we said or did.

TPS3 Deleted Session September 20, 1975 pendulum distress Leahys money equivocate

(We’d achieved some good success with our mutual pendulum suggestions for Jane, twice daily, over the past several weeks. Early this week, however, I began to feel very much out of sorts; I let the pendulum sessions go as far as Jane was concerned. At the same time my own distress physically led me to ask my own pendulum questions. As usual, I discovered that the pendulum is a very reliable tool for me. I also found out, though, that this time the pendulum gave me such a variety of responses —different ones each day, practically—that at first I didn’t know how much stock to put in its answers. [...] The pendulum told me I was worrying about everything from taking too long in producing The “Unknown” Reality to stewing about spending too much time painting, to worrying about my own seeming lack of income. [...]

(However, by late in the week I could see patterns emerging through my use of the pendulum, all concerning related feelings, doubts, etc., and was reassured that I was on the way to uncovering the source of my physical distress. [...]

(Then today, Saturday, my pendulum told me that I felt guilty about using painting time when I should be working on Seth’s “Unknown” Reality, since the painting wasn’t bringing in money, etc. [...]

TES4 Session 155 May 17, 1965 predictions contract clauses pendulum compact

(This evening Jane checked with her pendulum technique, and learned that it would be best for her to sign the contract as it stands. [...] The pendulum also advised her against a trip to New York City at this time. I asked myself the same questions with my own pendulum, and received the same answers. [...]

Ruburt may trust the pendulum, although care should be taken as far as predictions are concerned, though with training the pendulum will give valid answers to predictions.

(Lately we have begun using the pendulum to “verify” the validity of our predictions, and our interpretation of them. To our surprise, we have discovered that the pendulum does not always agree with our conscious interpretations. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session June 3, 1978 pendulum recover walk issues specific

Now: you worked with the pendulum yesterday. You did not work with the pendulum however regarding those specific events (since they all took place after our morning pendulum work). [...]

[...] According to the day, the situation, you may then want to work with the pendulum, considering some specific event or issue from that day—but this need not be a lengthy session at all. With your discussion, perhaps 10 minutes with the pendulum would be sufficient, The pendulum also can be used when any event occurs—again, when specifics apply.

[...] The writing down allows for the immediate release and expression of feeling that becomes impossible with so many pendulum questions. The pendulum can also be used quite effectively, for only a few moments, but habitually, before bed—the two of you together—with Ruburt suggesting that he will rest comfortably and awaken refreshed in the morning, that he will have a therapeutic sleep.

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: May 9, 1984 pendulum gums birthday Marie isolation

(Because of the interruptions by staff, Jane didn’t stay long with the pendulum. She said she also felt that she should cover up her use of the pendulum, that “people will really think I’m nuts.” I said that the truth of the matter is that no one paid the slightest attention to the pendulum lying on her belly, nor even understood what she was doing. I added that she had to be true to herself, that her troubles came from her not being so, and that if she wanted to use the pendulum then she should do so.

(Jane did get a few answers, and was able to hold the pendulum better in her left hand than she’d thought she could. [...] The pendulum said it could help her open a clear road to motion. She did get the feeling of weight or motion while using the pendulum, which she said was a good sign. [...]

(Jane tried using the pendulum I carry in my wallet; this followed from our discussions about my using the pendulum of late. [...]

TPS3 Session 701 (Deleted Portion) June 3, 1974 teeth tooth Teleprompter dentist filmed

[...] I have reinforced this with the pendulum today; I used suggestion at once after the session last night. [...] My pendulum confirms my new attitudes. I plan to reinforce the new suggestions daily for some time with the pendulum and without—but I already feel that a change has taken place.

(After the session I told Jane that my pendulum had told me that my tooth was bothering me because I was worried about her teeth these weeks. I hadn’t asked the pendulum questions about my attitudes toward teeth and my parents, though I had suspicions as to my beliefs in those areas. [...]

[...] I had asked the pendulum about it today, but didn’t tell Jane what I had learned. [...]

TES7 Session 321 February 22, 1967 sweaters release sensitivities pendulum reliable

[...] You are reaching deeper layers of the personality as you progress with the pendulum. Ruburt could put himself in a light trance state before a session, and you could ask the questions while he holds the pendulum.

You have been doing well with the pendulum, and the exercise has successively opened up communication with deeper layers of the self. [...]

(“Are we reaching the proper levels of the personality and are we getting reliable answers with the pendulum?”)

TES4 Session 152 May 5, 1965 subconscious resiliency pendulum layers ego

The pendulum is an excellent manner for reaching the personal layers of the subconscious. [...] For practical purposes it is excellent policy to check often with the personal subconscious through use of the pendulum.

When you purchased attire, testing it out first with the pendulum would actually be very effective. The pendulum ideally would be held above the garment in question. [...]

Later you will not need the pendulum. [...] All the information, for example, that I gave you earlier, very much earlier, concerning say your refrigerator, and the unsuitability of its location at that time, such details could have been received through the pendulum.

TPS2 Deleted Session January 9, 1973 Eleanor Rich pendulum Bed lesser

[...] We hadn’t asked the pendulum this question. [...] While Jane used the pendulum I gave some suggestions. [...]

[...] While Jane used her pendulum I gave suggestions, after reading this session to her. We went over what we had learned through Jane’s pendulum about an innocent remark of mine, that Jane didn’t have to ask Eleanor to return the script of Rich Bed after a two-week period. [...]

[...] We learned much with the pendulum today, and kept hoping we had finally unearthed the symptoms’ cause. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session January 2, 1984 bandages itching pendulum powdery scratching

(I appreciated Seth’s comments on my use of the pendulum. On the whole, since I began checking with the pendulum, the itching has been gradually subsiding. [...] That feeling has always been my personal sign that I’d [been?] on the right course with the pendulum. [...]

[...] I explained my answers to the scratching through the pendulum—that I was “itching” to get back to work on Dreams after several interruptions. [...]

You were correct as you worked with the pendulum. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session April 11, 1978 overemphasis pendulum lifework career triggers

If the pendulum says it does not regard.... [...] (Long pause.) If on page 2, say, the pendulum says that it feels the symptoms are no longer necessary, then in following questions for that day take that answer as given, and do not ask questions that would undermine the given answer, as if you do not trust it. [...]

[...] Check pendulum for good things done in past. Check pendulum for good things done in past we’re pleased with now.)

(I also asked Jane why she hadn’t done much about her eye condition since it began a year ago, other than an occasional pendulum question, or the sessions Seth had mentioned it in. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session May 6, 1970 chat resentment pendulum penis straight

[...] I have been periodically using the pendulum to get at my own situation, and did not tell Jane. Of course she knows I use the pendulum, and with excellent results; but I hadn’t told her about this other inquiry.

[...] All of this verifies what I’ve learned on my own, through the pendulum.”

(More of what I had learned with the pendulum is verified by Seth in more material throughout the session.)

TES7 Session 314 January 25, 1967 restraint err ailments pendulum discipline

Now give us a moment.(Pause.) The sessions with the pendulum are of great advantage. [...] I suggest, however, for this evening that you hold your pendulum session now and then return here for my comments. [...]

[...] Instead Jane and I worked with the pendulum and achieved good results.)

[...] Your help with the pendulum sessions therefore greatly increases their effectiveness. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session May 17, 1978 Neuman locomotion Seven legal resilient

Your pendulum work, your determination, and the sessions have aroused Ruburt’s determination to act physically, rather than to retreat, and your suggestions concerning safety are important. The last page of your pendulum material is excellent.

[...] Checking with the pendulum, when any possibly annoying events occur, is excellent.

Your pendulum work is at the point where you are lulling fears, and in the process of dissolving them to a normal level. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session April 3, 1978 toe Rockefellers mark unconscious Walt

(The story of what we’ve been up to the last few days can be found in Jane’s records of her pendulum sessions since March 28. [...] This means working with the pendulum, suggestion, selfhypnosis, whatever’s needed, to get at the root of her troubles. [...]

[...] As a result of our work with the pendulum this morning, Jane was so relaxed by session time that she didn’t know whether she could manage a session. [...] Tonight’s session was excellent, and should of course be studied in connection with the material we’ve already accumulated through pendulum work.)

(It appears that we’ve already made a small beginning; through the pendulum we’ve arrived at several categories of belief to explore. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: June 24, 1984 canker chemotherapy lemon nirvana philosophies

[...] To cut the story short, I’d used the pendulum last night, and it insisted that I’d developed the canker out of worry because I wasn’t answering fan mail.

(I used the pendulum again this morning, as soon as I was out of bed, and received the same answer. [...]

[...] And once again, I’d reinforced my faith in that simple tool, the pendulum — for me, at least.

TPS5 Deleted Session April 9, 1979 taxes groin paying kitty hassles

(I’ve received various answers from the pendulum on the background causes for my upset; not really contradictory, by and large, but signifying to me that in spite of my concern I hadn’t been willing to buckle down and really work at uncovering the beliefs causing the unrest. [...]

(I was a little surprised at Seth’s mention of taxes, since my pendulum hadn’t brought this fact out. [...]

(At 8:30 PM, Tuesday, April 10, 1979, pendulum says:

TPS4 Deleted Session June 5, 1978 Framework stimulated pendulum walking impediments

(This morning, following the suggestions Seth gave in the session Saturday night, Jane and I embarked upon a new program of suggestion through using the pendulum, writing down feelings, and so forth. [...]

[...] There is nothing wrong with asking “Are you afraid of thus and so?” of the pendulum, for example—particularly when specific events are involved, and where action is possible. [...]

Your pendulum exercises—and again, they were helpful—were still largely Framework 1 references. [...]

TPS1 Session 377 (Deleted) November 6, 1967 success jealous virility caps castration

(Here Seth clears up a point in Sunday’s pendulum session, in which the pendulum told me I was not jealous of Jane, but envious of her success. [...]

(Sunday afternoon, November 5, I devoted to a long pendulum session, concerning my attitudes as related to Jane’s symptoms; it was most beneficial and rewarding, and we were anxious to have Seth’s comments on it this evening.

(Complete notes made during the pendulum session are on file. [...]

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